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BitShares Block Explorer



BTS5pGqyH3jiPgTiQ4x2Xof179yqwyzhm2DSvweonyWUyQGHce14F 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Lifetime fees paid17,745 BTS
Blacklisting accounts
Cashback/vesting9.47 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 18 0
USD 0.0178 0
OBITS 7.72 0
OPEN.GAME 0.257 0
APPX.WARRANT 74.9 74.9
OPEN.PPY 3.79 0
BADCOIN 10,000 0
ARISTO 0.02 0
DEEX 0.1 0
QVANTUM 0.12 0
BOEINGCOM 0.00001 0
XBTSX.STH 0.00637 0
b91774fe create proposal
5648973a cancel order
8ab19e18 sent 7.72 OBITS.VOTE to
c0a66e29 wants 48.7 OPEN.USD for 74.9 APPX.WARRANT
40f4032b cancel order
578100a2 wants 0.00899 OPEN.BTC for 74.9 APPX.WARRANT
a97dbeb1 cancel order
8be7fc76 sent 7.72 OBITS.VOTING to
7ca68082 sent 0.0041 USD to
66459928 sent 10 BTS to
170b2145 wants 31.7 BTS for 9.85 USD
virtual paid 9.85 USD for 31.7 BTS
bc20c22b sent 0.01264 OPEN.BTC to
02eb9d96 wants 0.0126 OPEN.BTC for 625 BTS
virtual paid 259.7 BTS for 0.00524 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 365 BTS for 0.00737 OPEN.BTC
9359fc54 wants 361 BTS for 297 CNY
virtual paid 297 CNY for 361 BTS
d50172a9 cancel order
09e008ec wants 362 BTS for 297 CNY
a9552cd3 withdraw 54.5 BTS from vesting
bd234a2f paid 49.9 BTSR for 7.23 OBITS
c5237c32 wants 7.23 OBITS for 49.9 BTSR
virtual paid 0.09 APPX.WARRANT for 0.000063 OPEN.BTC
62a6fea0 sent 4,000 BTS to
6539c446 paid 0.0001 OBITS for 0.00084 BTS
29daefe0 wants 4,126 BTS for 487 OBITS
virtual paid 43.5 OBITS for 371 BTS
virtual paid 3.48 OBITS for 29.6 BTS
virtual paid 3.48 OBITS for 29.6 BTS
virtual paid 3.48 OBITS for 29.6 BTS
virtual paid 175 OBITS for 1,481 BTS
virtual paid 175 OBITS for 1,481 BTS
3d51b4da paid 18.7 OBITS for 158.4 BTS
df3d4212 paid 64.8 OBITS for 549 BTS
fa4b923c cancel order
dc854f43 wants 0.1023 BTC for 487 OBITS
8af22b12 sent 1,000 BTS to
c678bc83 paid 0.21 EDEV for 0.2205 BTS
43ee3a6d paid 0.0221 OPEN.ETP for 0.424 BTS
0339098b paid 0.0832 OPEN.ETP for 1.597 BTS
8f460293 paid 0.649 OPEN.ETP for 12.46 BTS
47a8d0b6 paid 2.03 OPEN.ETP for 39 BTS
5495ead1 paid 4.56 OPEN.ETP for 87.6 BTS
886093b6 sent 0.0453 OPEN.BTC to
692890e9 paid 3.08 EDEV for 3.23 BTS
1acdcf1f paid 4.39 EDEV for 4.61 BTS
b7610ceb paid 7.39 EDEV for 7.76 BTS
afcb26ef paid 16.42 EDEV for 17.25 BTS
6963f2b1 paid 4.38 EDEV for 4.61 BTS
86c68743 paid 19.4 EDEV for 20.37 BTS
982a5f5a paid 4.38 EDEV for 4.61 BTS
44d81c4b paid 19.4 EDEV for 20.37 BTS
9940cda2 paid 19.4 EDEV for 20.37 BTS
c02b99e1 paid 15.53 EDEV for 16.3 BTS
ad112fca paid 7.78 EDEV for 8.17 BTS
c1004bfc paid 5.36 EDEV for 5.63 BTS
360f9c31 paid 18.5 EDEV for 19.44 BTS
6289f97a paid 9.03 EDEV for 9.48 BTS
29e6d8d3 paid 14.8 EDEV for 15.55 BTS
2c127e2a wants 460 BTS for 23.95 OPEN.ETP
virtual paid 16.6 OPEN.ETP for 319 BTS
96ad85f8 wants 38.4 BTS for 2 OPEN.ETP
virtual paid 2 OPEN.ETP for 38.4 BTS
41a90b26 wants 0.0525 OPEN.BTC for 75 APPX.WARRANT
aabdede0 wants 178.3 BTS for 169.8 EDEV
4cb6458b paid 0.31 EDEV for 0.326 BTS
75c126fc wants 0.01396 OPEN.BTC for 0.00051 BTWTY
virtual paid 0.00051 BTWTY for 0.01396 OPEN.BTC
fccfd2f4 cancel order
989ce8c9 cancel order
91a43b64 wants 0.03144 OPEN.BTC for 92.9 OPEN.DEOS
virtual paid 92.9 OPEN.DEOS for 0.03144 OPEN.BTC
f226023e wants 11.38 USD for 169.8 EDEV
cf50e234 wants 1,122 BTS for 0.00051 BTWTY
dcdbd6c4 update account/votes
bd224971 sent 20 OPEN.PPY to
73e0afc0 cancel order
c90c853a sent 1,000 BTS to
3270ea4f wants 202.2 USD for 23.8 OPEN.PPY
f66eff82 wants 345 OBITS for 2,000 BTS
65eac7a4 paid 334 BTS for 57.5 OBITS
3379f737 paid 1,416 BTS for 244 OBITS
f46640da paid 250 BTS for 43.1 OBITS
43c8415d paid 0.00117 BTS for 0.0002 OBITS
a94d3072 wants 1,500 BTS for 26.4 OPEN.PPY
virtual paid 26.4 OPEN.PPY for 1,500 BTS
00da9895 cancel order
d8957f25 paid 0.153 OPEN.PPY for 10.72 BTS
cb0ebc6a paid 12 OPEN.PPY for 840 BTS
2d67c535 paid 1.568 OPEN.PPY for 109.8 BTS
f02688b7 paid 0.1857 OPEN.PPY for 13 BTS
9e7e8645 paid 0.3085 OPEN.PPY for 21.6 BTS
edc4ba06 paid 0.542 OPEN.PPY for 37.9 BTS
8d3a7a55 paid 0.145 OPEN.PPY for 10.16 BTS
fee361ca paid 0.1189 OPEN.PPY for 8.32 BTS
047e4356 paid 0.072 OPEN.PPY for 5.04 BTS
88f6678c paid 0.0908 OPEN.PPY for 6.36 BTS
de49429a paid 0.572 OPEN.PPY for 40 BTS
d7f8a12c paid 0.798 OPEN.PPY for 55.8 BTS
a3d6b5f3 paid 0.2288 OPEN.PPY for 16 BTS
1659f20f paid 0.93 OPEN.PPY for 65.1 BTS
5883d7c2 paid 0.329 OPEN.PPY for 23 BTS
6d3b7ab6 paid 0.2213 OPEN.PPY for 15.5 BTS
fb380bd6 paid 0.1162 OPEN.PPY for 8.14 BTS
0f8a60fa paid 0.27 OPEN.PPY for 18.9 BTS
8893514b paid 1.383 OPEN.PPY for 96.8 BTS
2fb79cea wants 3,355 BTS for 47.9 OPEN.PPY
35a41c2c cancel order
3d7f1b17 paid 2.067 OPEN.PPY for 155 BTS
176c0f16 wants 3,750 BTS for 50 OPEN.PPY
7d57822c sent 16.25 USD to
1ab783a2 sent 200 BTS to
9a6170f6 wants 169.8 EDEV for 109.8 BTS
virtual paid 109.8 BTS for 169.8 EDEV
97d69600 sent 50 USD to
ca99fa3e wants 61.9 USD for 0.221 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.221 OPEN.ETH for 61.9 USD
30c9b73f wants 25 OPEN.ETP for 1,250 BTS
virtual paid 1,250 BTS for 25 OPEN.ETP
d5b95584 wants 1 OPEN.ETP for 50 BTS
virtual paid 50 BTS for 1 OPEN.ETP
17e55617 paid 0.000485 GOLD for 169.8 BTS
f4ef4f18 paid 0.000485 GOLD for 169.8 BTS
149417dc paid 0.000001 GOLD for 0.35 BTS
3bd7fd13 paid 0.000454 GOLD for 159 BTS
5876de1c paid 0.000001 GOLD for 0.35 BTS
fc0626df paid 0.000578 GOLD for 202.3 BTS
3e063070 paid 0.000578 GOLD for 202.3 BTS
d67f0aa7 paid 0.002693 GOLD for 943 BTS
54b714dd sent 0.0285 OPEN.BTC to
8cd04944 wants 0.02855 OPEN.BTC for 48.7 ICOO
virtual paid 48.7 ICOO for 0.02855 OPEN.BTC
fecbe07e wants 0.0293 OPEN.BTC for 50 ICOO
virtual paid 50 ICOO for 0.0293 OPEN.BTC
665637a1 wants 0.000786 OPEN.BTC for 1.274 ICOO
virtual paid 1.274 ICOO for 0.000786 OPEN.BTC
bcff5790 sent 0.02896 OPEN.BTC to
e78964bd wants 0.0142 OPEN.BTC for 100 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 100 BLOCKPAY for 0.0142 OPEN.BTC
bf8a4aec wants 0.0142 OPEN.BTC for 100 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 100 BLOCKPAY for 0.0142 OPEN.BTC
768792bb wants 0.000613 OPEN.BTC for 4.31 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 4.31 BLOCKPAY for 0.000613 OPEN.BTC
24dc1f88 sent 0.0372 OPEN.BTC to
0a8be729 wants 0.00768 OPEN.BTC for 8.06 USD
virtual paid 8.06 USD for 0.00768 OPEN.BTC
99d610b1 wants 1,846 BTS for 0.00528 GOLD
51895fcf wants 0.01672 OPEN.BTC for 0.01252 GOLD
virtual paid 0.00331 GOLD for 0.00452 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.000074 GOLD for 0.0001 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.000095 GOLD for 0.0001272 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00904 GOLD for 0.01208 OPEN.BTC
6480905a cancel order
5d1afda5 wants 6,565 BTS for 0.0178 GOLD
4bf53e5b cancel order
c58800af sent 0.01 BTS to
952c9aa1 wants 0.0265 OPEN.BTC for 0.0178 GOLD
virtual paid 0.000001 GOLD for 0.0000015 OPEN.BTC
e8dbeb90 wants 0.01048 OPEN.BTC for 0.01 BTC
virtual paid 0.01 BTC for 0.01048 OPEN.BTC
6f42d98a wants 0.00027 BTWTY for 411 BTS
virtual paid 411 BTS for 0.00027 BTWTY
d51c463c wants 0.00024 BTWTY for 372 BTS
virtual paid 372 BTS for 0.00024 BTWTY
41d823aa sent 0.077 OPEN.BTC to
7cdc91f4 wants 0.0772 OPEN.BTC for 4 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 4 PEERPLAYS for 0.0772 OPEN.BTC
1ec96b51 sent 0.0554 OPEN.BTC to
42901e1e wants 0.0555 OPEN.BTC for 3 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 0.0955 PEERPLAYS for 0.001784 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 2.904 PEERPLAYS for 0.0537 OPEN.BTC
303eb418 sent 0.0513 OPEN.BTC to
3fc8efa3 wants 0.0513 OPEN.BTC for 3 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 0.0957 PEERPLAYS for 0.001718 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.336 PEERPLAYS for 0.00575 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 2.57 PEERPLAYS for 0.0439 OPEN.BTC
b2a9def0 sent 0.0512 OPEN.BTC to
e30b20d8 wants 0.0513 OPEN.BTC for 3 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 3 PEERPLAYS for 0.0513 OPEN.BTC
310343a8 sent 0.0513 OPEN.BTC to
f540b0f7 sent 9,000 BTS to
fe376c1f paid 6,000 BTS for 2 PEERPLAYS
7e7e3150 wants 2 PEERPLAYS for 7,000 BTS
virtual paid 7,000 BTS for 2 PEERPLAYS
07aef454 wants 2 PEERPLAYS for 6,000 BTS
6f55b05e sent 11.93 OPEN.SBD to
618e6611 sent 2.976 OPEN.LTC to
6a28fc92 wants 0.362 OPEN.BTC for 20 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 20 PEERPLAYS for 0.362 OPEN.BTC
c28d0329 claimed 12.8 BTS, 119.4 BTS, 646 BTS, 115 BTS, 136.4 BTS
0f14f143 paid 10,477 OPEN.MUSE for 1,027 BTS
e116d72e wants 1,027 BTS for 10,477 OPEN.MUSE
f5ab002b update account/votes