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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight0.00018 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.488 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00018
BRIDGE.BWK 0.0000676
BRIDGE.OUR 0.0000003
1b8261c2 sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
0990ede9 sent 0.0182 BRIDGE.BTC to
381848a2 cancel order
bb282054 paid 1,547 BRIDGE.OUR for 0.0065 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
80c90fd3 paid 1,011 BRIDGE.OUR for 0.00425 BRIDGE.BTC
3e49fc15 wants 2,235 BRIDGE.OUR for 0.00747 BRIDGE.BTC
c4e6e8cc paid 14.16 BRIDGE.OUR for 0.0000595 BRIDGE.BTC
e1c59f06 paid 1,762 BRIDGE.OUR for 0.0074 BRIDGE.BTC
7c82ea39 paid 4.92 BRIDGE.OUR for 0.00002066 BRIDGE.BTC
7c059a27 wants 0.01822 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,339 BRIDGE.OUR
27abbb99 sent 0.1072 OPEN.BTC to
93205f06 wants 0.000336 OPEN.BTC for 0.01 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.01 OPEN.ETH for 0.000336 OPEN.BTC
da2d9d08 paid 366 BTS for 0.00653 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
cc62d06a paid 270 BTS for 0.00482 OPEN.BTC
2b710903 paid 99.8 BTS for 0.00178 OPEN.BTC
5bf17ed6 paid 258 BTS for 0.0046 OPEN.BTC
c65beafd paid 1,249 BTS for 0.02226 OPEN.BTC
3fb8a468 paid 535 BTS for 0.00954 OPEN.BTC
c55debf3 paid 118 BTS for 0.002102 OPEN.BTC
e758cf64 paid 601 BTS for 0.0107 OPEN.BTC
b32c7236 paid 277 BTS for 0.00494 OPEN.BTC
2b999344 paid 100.8 BTS for 0.001797 OPEN.BTC
06559071 paid 100.8 BTS for 0.001797 OPEN.BTC
cc986d47 paid 100.8 BTS for 0.001797 OPEN.BTC
2ed31659 paid 325 BTS for 0.00579 OPEN.BTC
f9620295 paid 100.8 BTS for 0.001797 OPEN.BTC
20123850 paid 56.4 BTS for 0.001006 OPEN.BTC
25828aee wants 0.107 OPEN.BTC for 6,003 BTS
virtual paid 1,445 BTS for 0.02576 OPEN.BTC
d12b6e75 paid 6,402 OPEN.WARRANTBTS for 5,570 BTS
53959bf7 wants 5,570 BTS for 6,402 OPEN.WARRANTBTS
virtual paid 0.00001 OPEN.WARRANTBTS for 0.00001 BTS
7e32b986 cancel order
6bff332b wants 6,402 BTS for 6,402 OPEN.WARRANTBTS
059befb6 wants 433 BTS for 498 OPEN.WARRANTBTS
virtual paid 498 OPEN.WARRANTBTS for 433 BTS
1468a873 cancel order
a8462897 sent 0.062 BRIDGE.BTC to
763e5df2 wants 0.0622 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.BWK
virtual paid 23.88 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.00297 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 476 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.0592 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
cf71cf3e wants 0.345 OPEN.BTC for 6,900 OPEN.WARRANTBTS
a6503d24 cancel order
89d1c38b paid 0.1 OPEN.WARRANTBTS for 0.1 BTS
ec0a9295 wants 6,900 BTS for 6,900 OPEN.WARRANTBTS
38d44947 sent 2.78 BTS to