立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight2.595 BTS
Lifetime fees paid34.2 BTS
Whitelisting accounts
77fa64a7 sent 4.14 BTS to
4d2c4251 sent 1 VERVE to
a2d99225 sent 201 BPSCX to
a21edb18 sent 60.8 COMPUMATRIX.BTC to
d2174d50 sent 50 BTS to
52c67250 sent 60 BTS to
dc06642e sent 5 BTS to
49337b54 sent 5 BTS to
293289a7 sent 5 BTS to
3acece4b sent 5 BTS to
dabe631c sent 5 BTS to
1bd5c803 sent 5 BTS to
bb42aaa8 sent 5 BTS to
645d8865 sent 5 BTS to
dfa649e8 sent 5 BTS to
2d62e57d sent 5 BTS to
e933638d sent 5 BTS to
98997bdf sent 5 BTS to
80c5a94b sent 5 BTS to
0ac3e9df sent 5 BTS to
acc9c923 sent 5 BTS to
c541b187 sent 5 BTS to
0bf8bcec sent 5 BTS to
afbaf2b3 cancel orders (10)
49872fed wants 0.0756 NEOCORE for 0.0002 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
49872fed wants 0.087 NEOCORE for 0.0002 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
49872fed wants 0.0985 NEOCORE for 0.0002 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
49872fed wants 0.11 NEOCORE for 0.0002 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
49872fed wants 0.1215 NEOCORE for 0.0002 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
4597e808 wants 0.0756 NEOCORE for 0.0002 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
4597e808 wants 0.087 NEOCORE for 0.0002 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
4597e808 wants 0.0985 NEOCORE for 0.0002 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
4597e808 wants 0.11 NEOCORE for 0.0002 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
4597e808 wants 0.1215 NEOCORE for 0.0002 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
61cd9672 sent 200 BTS to
6bd61e54 sent 201 BPSCX to
f962dbda update account/votes
f3826448 sent 0.5 BTCCORE to
517e2d1f sent 10 BTS to