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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00359 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2.343 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00359
CNY 0.402
TIREX 0.21
RIPLE 0.12
5479027f sent 0.0003 MAESTROCASH to
3de48c1c sent 3,433 CNY to
e6efd748 sent 3,433 CNY to
fa361a22 sent 0.06 TRONTRX to
cc517dbc sent 3,514 CNY to
43255782 sent 3,514 CNY to
04a9e198 sent 2,893 CNY to
74468293 sent 2,893 CNY to
0a81a220 sent 0.001 SWIFTCOIN to
e03d54ee sent 0.1 TURION to
e1d9f4cc sent 1,869 CNY to
36587dd4 sent 2,051 CNY to
b2a43fac paid 275.6 BTS for 405 CNY
9a5c32fe paid 29.97 GDEX.EOS for 1,647 CNY
a4df16b2 wants 1,647 CNY for 29.97 GDEX.EOS
3e5733ab cancel order
ae734da7 wants 405 CNY for 275.6 BTS
7ad37c06 cancel order
a3bcab27 wants 1,678 CNY for 29.97 GDEX.EOS
cc044587 cancel order
0aa722fc wants 413 CNY for 275.6 BTS
b24d5fb2 cancel order
4753a75d wants 1,768 CNY for 29.97 GDEX.EOS
59749f59 wants 496 CNY for 275.6 BTS
031502b2 cancel order
22078257 cancel order
11dcc3e2 wants 427 CNY for 275.6 BTS
30994e37 wants 1,573 CNY for 29.97 GDEX.EOS
2d887c38 wants 275.6 BTS for 335 CNY
virtual paid 335 CNY for 275.6 BTS
f7dbba02 cancel order
54bb334f wants 277 BTS for 335 CNY
927e5d8c wants 30 GDEX.EOS for 1,436 CNY
virtual paid 1,436 CNY for 30 GDEX.EOS
5ef28e8f sent 1,790 CNY to
8a2dc8eb paid 37.1 GDEX.EOS for 1,299 CNY
2f1d537c wants 1,319 CNY for 37.7 GDEX.EOS
virtual paid 0.571 GDEX.EOS for 20 CNY
c133e6e1 wants 471 CNY for 495 BTS
virtual paid 495 BTS for 471 CNY
fa2efb55 cancel order
31f1263c cancel order
15bded73 wants 1,380 CNY for 37.7 GDEX.EOS
fcfaa03a cancel order
1205d2b3 wants 1,387 CNY for 37.7 GDEX.EOS
f4810f9b cancel order
f191ba84 wants 481 CNY for 495 BTS
7c475e8f cancel order
9369f4e8 wants 495 CNY for 495 BTS
6b099633 wants 2,149 CNY for 37.7 GDEX.EOS
b7423ad3 cancel order
16ef4a32 sent 4,407 CNY to
5368ba7d wants 4,407 CNY for 3,565 BTS
virtual paid 3,565 BTS for 4,407 CNY
cc73dd69 cancel order
e0645ce9 wants 4,407 CNY for 3,563 BTS
4d1e01fb cancel order
efd587b7 wants 4,407 CNY for 3,560 BTS
f8a67fdb cancel order
ea32e475 wants 4,414 CNY for 3,560 BTS
b9010d76 cancel order
f2f1e264 wants 4,521 CNY for 3,560 BTS
3b7604d1 cancel order
9a4f6c97 wants 4,528 CNY for 3,560 BTS
f28689da cancel order
4766f04b wants 4,535 CNY for 3,560 BTS
2f40f515 cancel order
4f47ae43 wants 4,557 CNY for 3,560 BTS
9c517b6c sent 9,862 CNY to
28aed6f2 sent 5,000 CNY to
58e05414 wants 2,224 CNY for 37.7 GDEX.EOS
7a75eb4d cancel order
03be2024 wants 2,149 CNY for 37.7 GDEX.EOS
3d3ea70c paid 2,000 CNY for 37.7 GDEX.EOS
dab9102e paid 800 CNY for 500 BTS
9ee17ef5 wants 37.7 GDEX.EOS for 2,000 CNY
e8b8b0c8 wants 500 BTS for 800 CNY
7e6d18f1 paid 3,780 BTS for 7,106 CNY
88537075 paid 501 BTS for 941 CNY
6eb60273 paid 2,997 BTS for 5,634 CNY
c8e69255 wants 13,681 CNY for 7,277 BTS
4ae46845 cancel order
77e97712 wants 13,765 CNY for 7,277 BTS
f8503d24 cancel order
053975a0 wants 2,305 CNY for 1,213 BTS
cf36df23 paid 1,950 BTS for 3,655 CNY
b20c891c wants 3,981 CNY for 2,124 BTS
virtual paid 173.7 BTS for 326 CNY
aa87799c cancel order
89d68aa2 wants 4,749 CNY for 2,125 BTS
976176be wants 2,125 BTS for 4,748 CNY
virtual paid 1,216 CNY for 546 BTS
virtual paid 3,532 CNY for 1,580 BTS
eb9d4661 sent 5,010 CNY to
1d1b0978 paid 2,543 BTS for 5,010 CNY
3dd8d109 wants 5,010 CNY for 2,543 BTS
b70f7277 sent 4,850 CNY to
bbd1e1fc sent 5,016 CNY to
e199322d cancel order
7a953721 wants 3,137 CNY for 784 BTS
adafc06b cancel order
ca86c59b wants 2,188 CNY for 784 BTS
3e37f42f sent 5,579 CNY to
70bb0b92 wants 5,570 CNY for 2,159 BTS
virtual paid 2,159 BTS for 5,579 CNY
92af40cf sent 6,264 CNY to
472df9a5 sent 5,225 CNY to
f4258187 sent 860 CNY to
822995da sent 860 CNY to
e4322658 sent 603 BTS to
ffdf8f59 wants 604 BTS for 978 CNY
6b1eb13b paid 35.9 CNY for 22.17 BTS
57467c11 paid 252.7 CNY for 156 BTS
e205a4e5 paid 252.7 CNY for 156 BTS
7ddde23a paid 135.3 CNY for 83.5 BTS
290df48f paid 126.3 CNY for 78 BTS
0fe5ad85 paid 161.7 CNY for 99.8 BTS
aa500bfd paid 7.9 CNY for 4.87 BTS
3aac9c20 paid 5.48 CNY for 3.38 BTS
8ecc110f cancel order
15230092 wants 615 BTS for 978 CNY
07f9a2d4 cancel order
b2df349f wants 619 BTS for 978 CNY
3894329c cancel order
f4034a32 wants 621 BTS for 978 CNY
c40f766b sent 4,700 CNY to
25a0747c sent 4,000 BTS to
c51fd19d cancel order
bb80a601 wants 11,025 CNY for 3,500 BTS
d4ea9b87 paid 9,850 CNY for 3,456 BTS
83bb14c7 wants 3,456 BTS for 9,850 CNY
488d38a0 cancel order
278cff18 wants 3,518 BTS for 9,850 CNY
321ee3b3 paid 970 CNY for 285.3 BTS
0b875aad wants 285.3 BTS for 970 CNY
46098f61 paid 993 CNY for 283.7 BTS
76522f04 wants 283.7 BTS for 993 CNY
2091053d paid 996 CNY for 258 BTS
5e2d71d2 wants 258 BTS for 996 CNY
07526caa paid 939 CNY for 237.7 BTS
68ee69fa paid 59.8 CNY for 15.14 BTS
ce9b61b7 wants 253 BTS for 999 CNY
aadbd076 cancel order
ba6535f9 cancel order
3ab0186d wants 255.5 BTS for 999 CNY
56996010 wants 1,750 CNY for 250 BTS
8039b6c7 cancel order
e7756569 wants 1,500 CNY for 250 BTS
05af19f6 cancel order
b23d1123 wants 1,404 CNY for 250.7 BTS
09f1f340 cancel order
39087651 wants 1,300 CNY for 250 BTS
673a823f cancel order
d12932f2 wants 1,225 CNY for 250 BTS
3c37218d paid 1,001 CNY for 250 BTS
3f50ca1b wants 250 BTS for 1,001 CNY
f17b360c cancel order
35e9dd6b wants 256.7 BTS for 1,001 CNY
57a50361 cancel order
e53bc55c wants 263.4 BTS for 1,001 CNY
af650f55 cancel order
11d9211b sent 102 BTS to
17ba4417 wants 270.5 BTS for 1,001 CNY
32c43f9f cancel order
e17c2638 sent 300 BTS to
f2aaa373 wants 256.7 BTS for 1,001 CNY
5c7867e2 paid 1,005 CNY for 213 BTS
87bc8143 wants 213 BTS for 1,005 CNY
94b3a381 cancel order
a8bb4182 wants 213.3 BTS for 1,005 CNY
ff70ce9a paid 1,000 CNY for 188.7 BTS
161edd88 wants 188.7 BTS for 1,000 CNY
a0a822a1 cancel order
3dd66e1e wants 189.4 BTS for 1,000 CNY
180a63cc cancel order
87228516 wants 192.3 BTS for 1,000 CNY
2b4db531 cancel order
473fc047 wants 204 BTS for 1,000 CNY
b5945e62 sent 336 BTS to
30f9f7e9 cancel order
69db1b94 wants 2,224 CNY for 337 BTS
10c14c70 sent 70 BTS to
51f33d3c paid 380 CNY for 65.1 BTS
8835e5d2 wants 65.1 BTS for 380 CNY
dc36d9d5 cancel order
c39bc910 wants 2,206 CNY for 342 BTS
ad659064 paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.00001 BTS
64187076 paid 222.2 CNY for 38 BTS
e66f9e89 paid 134.6 CNY for 23 BTS
6652e162 paid 387 CNY for 66.2 BTS
2f30cc64 paid 507 CNY for 86.7 BTS
6cc835a1 paid 748 CNY for 128 BTS
48a47ee5 wants 342 BTS for 2,000 CNY
a2581a49 cancel order
741422c5 wants 345 BTS for 2,000 CNY
3f3fa112 paid 478 BTS for 2,380 CNY
d0b8af47 wants 2,380 CNY for 478 BTS
c933f79e cancel order
452c2bd4 wants 2,390 CNY for 478 BTS
e61e9d47 cancel order
a0d94b88 wants 2,533 CNY for 478 BTS
1842fe94 paid 2,000 CNY for 478 BTS
9a594f94 wants 478 BTS for 2,000 CNY
8e9cdfbd cancel order
25024c92 wants 488 BTS for 2,000 CNY
d78c42cc cancel order
e82d910d wants 500 BTS for 2,000 CNY