立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



1 25%
BTS4yyG97Dfm5kJFJCEKW8SVoQYywDG9yoRmwCJTYeB7wehuAqU5i 1 25%
BTS63FV51oarPk63LNsWpvhjDPbQCAgNTNiLaSef6bwNjH9p3VYih 1 25%
BTS7wtrQEK7LJtLyAW3aAQUCDnszuZm3QsYwm3FHMB6LbZgdWLzcV 1 25%
Threshold 1 25%
1 33.3%
BTS54YSSGSYmgmi1bUvXavf3bmAk698jk94BTQYjMfxxwmkicgLrA 1 33.3%
BTS7AXuMVnQJNRbfEp3sAbYJVw4cwfoRuE4FQQyrEGZHURt5zwDDN 1 33.3%
Threshold 1 33.3%
Votes as
Voting weight93,807 BTS
Lifetime fees paid19,613 BTS
Cashback/vesting28.7 BTS
0.0007 CNY
0.0064 USD
0.0367 GDEX.USDT
0.0003 EUR
0.00495 OPTIONS.20NO2EUR
0.000031 XBTSX.USDT


Asset Balance Orders Collateral
BTS 170.7 43,700 50,015
CNY 0.643 0.0195 -2
USD 0.0053 0 0
GDEX.USDT 0.0000047 0 0
BTS01 41.7 0 0
OPTIONS.21JA1USD 27.7 0 0
OPTIONS.20SE1BTC 14.7 0 0
OPTIONS.20NO2EUR 0.1205 0 0
OPTIONS.21FE1CNY 0.88 0 0
OPTIONS.TEST1 0.0981 0 0
HONEST.MONEY 1.826 0 0
OPTIONS.19SE050C 0 49,379 -50,000
virtual create proposal
virtual create proposal
virtual wants 29.03 BTS for 0.00001004 GDEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.00001004 GDEX.BTC for 29.03 BTS
virtual withdraw 0.00001004 GDEX.BTC from vesting
virtual withdraw 24.84 BTS from vesting
virtual wants 198.3 BTS for 0.00109 GDEX.ETH
virtual paid 0.00109 GDEX.ETH for 198.3 BTS
virtual withdraw 0.00109 GDEX.ETH from vesting
virtual register g32a4
virtual register g32a3
virtual sent 2 BTS to
virtual register g32a2
virtual register g32a1
virtual withdraw 30.76 BTS from vesting
virtual register fdjyf6du
virtual register nt32jj
virtual register acti2
virtual whitelisted
virtual whitelisted
virtual blacklisted
virtual adjust collateral by 1.65 BTS, debt by 150 BTS01
virtual sent 125 BTS01 to
virtual adjust collateral by -8.25 BTS, debt by 141 BTS01
virtual withdraw 22.8 BTS from vesting
virtual whitelisted
virtual create proposal
virtual wants 0.5 CNY for 7.67 BTS
virtual paid 7.67 BTS for 0.5 CNY
virtual wants 16.3 BTS for 0.1558 XBTSX.USDT
virtual paid 0.1558 XBTSX.USDT for 16.3 BTS
virtual wants 0.1554 XBTSX.USDT for 15 BTS
virtual paid 15 BTS for 0.156 XBTSX.USDT
virtual wants 14.76 BTS for 0.1538 GDEX.USDT
virtual paid 0.1538 GDEX.USDT for 14.8 BTS
virtual wants 0.1042 GDEX.USDT for 10 BTS
virtual paid 10 BTS for 0.1042 GDEX.USDT
virtual wants 0.15 GDEX.USDT for 12.01 BTS
virtual paid 12.01 BTS for 0.15 GDEX.USDT
virtual cancel order
virtual wants 1.1 CNY for 15.12 BTS
virtual paid 15.12 BTS for 1.1 CNY
cef581e2 withdraw 10.6 BTS from vesting
87201f4b adjust collateral by -2.2 BTS, debt by -0.1 CNY
a690db39 adjust collateral by 0.00002 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
a030dc03 adjust collateral by 2.2 BTS, debt by 0.1 CNY
6e61281e settle 0.1 CNY
b4ba6be5 settle 0.1 CNY
5ebee751 wants 0.545 CNY for 4 BTS
virtual paid 4 BTS for 0.545 CNY
virtual cancel order
ea179337 update account/votes
a2004f5e sent 18 BTS to
cbbcb0fb sent 20 BTS to
3ff5bfc2 withdraw 23.95 BTS from vesting
2d6ea1e2 sent 970 BTS to
f0c33f85 paid 0 BTS for 27 OPTIONS.21FE1CNY
a3d6393a settle 969 OPTIONS.20NO2EUR
d54f3f05 update account/votes
3ccdbeb3 withdraw 12.6 BTS from vesting
36035250 sent 5 BTS to
cde3eec3 cancel orders (3)
91a021d7 sent 91 BTS to
08cd7452 sent 1.238 CNY to
c6181e00 withdraw 38.1 BTS from vesting
696a30b8 withdraw 1.238 CNY from vesting
523b2266 sent 0.0000968 GDEX.USDT to
79b1e7d7 sent 0.114 EUR to
81667fea sent 0.0039 CNY to
63a3c09e sent 0.00000002 GDEX.BTC to
f917439f paid 0 BTS for 30 OPTIONS.20DE2CNC
79e26db9 sent 250 BTS to
d03e1f33 wants 29.05 BTS for 4.88 CNY
virtual paid 4.88 CNY for 29.05 BTS
30d37976 wants 1.005 BTS for 0.169 CNY
virtual paid 0.169 CNY for 1.006 BTS
d4f74814 wants 5 CNY for 30.14 BTS
virtual paid 30.14 BTS for 5 CNY
1dac3a62 wants 0.0255 CNY for 0.1543 BTS
virtual paid 0.1537 BTS for 0.0255 CNY
virtual cancel order
bf3c1b72 wants 0.0255 CNY for 0.1543 BTS
virtual paid 0.1537 BTS for 0.0255 CNY
virtual cancel order
e4550282 transfer 200,000 BTS to a blind account
b5b9f43a transfer 100 BTS to a blind account
7eaae04b create proposal
10d251a6 create proposal
4f58619a create proposal
c2f32857 withdraw 51.6 BTS from vesting
8b9ec5ed create proposal
082be27d create proposal
c252c229 create proposal
60264937 create proposal
ded08ae3 wants 41.7 BTS for 6.69 CNY
virtual paid 6.69 CNY for 41.7 BTS
b512780d create proposal
746f0c1a create proposal
25f620da wants 6.5 CNY for 41.3 BTS
virtual paid 41.2 BTS for 6.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
0b82fb29 delete proposal 1.10.61111 (owner authority: no)
39271cca create proposal
169476ac withdraw 76.7 BTS from vesting
035b96c1 sent 29.5 BTS to
689587b8 withdraw 35.1 BTS from vesting
6d8fee90 create proposal
b99c3c82 fund OPTIONS.21JA1USD fee pool with 1 BTS
540ff4a6 fund OPTIONS.21JA1USD fee pool with 1 BTS
f6aa0a53 sent 1 BTS to
9e45fa7d sent 0.1 BTS to
071dede6 create proposal
ccd81d5e create proposal
9bddb468 delete proposal 1.10.61075 (owner authority: no)
a49a0cc6 delete proposal 1.10.61076 (owner authority: no)
078a6fb1 delete proposal 1.10.61077 (owner authority: no)
bd07e97a delete proposal 1.10.61078 (owner authority: no)
d7a9af88 delete proposal 1.10.61103 (owner authority: no)
da8d8079 delete proposal 1.10.61108 (owner authority: no)
91db96f9 create proposal
e07c5c45 create proposal
329dc8b5 create proposal
86636267 create proposal
930a60a9 create proposal
97ff7bc0 withdraw 118.5 BTS from vesting
408e2821 create proposal
a68db8f6 update proposal 1.10.61077
3d81f843 update proposal 1.10.61075
c3e0c45f update proposal 1.10.61073
cf903c75 create proposal
b50462a3 create proposal
25bc85ff create proposal
abee2d9c update proposal 1.10.61081
d03c84f4 create proposal
75d913b1 update proposal 1.10.61076
9875b329 create proposal
f5b819dd create proposal
39f03b78 update proposal 1.10.61076
c9c8aca5 update proposal 1.10.61077
1e5046e7 update proposal 1.10.61078
21717e08 create proposal
4cff7cd8 wants 9.74 BTS for 1.48 CNY
virtual paid 1.48 CNY for 9.74 BTS
3924f287 create proposal
b496ea3b create proposal
88e5cfa8 update proposal 1.10.61075
e2549083 create proposal
c6a62089 withdraw 36.4 BTS from vesting
7be53f40 update proposal 1.10.61073
c2c193fb create proposal
7dccbde9 create proposal
ecbd5f34 create proposal
33c87207 create proposal
b0c338bb update proposal 1.10.61068
virtual sent 1 BTS to
a4e35694 wants 0.0399 CNY for 0.255 BTS
virtual paid 0.2545 BTS for 0.04 CNY
virtual cancel order
f68c5b41 wants 0.784 CNY for 5 BTS
virtual paid 5 BTS for 0.786 CNY
25d4a0ab sent 450 BTS to
c8b07b0d sent 8 CNY to
98c6ccf9 wants 7.86 CNY for 50 BTS
virtual paid 50 BTS for 7.86 CNY
c10e45ea wants 0.794 CNY for 5.05 BTS
virtual paid 5.05 BTS for 0.794 CNY
virtual cancel order
7b6939d4 transfer 200 BTS to a blind account
8482af37 transfer 100 BTS to a blind account
53881921 transfer 50 BTS to a blind account
8fe8df5e paid 6 BTS for 6 OPTIONS.TEST2
1b31410b paid 5.1 OPTIONS.TEST2 for 2.55 BTS
7f20975a wants 30 OPTIONS.TEST2 for 3 BTS
5c09b9ba adjust collateral by 6 BTS, debt by 6 OPTIONS.TEST2
5c09b9ba wants 3 BTS for 6 OPTIONS.TEST2
973685c3 sent 50 BTS to
98ca18d1 adjust collateral by -70 BTS, debt by -70 OPTIONS.20DE2CNC
374e7ae5 paid 4.9 OPTIONS.TEST1 for 0.98 BTS
f103dd3e paid 10 BTS for 10 OPTIONS.TEST1
67bad16f paid 5 OPTIONS.TEST1 for 1 BTS
dc25a793 wants 0.009 BTS for 0.09 OPTIONS.TEST1
virtual paid 0.09 OPTIONS.TEST1 for 0.009 BTS
virtual paid 0.009 BTS for 0.09 OPTIONS.TEST1
b6fb0106 wants 0.1 OPTIONS.TEST1 for 0.02 BTS
virtual paid 0.02 BTS for 0.1 OPTIONS.TEST1
virtual paid 0.1 OPTIONS.TEST1 for 0.02 BTS
b0a59e8f wants 10 OPTIONS.TEST1 for 1 BTS
5b51b5f6 adjust collateral by 10 BTS, debt by 10 OPTIONS.TEST1
5b51b5f6 wants 2 BTS for 10 OPTIONS.TEST1
a91dea7a sent 1 OPTIONS.20DE2CNC to
38d6d235 sent 1 OPTIONS.20DE2CNC to