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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight0.1043 BTS
Lifetime fees paid43.9 BTS
Cashback/vesting4.56 BTS


Asset Balance
CNY 0.0257
BADCOIN 0.0217
XBTSX.STH 0.0245
d675d29e sent 24.95 BTS to
cab06b30 withdraw 30.54 BTS from vesting
205f5210 sent 0.0245 XBTSX.STH to
d3fca13d sent 22.07 BTS to
1b9a435c wants 1.206 BTS for 10,000 BADCOIN
virtual paid 10,000 BADCOIN for 1.206 BTS
virtual cancel order
7869f348 wants 19.62 BTS for 7.98 OCT
virtual paid 7.98 OCT for 19.62 BTS
d2d4f633 sent 130,000 BTS to
e0b82b4c cancel order
f3ca6c57 cancel order
f3ca6c57 wants 0.0455 OPEN.BTC for 10,796 BTS
2e20c072 cancel order
2e20c072 wants 0.0454 OPEN.BTC for 10,819 BTS
8dbc3f73 cancel order
8dbc3f73 wants 0.0454 OPEN.BTC for 10,861 BTS
5dea1286 wants 0.0451 OPEN.BTC for 10,804 BTS
21dc1d6d cancel order
67c9337b cancel order
67c9337b wants 0.0453 OPEN.BTC for 10,804 BTS
86a66a19 wants 0.0455 OPEN.BTC for 10,788 BTS
cefe89c0 paid 9,226 BTS for 0.0418 OPEN.BTC
b0d4c567 cancel order
b0d4c567 wants 0.0418 OPEN.BTC for 9,226 BTS
41904954 cancel order
41904954 wants 0.0419 OPEN.BTC for 9,226 BTS
d3501adf cancel order
d3501adf wants 0.0421 OPEN.BTC for 9,226 BTS
1cb40df9 wants 0.0419 OPEN.BTC for 9,226 BTS
c6e1ed3b paid 3,883 BTS for 0.01666 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
ef51a325 paid 1,028 BTS for 0.00441 OPEN.BTC
2739bc19 paid 2,309 BTS for 0.0099 OPEN.BTC
0410992f paid 3,949 BTS for 0.01694 OPEN.BTC
4c4f27d6 cancel order
4c4f27d6 wants 0.0479 OPEN.BTC for 11,169 BTS
74e9ccc8 cancel order
74e9ccc8 wants 0.048 OPEN.BTC for 11,150 BTS
c96ff09f cancel order
c96ff09f wants 0.0481 OPEN.BTC for 11,126 BTS
824d452b cancel order
824d452b wants 0.0482 OPEN.BTC for 11,130 BTS
0b9b72da cancel order
0b9b72da wants 0.0482 OPEN.BTC for 11,093 BTS
e04de5d1 cancel order
e04de5d1 wants 0.048 OPEN.BTC for 11,077 BTS
5cec2c60 cancel order
5cec2c60 wants 0.0479 OPEN.BTC for 11,080 BTS
4894b702 cancel order
4894b702 wants 0.0477 OPEN.BTC for 11,075 BTS
b6b6ca11 cancel order
b6b6ca11 wants 0.0476 OPEN.BTC for 11,081 BTS
adf0cf01 cancel order
10bdd4d0 cancel order
10bdd4d0 wants 0.0475 OPEN.BTC for 11,065 BTS
14f1b25d cancel order
14f1b25d wants 0.0478 OPEN.BTC for 11,065 BTS
14f1b25d wants 7,598 BTS for 0.0312 OPEN.BTC
bbfa51e8 paid 19,068 BTS for 0.074 OPEN.BTC
bd073de8 paid 0.00503 OPEN.BTC for 1,362 BTS
751dbd59 paid 0.00369 OPEN.BTC for 1,000 BTS
8a846e79 paid 0.00001123 OPEN.BTC for 3.044 BTS
2746b484 paid 0.0000116 OPEN.BTC for 3.144 BTS
2746b484 paid 0.00001122 OPEN.BTC for 3.04 BTS
ddae3c45 paid 0.00334 OPEN.BTC for 904 BTS
e41ee187 wants 0.074 OPEN.BTC for 19,068 BTS
e41ee187 wants 7,856 BTS for 0.029 OPEN.BTC
3170dfac paid 17,824 BTS for 0.0714 OPEN.BTC
078eabb4 cancel order
4389a2ef cancel orders (2)
4389a2ef wants 0.0714 OPEN.BTC for 17,824 BTS
4389a2ef wants 7,344 BTS for 0.028 OPEN.BTC
c851d58d paid 0.00113 OPEN.BTC for 296 BTS
1cb1b856 paid 0.000439 OPEN.BTC for 115.4 BTS
a9128ea0 cancel orders (2)
a9128ea0 wants 0.071 OPEN.BTC for 17,774 BTS
a9128ea0 wants 7,323 BTS for 0.02784 OPEN.BTC
87ccdd69 cancel orders (2)
87ccdd69 wants 0.0698 OPEN.BTC for 17,572 BTS
87ccdd69 wants 7,240 BTS for 0.0274 OPEN.BTC
1f9c254b paid 0.000982 OPEN.BTC for 259.7 BTS
102a311d paid 0.000551 OPEN.BTC for 145.7 BTS
6dd1685c cancel orders (2)
6dd1685c wants 0.0687 OPEN.BTC for 17,400 BTS
6dd1685c wants 7,169 BTS for 0.02696 OPEN.BTC
a1ccd970 cancel orders (2)
a1ccd970 wants 0.0683 OPEN.BTC for 17,338 BTS
a1ccd970 wants 7,143 BTS for 0.0268 OPEN.BTC
1afdd402 cancel orders (2)
1afdd402 wants 0.0677 OPEN.BTC for 17,283 BTS
1afdd402 wants 7,121 BTS for 0.02656 OPEN.BTC
525a4f17 cancel order
525a4f17 wants 7,115 BTS for 0.0264 OPEN.BTC
c4096c25 cancel order
c4096c25 wants 0.0673 OPEN.BTC for 17,269 BTS
0a0665bb cancel order
0a0665bb wants 7,114 BTS for 0.0263 OPEN.BTC
e682fd8e cancel order
e682fd8e wants 0.0669 OPEN.BTC for 17,259 BTS
33aa017d cancel order
33aa017d wants 7,098 BTS for 0.02616 OPEN.BTC
5c757f23 wants 7,067 BTS for 0.02597 OPEN.BTC
cc7a68da paid 0.02574 OPEN.BTC for 6,999 BTS
46d51c45 cancel order
46d51c45 wants 6,999 BTS for 0.02574 OPEN.BTC
359d995b cancel order
359d995b wants 6,992 BTS for 0.0257 OPEN.BTC
aa0e8d59 cancel order
aa0e8d59 wants 0.0655 OPEN.BTC for 16,957 BTS
b6931943 cancel order
b6931943 wants 6,959 BTS for 0.0255 OPEN.BTC
602f14fe cancel order
602f14fe wants 0.065 OPEN.BTC for 16,870 BTS
3e8808ac cancel order
3e8808ac wants 6,838 BTS for 0.025 OPEN.BTC
8697cc24 cancel order
8697cc24 wants 0.0637 OPEN.BTC for 16,596 BTS
10e5c3e0 cancel order
10e5c3e0 wants 6,845 BTS for 0.02493 OPEN.BTC
ee49d0c9 cancel order
ee49d0c9 wants 0.0636 OPEN.BTC for 16,623 BTS
7f08c4ec cancel order
7f08c4ec wants 0.0633 OPEN.BTC for 16,611 BTS
14da57ca cancel order
14da57ca wants 6,819 BTS for 0.0248 OPEN.BTC
91231ca0 cancel order
91231ca0 wants 0.0636 OPEN.BTC for 16,639 BTS
72763764 cancel order
72763764 wants 6,908 BTS for 0.0252 OPEN.BTC
7af2dd54 cancel order
7af2dd54 wants 6,927 BTS for 0.0252 OPEN.BTC
cec7c883 cancel order
cec7c883 wants 0.065 OPEN.BTC for 16,959 BTS
970f988c cancel order
970f988c wants 6,987 BTS for 0.0255 OPEN.BTC
6693556a cancel order
6693556a wants 0.0655 OPEN.BTC for 17,019 BTS
3df1e120 wants 0.1697 OPEN.BTC for 44,655 BTS
virtual paid 44,655 BTS for 0.1697 OPEN.BTC
0e809699 cancel order
0e809699 wants 7,011 BTS for 0.0257 OPEN.BTC
efb51a89 cancel order
efb51a89 wants 0.0655 OPEN.BTC for 16,965 BTS
5b9b00a5 wants 0.0651 OPEN.BTC for 16,855 BTS
5b9b00a5 wants 6,944 BTS for 0.0255 OPEN.BTC
5838f224 cancel order
1da3ea2e paid 15,560 BTS for 0.0582 OPEN.BTC
fa7691fc cancel orders (2)
fa7691fc wants 0.0582 OPEN.BTC for 15,560 BTS
fa7691fc wants 6,411 BTS for 0.02303 OPEN.BTC
bdb8777b cancel orders (2)
bdb8777b wants 0.0583 OPEN.BTC for 15,544 BTS
bdb8777b wants 6,404 BTS for 0.0231 OPEN.BTC
6cc11bab cancel orders (2)
6cc11bab wants 0.0583 OPEN.BTC for 15,500 BTS
6cc11bab wants 6,386 BTS for 0.0231 OPEN.BTC
73cf323d cancel orders (2)
73cf323d wants 0.0584 OPEN.BTC for 15,575 BTS
73cf323d wants 6,417 BTS for 0.02312 OPEN.BTC
079d4e8b cancel orders (2)
079d4e8b wants 0.0584 OPEN.BTC for 15,634 BTS
079d4e8b wants 6,441 BTS for 0.02314 OPEN.BTC
56b9c2e9 cancel orders (2)
56b9c2e9 wants 0.0584 OPEN.BTC for 15,684 BTS
56b9c2e9 wants 6,462 BTS for 0.02313 OPEN.BTC
d86be25b cancel orders (2)
d86be25b wants 0.0585 OPEN.BTC for 15,671 BTS
d86be25b wants 6,456 BTS for 0.0232 OPEN.BTC
64c83a6c cancel orders (2)
64c83a6c wants 0.0587 OPEN.BTC for 15,651 BTS
64c83a6c wants 6,448 BTS for 0.02324 OPEN.BTC
8c87c0c7 cancel orders (2)
8c87c0c7 wants 0.0588 OPEN.BTC for 15,632 BTS
8c87c0c7 wants 6,440 BTS for 0.0233 OPEN.BTC
ea76a399 wants 6,421 BTS for 0.0233 OPEN.BTC
602fb23f paid 0.0233 OPEN.BTC for 6,415 BTS
84fcb4e4 cancel orders (2)
84fcb4e4 wants 0.0588 OPEN.BTC for 15,569 BTS
84fcb4e4 wants 6,415 BTS for 0.0233 OPEN.BTC
5c50f80d cancel order
5c50f80d wants 0.0588 OPEN.BTC for 15,510 BTS
5c50f80d wants 6,390 BTS for 0.0233 OPEN.BTC