立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer


Committee Member


3 33.3%
BTS5MEXiEKEd6mEjjWdwrcY5aU3a39tqfjXX3LGTioU9M4tiBazrq 3 33.3%
BTS6veKmEBmU9NA5TcB3rFsUy1BQkiqvcQHdg74DZwPLNXQVpF7wK 3 33.3%
Threshold 3 33.3%
3 50%
BTS6oenGTF9ZhEvjzot15pmWj9XEJfzrLuNHzCbGaF5zWNvrWxqhH 3 50%
Threshold 3 50%
Lifetime fees paid56,246 BTS
Cashback/vesting11.65 BTS
0.0013 CNY
0.0023 USD
virtual withdraw 13.2 BTS from vesting
virtual update asset OPTIONS.LPTOKEN
virtual update asset OPTIONS.LPTOKEN
virtual update asset OPTIONS.LPTOKEN
virtual update asset OPTIONS.LPTOKEN
virtual wants 1.352 CNY for 20 BTS
virtual paid 0.0014 BTS for 0.0001 CNY
virtual paid 20 BTS for 1.351 CNY
virtual cancel order
virtual update proposal 1.10.89815
virtual withdraw 11.12 BTS from vesting
e22ae9ae sent 135 BTS to
a9ba08b8 wants 12.76 BTS for 1.798 CNY
virtual paid 1.798 CNY for 12.76 BTS
b72c7ca6 withdraw 115.6 BTS from vesting
770db3ff create proposal
aff9dddd wants 1.5 CNY for 11 BTS
virtual paid 11 BTS for 1.5 CNY
08054774 register dl666uu11
fee24474 sent 75 BTS to
75259a30 sent 66 BTS to
db031b11 withdraw 142 BTS from vesting
7ba40a4a update proposal 1.10.64229
25293a68 create proposal
5e3bfaa7 wants 15.45 BTS for 4.62 CNY
virtual paid 4.62 CNY for 15.45 BTS
3fabe851 withdraw 2.027 CNY from vesting
8996d971 wants 3.55 BTS for 1 CNY
virtual paid 1 CNY for 3.55 BTS
b4276dd9 wants 2.654 CNY for 10 BTS
virtual paid 10 BTS for 2.684 CNY
virtual cancel order
9479d13a withdraw 33.3 BTS from vesting
16b137ac update account/votes
ae9d1cf2 sent 48,110 BTS to
50b1a376 adjust collateral by -2,254 BTS, debt by -250 CNY
b64ced81 wants 106.6 CNY for 394 BTS
virtual paid 394 BTS for 106.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
77d7064b cancel order
c34fbe9c withdraw 172 BTS from vesting
ebde7ed2 paid 451 BTS for 124.4 CNY
4b765789 paid 63 BTS for 17.4 CNY
646836b0 paid 5.4 BTS for 1.49 CNY
d16d7e45 wants 250 CNY for 906 BTS
269dd8eb adjust collateral by -3,697 BTS, debt by -410 CNY
b63fdd9f cancel order
4458e11b paid 453 BTS for 124.6 CNY
149aacf3 paid 777 BTS for 213.7 CNY
403fd4f4 paid 235.7 BTS for 64.8 CNY
ca03a905 adjust collateral by -352 BTS, debt by -40 CNY
a80be7ae adjust collateral by -12,605 BTS, debt by -1,400 CNY
581bae5e adjust collateral by -26,111 BTS, debt by -2,900 CNY
1c10f87e paid 5,003 BTS for 1,376 CNY
43f935a6 paid 334 BTS for 91.9 CNY
e089ff97 wants 5,775 CNY for 21,000 BTS
virtual paid 2,000 BTS for 550 CNY
virtual paid 5,000 BTS for 1,376 CNY
f21c91d4 paid 2,505 BTS for 689 CNY
dc0ca5a9 paid 490 BTS for 135 CNY
646661ac paid 489 BTS for 134.6 CNY
28b39d6c cancel order
fde4c443 wants 5,880 CNY for 21,000 BTS
769ed37c cancel order
baa398d8 wants 5,985 CNY for 21,000 BTS
26742b5c cancel order
7ae44f98 wants 5,740 CNY for 20,000 BTS
3075166d cancel order
41421321 wants 5,760 CNY for 20,000 BTS
3e5fdf51 cancel order
c5df6363 wants 5,780 CNY for 20,000 BTS
41b98843 cancel order
451a7085 wants 5,800 CNY for 20,000 BTS
441b01c3 cancel order
be932018 wants 5,820 CNY for 20,000 BTS
3b9d87b5 cancel order
109741b6 wants 5,840 CNY for 20,000 BTS
04aff0c9 cancel order
b92ec2b1 wants 5,860 CNY for 20,000 BTS
99e28fc8 cancel order
0b840cb2 wants 5,870 CNY for 20,000 BTS
0f88c9cd adjust collateral by -787 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
acff3b70 adjust collateral by -2,139 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
2901eae3 paid 1.887 CNY for 6.09 BTS
39e5ca8c paid 125.6 CNY for 405 BTS
7ccfa7eb paid 125.8 CNY for 406 BTS
5c1ca4cc paid 161 CNY for 520 BTS
7f796eb0 paid 5.41 CNY for 17.44 BTS
16d7b656 paid 29.76 CNY for 96 BTS
51520084 paid 5.41 CNY for 17.44 BTS
97700238 paid 248 CNY for 800 BTS
634efe68 paid 5.41 CNY for 17.45 BTS
55d61d85 wants 16,129 BTS for 5,000 CNY
virtual paid 354 CNY for 1,159 BTS
virtual paid 242 CNY for 787 BTS
b18527fd paid 124.3 CNY for 401 BTS
b1eb35b4 paid 37 CNY for 119.4 BTS
e2f4724e paid 2,936 CNY for 9,471 BTS
7ed8acb1 paid 69.3 CNY for 223.7 BTS
752eaea4 paid 175 CNY for 564 BTS
f8eed0e9 paid 35.3 CNY for 113.7 BTS
b21e3206 paid 23 CNY for 74.3 BTS
a538e67c paid 51.8 CNY for 167 BTS
501ab19a paid 124.3 CNY for 401 BTS
cbda1a34 paid 66.7 CNY for 215.3 BTS
e98d2f58 paid 9.55 CNY for 30.8 BTS
b0e10f47 paid 43.5 CNY for 140.2 BTS
d631e271 cancel order
f01cc0be wants 17,241 BTS for 5,000 CNY
7b17dce0 adjust collateral by 47,945 BTS, debt by 5,000 CNY
92a0c6cb adjust collateral by 0.105 BTS, debt by 0.0106 CNY
ed1e986c sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
e9971ccd sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
e201914b sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
1f88d987 sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
2f4e6fd1 sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
8bb39ea1 sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
38903e91 sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
97aed9ef sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
240768a7 sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
d9391570 sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
b8d4544e sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
166cd8c4 sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
b1c6d267 sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
a986fa02 sent 1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
c93b9171 sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
87308728 sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
ef268d08 sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
5fcb6992 update account/votes
20d887e3 wants 0.2 OPTIONS.21SE07CC for 0.0302 BTS
virtual paid 0.0302 BTS for 0.2 OPTIONS.21SE07CC
cc7331ef wants 0.0043 BTS for 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC
virtual paid 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC for 0.0043 BTS
0e9db58e sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
f6896a34 sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
ae7179f4 sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
770468bf sent 0.1 OPTIONS.21SE07CC to
031c9fb1 wants 7 OPTIONS.21SE07CC for 1.056 BTS
virtual paid 1.056 BTS for 7 OPTIONS.21SE07CC
9dc5ea33 sent 510 BTS to
579395fd create asset OPTIONS.21SE07CC
8f62a528 update account/votes
21e9b637 sent 1,560 BTS to
b6459115 withdraw 1,536 BTS from vesting
85d46ee9 register test4547
24c8069b sent 42,000 BTS01 to
8588a3a1 sent 1,550 BTS to
82acd76a withdraw 1,577 BTS from vesting
8070c3cf update asset OPTIONS.21FE1CNY
db292852 update asset OPTIONS.21FE1CNY
f0c33f85 globally settle OPTIONS.21FE1CNY at 0 BTS/OPTIONS.21FE1CNY
5ab3e88f update account/votes
44d1ff3f sent 1,400 BTS to
39271bf5 withdraw 613 BTS from vesting
6e80a3f0 update asset OPTIONS.TEST4
249e6798 update asset OPTIONS.TEST4
22284804 wants 5 OPTIONS.TEST4 for 1 BTS
virtual paid 1 BTS for 5 OPTIONS.TEST4
1011a258 adjust collateral by -100 BTS, debt by -100 OPTIONS.TEST4
c17f2288 adjust collateral by 90 BTS, debt by 90 OPTIONS.TEST4
4d0a58d9 adjust collateral by 10.1 BTS, debt by 10 OPTIONS.TEST4
c2a5c1b1 update asset OPTIONS.TEST4
c2a5c1b1 update OPTIONS.TEST4 feed producers
56c3456e create asset OPTIONS.TEST4
9a7f031b update asset OPTIONS.21FE1CNY
a359ea86 update asset OPTIONS.21FE1CNY
3d9b66fa update asset OPTIONS.20NO2EUR
a96dc556 update asset OPTIONS.21FE1CNY
b1a78930 claim 18.50963 OPTIONS.20NO2EUR from fee pool
3a135243 whitelisted
d3b87f2f withdraw 372 BTS from vesting
16cffad4 sent 1,840 BTS to
0682e1c2 withdraw 1,835 BTS from vesting
1003b7b8 globally settle OPTIONS.21JA1USD at 0 BTS/OPTIONS.21JA1USD
4125e155 sent 38 BTS to
95811d2b sent 0.00000585 GDEX.BTC to
c4ed8909 withdraw 0.00000585 GDEX.BTC from vesting
53dbe427 sent 7.8 OPTIONS.TEST1 to
40d222a5 sent 3.05 OPTIONS.TEST2 to
18c3b176 sent 970 OPTIONS.20NO2EUR to
c04b17a9 adjust collateral by -1 BTS, debt by -1 TRUMPIMPEACH
5d60c7d6 cancel orders (2)
85c584ec sent 0.101 USD to
a7c0720d sent 0.00000242 GDEX.BTC to
31f23920 sent 0.00000949 RUDEX.BTC to
c1117e5c sent 8.1 CNY to
5d598fc7 update asset OPTIONS.20DE2CNC
f917439f globally settle OPTIONS.20DE2CNC at 0 BTS/OPTIONS.20DE2CNC
virtual paid 0 BTS for 1 OPTIONS.20DE2CNC
44976673 sent 1,000 BTS to
f4412e29 sent 1,000 BTS to
3dbf066d sent 400 BTS to
8505b0f1 withdraw 2,422 BTS from vesting
b73ba2b9 fund OPTIONS.21JA1USD fee pool with 1 BTS
8457bbdc sent 40 BTS to
9e315776 sent 50 BTS to
b35c2af5 create proposal