立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer


Voting Slate

Voting weight4,672 BTS
Proxy followers0

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Lifetime fees paid1,621 BTS
Cashback/vesting103.5 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 1,478
OBITS 74.5
OPEN.ETH 0.999
OPEN.LTC 0.997
OPEN.DOGE 0.0001
LUCRA 0.25
DEEX 0.1
NAKED 0.078
EBAYCOM 0.00002
09d078d5 create proposal
34857658 create proposal
22857182 sent 2,793 BTS to
c14c4a51 update account/votes
5c55b68a sent 2,000 BTS to
fab009a6 update account/votes
014b556a create proposal
cd6ae1cb sent 742 BTS to
80425f31 create proposal
a516b283 create proposal
6f76cd32 create proposal
0cf9038d create proposal
e234322c paid 500 BTS for 1 OPEN.ETH
f854fdc6 create proposal
cd2a3bde sent 111 BTS to
0b2ab0a0 create proposal
a9b1559c create proposal
cee3952a create proposal
566a349d withdraw 28 BTS from vesting
fa552b4d update account/votes
4effb24b update account/votes
893f7609 update account/votes
96321eae update account/votes
8b9392b5 wants 1 OPEN.ETH for 500 BTS
ae810cc5 wants 10 STEALTH for 18.78 BTS
virtual paid 18.78 BTS for 10 STEALTH
virtual cancel order
4c64b523 create proposal
804ba197 create proposal
e089a502 create proposal
8ca49164 sent 1.27 OPEN.LTC to
2a65e765 update account/votes
30eea634 wants 148 BTS for 170 OBITS
virtual paid 170 OBITS for 148 BTS
1e7c4672 sent 3.01 OPEN.LTC to
196af28c sent 1.002 OPEN.LTC to
9cd54483 paid 0.00323 OPEN.BTC for 215.4 BTS
2b90a73c wants 215.4 BTS for 0.00323 OPEN.BTC
ffb7fdce sent 1.02 OPEN.LTC to
a3f272c1 update account/votes
d267cc5b update account/votes
8518da98 cancel order
c85a1dc1 wants 100 OBITS for 76.7 BTS
virtual paid 2.78 BTS for 3.62 OBITS
53c0fa3e paid 16.44 BTS for 21.43 OBITS
7645502a cancel orders (2)
40abc7b5 sent 500 BTS to
75623169 wants 10,000 OPEN.DOGE for 120 BTS
dad82d8f wants 10,000 OPEN.DOGE for 100 BTS
b2a72ca4 cancel order
1bb4492c wants 10,000 OPEN.DOGE for 260.6 BTS
0a58c6ab wants 0.378 BTS for 0.0375 USD
virtual paid 0.0375 USD for 0.378 BTS
8ab5d0fb cancel order
7bdeb88b cancel order
69dad620 wants 0.062 OPEN.BTC for 7.3 OPEN.LTC
576fc5a8 wants 0.421 OPEN.LTC for 0.00323 OPEN.BTC
dc2338c1 fund OPEN.LTC fee pool with 10 BTS
c51a696b update account/votes
db1c9c4d update account/votes
5a463ee4 update account/votes
0e783a2f cancel order
0618ff47 cancel order
3681f017 delete proposal 1.10.15907 (owner authority: no)
cf7207b4 create proposal
1671934c paid 60.5 BTS for 0.000979 OPEN.BTC
f1c55869 update proposal 1.10.15733
1f173962 update proposal 1.10.15733
1c1ede89 update proposal 1.10.15733
58bd500c update proposal 1.10.15732
virtual wants 173.4 BTS for 0.002254 OPEN.BTC
2b225907 create proposal
ae344103 paid 30 BTS for 50 OBITS
a72fcd96 paid 139.5 BTS for 0.00226 OPEN.BTC
61a7efe6 update proposal 1.10.15574
virtual wants 50 OBITS for 30 BTS
83fd4a97 update proposal 1.10.15575
virtual wants 0.00324 OPEN.BTC for 200 BTS
57e87393 update account/votes
5e9ecd88 paid 60 BTS for 100 OBITS
86e131e3 cancel order
7ba00a68 update proposal 1.10.14798
virtual update account/votes
0fe7c51a update account/votes
2f3c7956 update account/votes
cd9112f2 update account/votes
acfafc95 update account/votes
7b66b8bc update account/votes
8d6aab9d update account/votes
c28c8bf9 create proposal
f627462d update account/votes
a7458ad8 sent 100 BTS to
fce6f856 wants 10,000 OPEN.DOGE for 130 BTS
477bcdef wants 100 OBITS for 60 BTS
2c26fb30 wants 7.35 OBITS for 8.09 BTS
virtual paid 8.09 BTS for 7.35 OBITS
b741b750 wants 3.78 STEALTH for 13.25 BTS
virtual paid 13.25 BTS for 3.78 STEALTH
76654c0a paid 0.0403 OPEN.DOGE for 0.00137 BTS
virtual cancel order
c0869e74 paid 3,962 OPEN.DOGE for 134.7 BTS
51630971 paid 37.2 OPEN.DOGE for 1.266 BTS
7bd1f9da paid 10,680 OPEN.DOGE for 363 BTS
95108d4c wants 499 BTS for 14,679 OPEN.DOGE
3c368979 wants 0.378 BTS for 0.0321 USD
virtual paid 0.0321 USD for 0.384 BTS
6d9ef1b0 wants 0.044 OPEN.STEEM for 0.0763 USD
virtual paid 0.0747 USD for 0.044 OPEN.STEEM
virtual cancel order
032d9a13 wants 3 OBITS for 4.47 BTS
virtual paid 4.47 BTS for 3 OBITS
7d31e575 wants 3.5 STEALTH for 12.21 BTS
virtual paid 12.21 BTS for 3.5 STEALTH
f3f7476a wants 10 OBITS for 15.94 BTS
virtual paid 15.94 BTS for 10 OBITS
b9a5e625 fund BLOCKPAY fee pool with 2.89459 BTS
bcd56860 sent 10 BTS to
990f0e7c cancel order
0c3ad270 wants 2,392 OPEN.DOGE for 0.001111 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.001111 OPEN.BTC for 2,392 OPEN.DOGE
43cc9750 cancel order
79943059 paid 14.44 BTS for 0.000402 OPEN.BTC
258390dd wants 0.001113 OPEN.BTC for 40 BTS
virtual paid 25.56 BTS for 0.000712 OPEN.BTC
610d2337 wants 0.0064 OPEN.BTC for 12,291 OPEN.DOGE
2b826e5a sent 100 BTS to
d8a21a10 cancel order
8f3c066c paid 0.000544 OPEN.BTC for 1,161 OPEN.DOGE
13f0c293 wants 12,316 OPEN.DOGE for 0.00577 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00523 OPEN.BTC for 11,154 OPEN.DOGE
dce03003 cancel order
75ce21f7 wants 261.3 BTS for 0.00577 OPEN.BTC
abc1fd3c cancel order
1b01fa12 wants 0.37 OPEN.LTC for 0.00577 OPEN.BTC
a3bbd19e cancel order
f9587a94 wants 0.00578 OPEN.BTC for 215 BTS
virtual paid 215 BTS for 0.00578 OPEN.BTC
3dd123ea wants 10,000 OPEN.DOGE for 100 BTS
92600301 wants 10 STEALTH for 40 BTS
d1e96723 cancel order
198195fc wants 0.3 OPEN.LTC for 181.3 BTS
virtual paid 0.00044 BTS for 0.00000074 OPEN.LTC
c2c16edf wants 64 BTS for 10 STEALTH
af991c03 wants 36.7 BTS for 20 OBITS
virtual paid 5.21 OBITS for 9.57 BTS
c966bef9 paid 10.52 OBITS for 19.32 BTS
19328e56 paid 4.27 OBITS for 7.83 BTS
6927e75c wants 102 BTS for 0.002626 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.000065 OPEN.BTC for 2.54 BTS
virtual paid 0.00176 OPEN.BTC for 68.3 BTS
3782f8cc paid 0.000802 OPEN.BTC for 31.15 BTS
ae3cbf2c cancel orders (2)
30bc2dee wants 0.00263 OPEN.BTC for 50.1 OBITS
virtual paid 50.1 OBITS for 0.00263 OPEN.BTC
04cd56c9 paid 0.001494 OPEN.BTC for 54.3 BTS
94934ecc wants 54.3 BTS for 0.001494 OPEN.BTC
08a35ca0 wants 10 OBITS for 17.3 BTS
virtual paid 17.3 BTS for 10 OBITS
895d291f wants 30 OBITS for 49.5 BTS
540b714a wants 181.8 BTS for 383 BLOCKPAY
95d59f90 cancel order
549e624e wants 55.2 BTS for 0.001494 OPEN.BTC
57218d7e cancel order
f185ae89 wants 52.4 BTS for 0.001494 OPEN.BTC
0b06eae8 wants 0.0000275 OPEN.BTC for 0.2186 USD
virtual paid 0.2186 USD for 0.0000275 OPEN.BTC
0f22a542 wants 0.00147 OPEN.BTC for 4.9 OPEN.STEEM
virtual paid 4.9 OPEN.STEEM for 0.00147 OPEN.BTC
8508a16f paid 0.00063 BTS for 0.0003 OBITS
231fdc3c paid 6.74 BTS for 3.21 OBITS
a2ae224a paid 39.5 BTS for 18.8 OBITS
9b957f97 paid 55.8 BTS for 26.56 OBITS
50ca9d3c paid 1 BTS for 0.476 OBITS
adff4369 paid 23 BTS for 10.95 OBITS
39cfa2e4 sent 600 BTS to
26c4a506 cancel order
f9b60816 wants 60 OBITS for 126 BTS
6e31a4f5 wants 1,556 BLOCKPAY for 433 BTS
virtual paid 39.1 BTS for 140.5 BLOCKPAY
7b4e3ef8 sent 100 BTS to
b5851990 update account/votes
a5a7d8ae update account/votes
37a0f77b update account/votes
136cd898 update account/votes
4a3599fa paid 25 BTS for 10 OBITS
7773fad4 update account/votes
245e4126 paid 9,422 BADCOIN for 1.63 BTS
0e82e426 wants 100 BLOCKPAY for 47.4 BTS
virtual paid 47.4 BTS for 100 BLOCKPAY
8f41f455 wants 1.73 BTS for 10,000 BADCOIN
virtual paid 578 BADCOIN for 0.1 BTS
26e9d864 update account/votes
71f84f1f paid 0.000007 GOLD for 0.0618 BTS
5a934df0 sent 100 BTS to
3d8ef234 paid 0.000078 GOLD for 0.7 BTS
virtual paid 0.01827 GOLD for 162.7 BTS
virtual paid 0.083 GOLD for 732 BTS
5d71bc8b paid 0.00108 GOLD for 9.53 BTS
c818fb54 paid 0.000216 GOLD for 1.906 BTS