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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight5.87 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2.143 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 5.87
ESCODEX.SUQA 0.00000118
d8e36de4 sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
1ec0e9f0 sent 0.1 BRIDGE.CRCO to
6b2dcee2 cancel order
8b3de4d2 wants 0.00000001 ESCODEX.BTC for 0.00517 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN
8d095d16 sent 0.0317 ESCODEX.BTC to
225c9e4d wants 0.0318 ESCODEX.BTC for 31,758 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN
virtual paid 31,758 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.0318 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
522e65ef issue 9,165 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN to
2ec6b9f6 wants 0.00394 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.00394 ESCODEX.SUQA
virtual paid 0.00394 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.00394 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN
virtual cancel order
43b88293 wants 22,426 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.02265 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.02265 ESCODEX.BTC for 22,426 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN
79ecefc2 cancel order
a19b3a47 wants 90,600 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.02265 ESCODEX.BTC
54e3cff2 cancel order
a340fde9 wants 50,333 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.02265 ESCODEX.BTC
e90a65f4 cancel order
750f3d2f wants 27,622 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.02265 ESCODEX.BTC
45da529c cancel order
aec32d36 wants 75,500 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.02265 ESCODEX.BTC
1bb82680 cancel order
95ac4e97 wants 32,357 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.02265 ESCODEX.BTC
12ee3d7d cancel order
d592f26f wants 18,415 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.02265 ESCODEX.BTC
5b10b028 cancel order
a152ea11 wants 5,000 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.0068 ESCODEX.BTC
bedd96cf cancel order
34b743e1 wants 22,426 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.02265 ESCODEX.BTC
bbede2a9 cancel order
17a0305d wants 22,426 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.02265 ESCODEX.BTC
44b18fc3 cancel order
78d50bd1 sent 0.0281 ESCODEX.BTC to
53684c1e cancel order
6e9fb386 wants 19,359 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.02265 ESCODEX.BTC
731924e2 cancel order
8da9857a wants 16,778 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.02265 ESCODEX.BTC
4e572b87 cancel order
1aebe4ce wants 19,000 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0281 ESCODEX.BTC
e289e597 wants 15,000 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.02265 ESCODEX.BTC
304dbc57 cancel order
4e7b2313 wants 33,623 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.0508 ESCODEX.BTC
4532d265 cancel order
b8f2e5b8 wants 33,402 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.0508 ESCODEX.BTC
f40ad434 cancel order
5b8b2fd1 paid 14,452 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.02356 ESCODEX.BTC
aecebcb2 wants 29,002 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.02726 ESCODEX.BTC
5c3171cd wants 0.02356 ESCODEX.BTC for 14,452 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN
c78c27e0 cancel order
701cec6d cancel order
53cf6a57 wants 0.0263 ESCODEX.BTC for 14,452 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN
4f029a81 paid 0.0211 ESCODEX.BTC for 14,353 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN
7812e41c wants 32,898 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.0484 ESCODEX.BTC
78913925 cancel order
df7fc7e5 wants 32,240 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.0484 ESCODEX.BTC
ea88ef64 cancel order
7223b300 wants 34,543 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.0484 ESCODEX.BTC
8e71ca79 cancel order
1c2dfa0b wants 32,898 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0484 ESCODEX.BTC
69cd0d06 cancel order
6666b7e5 cancel order
ace7e1b2 paid 0.0001485 ESCODEX.BTC for 99 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN
e0900585 wants 31,824 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0455 ESCODEX.BTC
0d410fc8 wants 2,000 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.003 ESCODEX.BTC
64b15a21 sent 0.0508 ESCODEX.BTC to
f6101f9a cancel order
a6cee64a wants 35,060 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0508 ESCODEX.BTC
f130c182 cancel order
11c4e5e7 wants 38,223 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0508 ESCODEX.BTC
f05878ef cancel order
e09bddee cancel order
d336d57c cancel order
70f56592 wants 29,443 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0403 ESCODEX.BTC
bf7733ce cancel order
533a20cf wants 7,664 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0105 ESCODEX.BTC
21c8ea92 cancel order
e1f885a9 wants 7,343 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.0105 ESCODEX.BTC
5662ff56 cancel order
df21d5c2 wants 0.00000001 ESCODEX.BTC for 0.00394 ESCODEX.SUQA
f0805aa3 cancel order
5164cece wants 0.00000001 ESCODEX.BTC for 0.00394 ESCODEX.SUQA
fa645e17 wants 29,229 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.0403 ESCODEX.BTC
eb6293b7 wants 7,500 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.0105 ESCODEX.BTC
348e688f paid 0.0035 ESCODEX.BTC for 2,500 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN
5f7f0733 paid 0.000461 ESCODEX.BTC for 307 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN
261faf36 paid 0.000015 ESCODEX.BTC for 10 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN
db887c4d paid 0.000199 ESCODEX.BTC for 132.7 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN
e963e964 paid 0.0000752 ESCODEX.BTC for 50.1 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN
edea3619 wants 500 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.00075 ESCODEX.BTC
8d282b49 wants 2,500 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.0035 ESCODEX.BTC
52142351 cancel order
5daf6cfe paid 0.000367 ESCODEX.BTC for 267.7 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN
b540f26d wants 40,477 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.0555 ESCODEX.BTC
5685afa2 cancel order
f390faba cancel order
bd368b78 wants 0.01354 ESCODEX.BTC for 8,734 ESCODEX.SUQA
virtual paid 8,734 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.01354 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
e8fe9b7d cancel order
3d060659 wants 0.0527 ESCODEX.BTC for 34,000 ESCODEX.SUQA
virtual paid 25,266 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0392 ESCODEX.BTC
5cfadca2 cancel order
633f3830 wants 0.0541 ESCODEX.BTC for 34,000 ESCODEX.SUQA
34e735dc cancel order
0db327ac wants 0.0575 ESCODEX.BTC for 34,000 ESCODEX.SUQA
9d3d10dc wants 1,666 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.002333 ESCODEX.BTC
808b4794 wants 0.002337 ESCODEX.BTC for 1,508 ESCODEX.SUQA
virtual paid 1,508 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.002337 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
482251cf paid 0.001026 ESCODEX.BTC for 733 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN
c3fa82c8 wants 1,108 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.001552 ESCODEX.BTC
deda827c cancel order
e9b07543 wants 1,150 ESCODEX.SUQACOIN for 0.001552 ESCODEX.BTC
641f4db6 wants 0.00155 ESCODEX.BTC for 1,000 ESCODEX.SUQA
virtual paid 500 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.00078 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 500 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.000775 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
f5000bf9 cancel order
344e46e6 wants 0.0657 ESCODEX.BTC for 36,508 ESCODEX.SUQA
491d7b6f cancel order
03249ba4 wants 0.365 ESCODEX.BTC for 36,508 ESCODEX.SUQA
e96aa1d6 cancel order
1ad6c1a9 wants 0.1092 ESCODEX.BTC for 36,508 ESCODEX.SUQA
5790a9df cancel order
5f8529ca wants 0.0908 ESCODEX.BTC for 36,508 ESCODEX.SUQA
c210fa23 cancel order
8e4dd692 wants 0.089 ESCODEX.BTC for 36,508 ESCODEX.SUQA
10a93568 cancel order
bcab8c61 wants 0.0825 ESCODEX.BTC for 36,508 ESCODEX.SUQA
9c958f9f cancel order
455ec93d wants 0.0803 ESCODEX.BTC for 36,508 ESCODEX.SUQA
eae1dc0f wants 36,581 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0713 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.0713 ESCODEX.BTC for 36,581 ESCODEX.SUQA
9c49b67f cancel order
1b729b51 cancel order
401deed7 wants 1.135 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.00000193 ESCODEX.BTC
336ea735 paid 1 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.00000193 ESCODEX.BTC
77a385ef wants 41,960 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0713 ESCODEX.BTC
ae26e065 cancel order
50de992d wants 0.00000193 ESCODEX.BTC for 1 ESCODEX.SUQA
ce224b2a wants 43,231 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0713 ESCODEX.BTC
e1ddef0a cancel order
8dee3fb2 paid 0.0000016 ESCODEX.BTC for 1 ESCODEX.SUQA
5fa5486e wants 44,583 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0713 ESCODEX.BTC
59535ff4 cancel order
05ef10a3 wants 41,960 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0713 ESCODEX.BTC
f5518274 cancel order
b482211f wants 42,460 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0713 ESCODEX.BTC
ad7968c6 cancel order
b2bf3948 wants 44,583 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0713 ESCODEX.BTC
f814975e cancel order
0590258a wants 44,583 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0713 ESCODEX.BTC
d72ccd6a cancel order
e6379abc wants 44,583 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0713 ESCODEX.BTC
83afcb66 paid 25,029 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0453 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
10d80826 wants 0.0715 ESCODEX.BTC for 39,490 ESCODEX.SUQA
virtual paid 14,461 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0262 ESCODEX.BTC
77d41a76 cancel order
31cb20a6 wants 0.1145 ESCODEX.BTC for 39,490 ESCODEX.SUQA
8ab7f6d9 wants 39,569 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0712 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.0712 ESCODEX.BTC for 39,569 ESCODEX.SUQA
894f513b cancel order
318f424b wants 44,238 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0712 ESCODEX.BTC
eb4fd720 cancel order
d08767b6 wants 43,166 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0712 ESCODEX.BTC
045cbadc paid 40,222 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0664 ESCODEX.BTC
80be6635 paid 3,030 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.005 ESCODEX.BTC
4c472b33 wants 0.0714 ESCODEX.BTC for 43,252 ESCODEX.SUQA
e571746f paid 0.0672 ESCODEX.BTC for 43,335 ESCODEX.SUQA
e383d822 wants 43,335 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0672 ESCODEX.BTC
58f3853e cancel order
998de608 wants 51,274 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0672 ESCODEX.BTC
59843e30 cancel order
bae3681f wants 50,886 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0672 ESCODEX.BTC
fe26b738 cancel order
58103072 paid 0.00000568 ESCODEX.BTC for 3.92 ESCODEX.SUQA
8998a7b9 wants 46,328 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0672 ESCODEX.BTC
7d85240d cancel order
a8b385b0 wants 51,634 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0672 ESCODEX.BTC
07b9abbc cancel order
bd91ca01 wants 46,328 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0672 ESCODEX.BTC
db695b37 cancel order
a2ddf585 wants 47,982 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0672 ESCODEX.BTC
f3045520 cancel order
5f29c220 wants 51,279 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0672 ESCODEX.BTC
5457c7f7 cancel order
1aa46dc7 wants 49,394 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0672 ESCODEX.BTC
7526c736 cancel order
b51af47d wants 47,982 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0672 ESCODEX.BTC
898505f9 cancel order
8274be04 wants 52,481 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0672 ESCODEX.BTC
fa71f464 cancel order
65c2a7af wants 0.0307 ESCODEX.BTC for 19,672 ESCODEX.SUQA
921d1f86 paid 19,672 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0307 ESCODEX.BTC
2543d462 cancel order
70ba733b wants 28,114 ESCODEX.SUQA for 0.0365 ESCODEX.BTC
3dd7c90a cancel order
fffa0190 cancel order
a2e3f4e0 wants 0.0311 ESCODEX.BTC for 19,672 ESCODEX.SUQA