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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid9.66 BTS


Asset Balance
BRIDGE.ARRR 0.000751
74eba379 issue 2.69 BRIDGE.BIR to
566fe561 issue 0.29 BRIDGE.BIR to
584c77f4 issue 8.1 BRIDGE.BIR to
a3d132e8 issue 11.91 BRIDGE.BIR to
d380b58a issue 6.68 BRIDGE.BIR to
6713d336 issue 2.69 BRIDGE.BIR to
b1f75630 issue 0.29 BRIDGE.BIR to
0b3ee838 issue 20 BRIDGE.BIR to
1fb2b74b sent 13,397 BRIDGE.BIR to
d281e78a sent 0.01091 BRIDGE.BTC to
dcdfa644 wants 0.01093 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,025 BRIDGE.ARRR
virtual paid 2,025 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.01094 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
f9da7f8e sent 40,000 BRIDGE.BIR to
a6913395 sent 0.0267 BRIDGE.BTC to
7a39ad47 sent 26.6 BRIDGE.GTM to
d7c8e1e1 wants 26.9 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.0018 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0001291 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.928 BRIDGE.GTM
virtual paid 0.00167 BRIDGE.BTC for 24.95 BRIDGE.GTM
3c0eb28a sent 9.98 BRIDGE.GTM to
d90150e0 wants 10 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.000703 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000703 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.GTM
6d157b75 cancel order
f29c165e wants 20 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.0014 BRIDGE.BTC
191b93b0 cancel order
6ad83552 wants 30 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.002064 BRIDGE.BTC
da87992c sent 1,000 BRIDGE.ABET to
07daf3c3 paid 0.000428 BRIDGE.BTC for 20 BRIDGE.ABET
7e6938d3 wants 20 BRIDGE.ABET for 0.000428 BRIDGE.BTC
2f94367f paid 835 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00277 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
53a6feeb paid 2,881 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00957 BRIDGE.BTC
3d52c47f wants 0.01234 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,716 BRIDGE.BIR
5fe6a1aa wants 0.00094 BRIDGE.BTC for 283 BRIDGE.BIR
virtual paid 283 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00094 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
d1dc1bae cancel order
be503104 wants 0.01384 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,999 BRIDGE.BIR
afc0d39d paid 0.01225 BRIDGE.BTC for 221.6 BRIDGE.ABET
99a9c10a paid 0.00238 BRIDGE.BTC for 43.1 BRIDGE.ABET
8ddd08ba paid 0.00883 BRIDGE.BTC for 159.6 BRIDGE.ABET
7dbd4081 wants 424 BRIDGE.ABET for 0.02346 BRIDGE.BTC
998f0a8b cancel order
5f869a98 wants 364 BRIDGE.ABET for 0.02346 BRIDGE.BTC
58d95350 cancel order
70e0ed1a paid 0.0266 BRIDGE.BTC for 506 BRIDGE.ABET
6adf29f5 wants 952 BRIDGE.ABET for 0.0501 BRIDGE.BTC
b2c6b990 paid 0.00427 BRIDGE.BTC for 60 BRIDGE.ABET
5744c5cb wants 60 BRIDGE.ABET for 0.00427 BRIDGE.BTC
d2b5aeb1 paid 1,215 BRIDGE.UFY for 0.00436 BRIDGE.BTC
373c79d6 wants 0.00436 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,215 BRIDGE.UFY
9db90816 sent 23.2 BRIDGE.GTM to
b0bb3301 wants 2.36 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.0002955 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0002955 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.36 BRIDGE.GTM
14afa249 cancel order
ba663fd2 wants 15.05 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.001883 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001586 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.68 BRIDGE.GTM
2496eef0 cancel order
a1cd6400 wants 23.45 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.002934 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00105 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.4 BRIDGE.GTM
ffe256cb paid 0.0025 BRIDGE.BTC for 17.36 BRIDGE.GTM
3906d147 wants 17.36 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.0025 BRIDGE.BTC
ce5d9f91 paid 0.00288 BRIDGE.BTC for 180 BRIDGE.UFY
fd0e5a4f wants 180 BRIDGE.UFY for 0.00288 BRIDGE.BTC
85347c5b cancel order
ffa51020 wants 0.000842 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.4 BRIDGE.UFY
e4fae926 wants 30 BRIDGE.UFY for 0.002457 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001633 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.93 BRIDGE.UFY
virtual paid 0.000824 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.07 BRIDGE.UFY
a38b49f8 cancel order
a217c4dc paid 0.0217 BRIDGE.BTC for 286 BRIDGE.UFY
c652c6e8 wants 310 BRIDGE.UFY for 0.0235 BRIDGE.BTC
d79f5b7c wants 196.2 BRIDGE.UFY for 0.01486 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000932 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.235 BRIDGE.UFY
virtual paid 0.01047 BRIDGE.BTC for 138.3 BRIDGE.UFY
virtual paid 0.00429 BRIDGE.BTC for 56.7 BRIDGE.UFY
3a17d8ac paid 500 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00257 BRIDGE.BTC
6bf0e941 wants 0.00257 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.BIR
12d0645c paid 600 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00335 BRIDGE.BTC
0c82d41d wants 0.00335 BRIDGE.BTC for 600 BRIDGE.BIR
476e0ba4 wants 0.00126 BRIDGE.BTC for 231 BRIDGE.BIR
virtual paid 231 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00126 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
4b61cd1f cancel order
a0af90cb wants 0.001635 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.BIR
virtual paid 68.9 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.000376 BRIDGE.BTC
69251b76 cancel order
8c90476a wants 0.00195 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.BIR
beb29b48 wants 0.001952 BRIDGE.BTC for 241.3 BRIDGE.ARRR
virtual paid 241.3 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.001952 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
bc5d46d4 cancel order
15b0864f wants 0.00306 BRIDGE.BTC for 352 BRIDGE.ARRR
virtual paid 81.8 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.000711 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 28.65 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.000249 BRIDGE.BTC
59e29c17 paid 641 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00442 BRIDGE.BTC
3c289f29 wants 0.00442 BRIDGE.BTC for 641 BRIDGE.BIR
cf18803b sent 0.01336 BRIDGE.BTC to
93081d7e paid 1,207 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.0107 BRIDGE.BTC
50e36c04 wants 0.0107 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,207 BRIDGE.ARRR
ec32f05c wants 0.00269 BRIDGE.BTC for 288.5 BRIDGE.ARRR
virtual paid 288.5 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.00269 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
28d917c3 sent 0.01413 BRIDGE.BTC to
3db7addb paid 622 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.00429 BRIDGE.BTC
e65e857b wants 0.00429 BRIDGE.BTC for 622 BRIDGE.ARRR
d0d0fa28 paid 546 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.00377 BRIDGE.BTC
cfb43044 wants 0.00377 BRIDGE.BTC for 546 BRIDGE.ARRR
48890a03 sent 0.01926 BRIDGE.BTC to
c5e57128 paid 2,830 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.01896 BRIDGE.BTC
dc213d69 wants 0.01896 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,830 BRIDGE.ARRR
80065145 cancel order
9d822814 wants 0.01925 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,830 BRIDGE.ARRR
79d6c5e0 sent 0.00548 BRIDGE.BTC to
6d9f7a06 sent 40,000 BRIDGE.BIR to
c41198df paid 0.094 BRIDGE.BTC for 13,526 BRIDGE.BIR
4b0a4c2e paid 0.00001487 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.14 BRIDGE.BIR
e56e121c paid 0.000305 BRIDGE.BTC for 43.9 BRIDGE.BIR
8cb4942c paid 0.00001487 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.14 BRIDGE.BIR
7d250de2 paid 0.00001487 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.14 BRIDGE.BIR
4679437f paid 0.000688 BRIDGE.BTC for 99 BRIDGE.BIR
e8d35e66 wants 13,741 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.0955 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000255 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.67 BRIDGE.BIR
virtual paid 0.00043 BRIDGE.BTC for 61.9 BRIDGE.BIR
dfb295d1 paid 0.00429 BRIDGE.BTC for 557 BRIDGE.BIR
c70e93f9 paid 0.054 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,022 BRIDGE.BIR
be9812c6 paid 0.0000149 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.937 BRIDGE.BIR
fedc0804 paid 0.0000575 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.48 BRIDGE.BIR
3b865f04 paid 0.01482 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,926 BRIDGE.BIR
d57fe5ab paid 0.0000149 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.937 BRIDGE.BIR
ce494061 paid 0.013 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,691 BRIDGE.BIR
c89ffeea paid 0.0000149 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.937 BRIDGE.BIR
2de7896c paid 0.0087 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,131 BRIDGE.BIR
1e614700 wants 12,998 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00506 BRIDGE.BTC for 657 BRIDGE.BIR
9ee530d0 cancel order
fbb40dc1 wants 13,889 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC
56d6b983 paid 0.0992 BRIDGE.BTC for 13,283 BRIDGE.BIR
110dabdd paid 0.0000149 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.996 BRIDGE.BIR
22532a59 paid 0.00074 BRIDGE.BTC for 99 BRIDGE.BIR
5a968e28 paid 0.00002275 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.046 BRIDGE.BIR
4c01fac2 wants 13,387 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC
514619dc sent 0.0142 BRIDGE.BTC to
426b4e16 paid 0.001427 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
795b5193 paid 2,032 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.01424 BRIDGE.BTC
70a0358d wants 0.01424 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,032 BRIDGE.ARRR