立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid61.3 BTS


Asset Balance
OPEN.ETH 0.000003
SEED 158
c63cfaec sent 8,256 BTS to
2b62aeb8 wants 837 BTS for 3,333 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 3,333 BLOCKPAY for 837 BTS
43fbab62 wants 2.91 BTS for 10,000 BADCOIN
virtual paid 1,000 BADCOIN for 0.292 BTS
virtual paid 9,000 BADCOIN for 2.62 BTS
d83b00ab sent 1,000 BTS to
87b68ccc create proposal
b0eb8bd6 sent 200,000 BTS to
b6cc7954 sent 40,000 BTS to
1c844e07 sent 200,000 BTS to
f20daaa9 sent 100 BTS to
d4b6f30d cancel order
28050f7b cancel order
ec4408e4 cancel order
d092e357 wants 1,999,400 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
4d46cbad sent 49.9 OPEN.ETH to
9fd64c71 wants 4.65 OPEN.BTC for 100 PEERPLAYS
3cb2273b wants 4.64 OPEN.BTC for 100 PEERPLAYS
e4d907f2 paid 840 BTS for 0.42 OPEN.ETH
d078d899 paid 51,846 BTS for 25.9 OPEN.ETH
85428e85 paid 3,983 BTS for 1.99 OPEN.ETH
87523b3f paid 19,378 BTS for 9.68 OPEN.ETH
2933b704 paid 9,595 BTS for 4.8 OPEN.ETH
01d9337c paid 1,693 BTS for 0.846 OPEN.ETH
84373588 paid 109 BTS for 0.0545 OPEN.ETH
bd3185b3 paid 12,606 BTS for 6.3 OPEN.ETH
7d481093 wants 50 OPEN.ETH for 100,050 BTS
3afe544b sent 10.06 OPEN.ETH to
4ab6eab9 sent 0.265 OPEN.BTC to
ebc76d8a wants 11 PEERPLAYS for 22,000 BTS
virtual paid 22,000 BTS for 11 PEERPLAYS
e1135520 cancel order
85cb6920 cancel order
8a179c56 cancel order
6808a48e cancel order
8e31fad6 cancel order
e0bb8d76 cancel order
63b82f56 cancel order
0969b85e cancel order
cd529899 cancel order
0ca10677 cancel order
4961d139 cancel order
0b86bb00 cancel order
a741b59e cancel order
fd8a3424 cancel order
34c3b5ae cancel order
d973209d cancel order
45144b7b cancel order
424a5316 cancel order
eba95a8e cancel order
a59537a0 cancel order
1924cd16 cancel order
bc54df92 cancel order
bc706177 cancel order
32ab01f9 cancel order
3734a88d cancel order
7b5a0cf5 cancel order
3bd821fd cancel order
f4490498 cancel order
b3f2d931 cancel order
b16033df cancel order
2b04f980 cancel order
58ddf5c9 cancel order
a07ebf4c cancel order
99e05184 cancel order
59d621f0 cancel order
29fadeb4 cancel order
b407c58d cancel order
f1e5068c cancel order
35fe5c5c cancel order
e3969a27 cancel order
d4d0faed cancel order
9abec457 wants 207 BTS for 0.09 PEERPLAYS
0bd2ccfc wants 91,960 BTS for 40 PEERPLAYS
236f470e cancel order
2c31421e wants 91,959 BTS for 40 PEERPLAYS
615aecfe wants 22,875 BTS for 9.95 PEERPLAYS
8cba9b5a cancel order
22a2f354 wants 114,950 BTS for 50 PEERPLAYS
444be8de cancel order
092dabdc wants 49,801 BTS for 18.8 PEERPLAYS
a8ed05c8 cancel order
828173fb wants 23,980 BTS for 10 PEERPLAYS
9321cafc wants 114,950 BTS for 50 PEERPLAYS
92a3b4e4 paid 84,080 BTS for 40 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 42,020 BTS for 20 PEERPLAYS
698b6b32 paid 1.25 PEERPLAYS for 3,000 BTS
5787abf6 wants 47,960 BTS for 20 PEERPLAYS
faa9186d cancel order
f726f52e wants 40 PEERPLAYS for 84,080 BTS
ecc15577 cancel order
357876fe wants 42 PEERPLAYS for 90,342 BTS
d2489ecc wants 92,000 BTS for 40 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 40 PEERPLAYS for 92,000 BTS
5583201c wants 52,800 BTS for 20 PEERPLAYS
6e5279c6 cancel order
568ce5ff wants 158,400 BTS for 60 PEERPLAYS
a406b509 cancel order
47f5340d wants 100 PEERPLAYS for 0.0004 OPEN.BTC
42689d3d wants 0.766 OPEN.BTC for 30 PEERPLAYS
db83dc8c cancel order
a7f1db50 wants 51 PEERPLAYS for 25,500 BTS
3c99cdf5 wants 350 PEERPLAYS for 105,700 BTS
34cf2a6c wants 20 PEERPLAYS for 42,020 BTS
f9b4baba cancel order
129647b8 wants 158,880 BTS for 60 PEERPLAYS
14f14467 cancel order
f1637f8b paid 22,670 BTS for 10 PEERPLAYS
73a2f568 wants 10 PEERPLAYS for 22,670 BTS
fdd1bc11 cancel order
b484eb52 wants 132,400 BTS for 50 PEERPLAYS
a8a7d252 cancel order
de5f4574 wants 0.766 OPEN.BTC for 30 PEERPLAYS
644d3eba cancel order
4ebf6f21 cancel order
ed075c4e wants 132,400 BTS for 50 PEERPLAYS
7a01f27d cancel order
9337c189 wants 10 PEERPLAYS for 22,670 BTS
41950c2b wants 0.511 OPEN.BTC for 20 PEERPLAYS
799f4f04 cancel order
06a554bd wants 0.2554 OPEN.BTC for 10 PEERPLAYS
892996b7 wants 132,400 BTS for 50 PEERPLAYS
77d38c29 paid 45,182 BTS for 20 PEERPLAYS
14f4254d paid 46,060 BTS for 20 PEERPLAYS
fa828153 wants 1.392 OPEN.BTC for 30 PEERPLAYS
dfac4df0 cancel order
dd9bbc12 wants 0.511 OPEN.BTC for 20 PEERPLAYS
34027297 cancel order
2b151101 wants 20 PEERPLAYS for 46,060 BTS
7bd6e589 cancel order
ebf84698 paid 21 PEERPLAYS for 56,627 BTS
d355ff04 paid 0.00365 PEERPLAYS for 9.85 BTS
7511a396 wants 0.511 OPEN.BTC for 20 PEERPLAYS
7cca96c4 cancel order
30917190 wants 20 PEERPLAYS for 46,040 BTS
6c653794 wants 56,637 BTS for 21 PEERPLAYS
58520590 paid 20 PEERPLAYS for 52,960 BTS
3d690595 paid 20 PEERPLAYS for 50,000 BTS
9912d847 wants 50,000 BTS for 20 PEERPLAYS
21fd5c6a cancel order
fecd25e0 wants 0.518 OPEN.BTC for 20 PEERPLAYS
b718e8f4 cancel order
88d543f3 wants 0.518 OPEN.BTC for 20 PEERPLAYS
ea92d4ad cancel order
caece360 wants 0.518 OPEN.BTC for 20 PEERPLAYS
5a16d9dd cancel order
d91599ab wants 69,940 BTS for 20 PEERPLAYS
f948d7b5 cancel order
d85fa4a8 cancel order
edb922dd cancel order
075acf5a wants 0.647 OPEN.BTC for 25 PEERPLAYS
e17e6cb1 cancel order
ce694f90 paid 0.1 PEERPLAYS for 253 BTS
ae59af37 paid 0.1 PEERPLAYS for 253 BTS
fc5b1e47 paid 0.1 PEERPLAYS for 253 BTS
c5c28418 wants 40,480 BTS for 16 PEERPLAYS
906c8b89 cancel order
82591d72 wants 0.647 OPEN.BTC for 25 PEERPLAYS
e46de558 cancel order
522ed80a paid 4.85 PEERPLAYS for 12,277 BTS
e092d159 wants 0.687 OPEN.BTC for 26.5 PEERPLAYS
65cc96b2 wants 50,580 BTS for 20 PEERPLAYS
b5a8d264 wants 20 PEERPLAYS for 45,182 BTS
7c711cdd cancel order
60dec98d wants 20 PEERPLAYS for 45,160 BTS
97ae3ade cancel order
1836d880 cancel order
ac5b0965 wants 10 PEERPLAYS for 22,590 BTS
c76f5452 wants 8,897 BTS for 3.52 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 3.52 PEERPLAYS for 8,897 BTS
c68d9f92 cancel order
d387f762 wants 10 PEERPLAYS for 22,580 BTS
2b3fbec5 paid 10 PEERPLAYS for 25,280 BTS
9fb75f63 wants 25,280 BTS for 10 PEERPLAYS
11b7f9db paid 22,920 BTS for 10 PEERPLAYS
2ebf011b wants 10 PEERPLAYS for 22,920 BTS
97efde6a wants 0.588 OPEN.BTC for 20 PEERPLAYS
74a052cc cancel order
4877c012 wants 0.15 OPEN.BTC for 5.6 PEERPLAYS
06793ac3 sent 0.29 OPEN.BTC to
7005b2cd paid 10 PEERPLAYS for 0.268 OPEN.BTC
dfd20309 wants 0.268 OPEN.BTC for 10 PEERPLAYS
e58c4020 wants 0.566 OPEN.BTC for 20 PEERPLAYS
a38ab456 cancel order
55f26cf3 wants 32,980 BTS for 10 PEERPLAYS
83de7aa7 cancel order
1f764c60 wants 32,990 BTS for 10 PEERPLAYS
c869c4fa cancel order
0cd197a5 cancel order
4d26cae0 wants 52,960 BTS for 20 PEERPLAYS
bbffe8e0 cancel order
444ccbde wants 0.000001 OPEN.BTC for 0.00005 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 0.00001 PEERPLAYS for 0.00000025 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00004 PEERPLAYS for 0.0000008 OPEN.BTC
e040a19c wants 4 OPEN.BTC for 0.00002 PEERPLAYS
b8383c24 wants 52,988 BTS for 20 PEERPLAYS
ea5bfeca cancel order
d14dd1b7 wants 100 OPEN.ETH for 100,100 BTS
478fe652 wants 52,989 BTS for 20 PEERPLAYS