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BitShares Block Explorer



BTS6kGxzun9tz5Tc8FS8dpgeMe92SQdoPh88yWBCrtpP45WstEeEd 1 50%
BTS5iWQgaw8Y3z5Qiy5kuUvzSgAdzwoGsLTPDonfzm6eQcrXXpQmm 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes as
Voting weight897 BTS
Lifetime fees paid7.64 BTS


Asset Balance
PPY 54.2
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
CEMENT 0.028
QUBIT 0.0004
NICKEL 0.00004
EBAYCOM 0.00002
APPLECOM 0.00002
TESLACOM 0.00001
CISCOCOM 0.00002
VISACOM 0.00001
SQUARED.CNY 0.000002
XBTSX.STH 0.0321
c6018883 sent 896 BTS to
58c53554 sent 0.0321 XBTSX.STH to
9c819684 paid 0.00346 PPY for 0.0586 BTS
06186015 paid 3.44 PPY for 58.2 BTS
eddd993b paid 0.498 PPY for 8.44 BTS
21606b19 paid 78.1 BTS for 4.8 PPY
e82b9922 paid 1.346 PPY for 22.8 BTS
e0622273 paid 0.335 PPY for 5.68 BTS
6225bf56 paid 0.555 PPY for 9.4 BTS
6bba4c92 paid 0.314 PPY for 5.32 BTS
387651c1 paid 0.3134 PPY for 5.31 BTS
e5d9737a paid 0.3134 PPY for 5.31 BTS
482da902 paid 0.3127 PPY for 5.3 BTS
5c30831f paid 0.194 BTS for 0.01192 PPY
0c9434ef paid 38.5 BTS for 2.364 PPY
6052bccf cancel orders (2)
6052bccf wants 7.17 PPY for 116.8 BTS
6052bccf wants 125.8 BTS for 7.43 PPY
535792b0 wants 7.22 PPY for 116.8 BTS
535792b0 wants 131.5 BTS for 7.43 PPY
4bb4451e paid 108 BTS for 6.58 PPY
6eb6cba7 paid 7.68 PPY for 136 BTS
e5f19b87 wants 6.58 PPY for 108 BTS
e5f19b87 wants 136 BTS for 7.68 PPY
a6a55e06 cancel order
587034d5 cancel order
587034d5 wants 117.2 BTS for 6.35 PPY
7f853f10 paid 0.969 PPY for 17.9 BTS
8731fddb paid 0.0882 PPY for 1.628 BTS
fe1d1f7c cancel order
fe1d1f7c wants 118.6 BTS for 6.35 PPY
97564530 paid 130 BTS for 7.16 PPY
d37e6a23 wants 7.16 PPY for 130 BTS
d37e6a23 wants 124 BTS for 6.35 PPY
5173dbcf cancel order
2482623f paid 7.34 PPY for 143.3 BTS
be16c58b paid 34.7 BTS for 1.9 PPY
b425995f paid 28.5 BTS for 1.56 PPY
8012eb0a paid 5.18 BTS for 0.283 PPY
a65689ff cancel order
a65689ff wants 6.08 PPY for 111 BTS
42b5915a wants 6.12 PPY for 111 BTS
42b5915a wants 143.3 BTS for 7.34 PPY
cb9879bd cancel order
3a15fae9 wants 4.13 PPY for 109.6 BTS
virtual paid 109.6 BTS for 4.36 PPY
3a15fae9 wants 191.8 BTS for 6.95 PPY
10548722 cancel orders (2)
4bffe992 paid 3.93 PPY for 114.3 BTS
b5508645 paid 0.01637 PPY for 0.476 BTS
78d171ed paid 1.244 BTS for 0.0596 PPY
bde23946 wants 8.91 PPY for 186 BTS
bde23946 wants 239.5 BTS for 8.23 PPY
59d2aee8 paid 51.1 BTS for 2.45 PPY
cdbe616d paid 11.3 BTS for 0.541 PPY
7d7a4699 paid 21.7 BTS for 1.04 PPY
b425f68e paid 11.3 BTS for 0.541 PPY
a210bbf0 paid 51.1 BTS for 2.446 PPY
1b880044 paid 3.36 BTS for 0.1612 PPY
40d145af paid 2.674 BTS for 0.1281 PPY
7e6ca61c paid 14.14 BTS for 0.678 PPY
15970581 cancel order
ab12eeb2 paid 8.84 PPY for 241 BTS
0643a976 cancel order
0643a976 wants 241 BTS for 8.84 PPY
10214e70 paid 0.2 PPY for 5.78 BTS
4ce3b405 cancel order
4ce3b405 wants 9.46 PPY for 196.5 BTS
1a112f91 paid 190 BTS for 9.16 PPY
69261682 paid 6.3 BTS for 0.303 PPY
842309f3 cancel order
842309f3 wants 9.84 PPY for 196.5 BTS
88a9b7fe wants 10.3 PPY for 196.5 BTS
88a9b7fe wants 261.5 BTS for 9.04 PPY
6e06d9cd paid 9.49 PPY for 266.7 BTS
24d4545b paid 160.2 BTS for 8.43 PPY
13aa315c wants 8.43 PPY for 160.2 BTS
13aa315c wants 266.7 BTS for 9.49 PPY
df3309ff paid 6.3 PPY for 130.8 BTS
1e9d5f01 paid 120 BTS for 6.23 PPY
0aa4cb39 cancel order
0aa4cb39 wants 130.8 BTS for 6.3 PPY
a167e8c3 cancel order
a167e8c3 wants 131.8 BTS for 6.3 PPY
fb64b4d7 cancel order
fb64b4d7 wants 132.8 BTS for 6.3 PPY
23c72662 cancel order
23c72662 wants 134 BTS for 6.3 PPY
1a2719a3 wants 6.23 PPY for 120 BTS
1a2719a3 wants 135.2 BTS for 6.3 PPY
7f6e7f53 paid 5.46 BTS for 0.263 PPY
ad9dfb54 paid 71.2 BTS for 3.42 PPY
5bea01fc paid 1.838 PPY for 38.4 BTS
778a1d19 paid 2.873 PPY for 60.1 BTS
2dc3e576 paid 0.826 PPY for 17.28 BTS
4e9dbe80 cancel order
4e9dbe80 wants 115.8 BTS for 5.54 PPY
e6e43e24 cancel order
e6e43e24 wants 116 BTS for 5.54 PPY
992d7567 cancel order
992d7567 wants 116 BTS for 5.54 PPY
1d892c9d cancel order
1d892c9d wants 116 BTS for 5.54 PPY
2b985525 cancel order
2b985525 wants 116.1 BTS for 5.54 PPY
ab4f9da2 cancel order
ab4f9da2 wants 132.3 BTS for 6.3 PPY
5e04e429 paid 0.766 PPY for 16.1 BTS
f172c2b4 cancel order
f172c2b4 wants 132.5 BTS for 6.3 PPY
f5454c78 cancel order
f5454c78 wants 132.6 BTS for 6.3 PPY
640974ae cancel order
640974ae wants 132.7 BTS for 6.3 PPY
a528fa92 cancel order
a528fa92 wants 133 BTS for 6.3 PPY
71474dae cancel order
71474dae wants 133 BTS for 6.3 PPY
f8e87688 cancel order
f8e87688 wants 133.3 BTS for 6.3 PPY
ed9dcc6f cancel order
ed9dcc6f wants 133.5 BTS for 6.3 PPY
08ef7d70 cancel order
08ef7d70 wants 133.8 BTS for 6.3 PPY
7ab77862 cancel order
7ab77862 wants 134 BTS for 6.3 PPY
01460504 cancel order
01460504 wants 134.3 BTS for 6.3 PPY
ddd38f8f cancel order
ddd38f8f wants 134.7 BTS for 6.3 PPY
08d615d7 paid 23.7 BTS for 1.14 PPY
e340311e cancel order
e340311e wants 135 BTS for 6.3 PPY
adcdf4ed cancel order
adcdf4ed wants 135.4 BTS for 6.3 PPY
0af7e17e cancel order
0af7e17e wants 135.8 BTS for 6.3 PPY
8638c215 wants 4.83 PPY for 100.4 BTS
8638c215 wants 136.3 BTS for 6.3 PPY
5fb63263 paid 91.4 BTS for 4.39 PPY
dc70c4b3 cancel order
dc70c4b3 wants 4.39 PPY for 91.4 BTS
db694215 cancel order
db694215 wants 4.39 PPY for 91.4 BTS
67954099 cancel order
67954099 wants 4.39 PPY for 91.4 BTS
397d1b37 cancel order
397d1b37 wants 4.4 PPY for 91.4 BTS
cb5912e5 cancel order
cb5912e5 wants 4.4 PPY for 91.4 BTS
35cbf762 cancel order
35cbf762 wants 4.4 PPY for 91.4 BTS
96bade7f cancel order
96bade7f wants 4.4 PPY for 91.4 BTS
dec47241 cancel order
dec47241 wants 4.41 PPY for 91.4 BTS
69c71a6a cancel order
69c71a6a wants 4.41 PPY for 91.4 BTS
69629df0 cancel order
69629df0 wants 4.41 PPY for 91.4 BTS
9f2c0ae6 cancel order
9f2c0ae6 wants 4.41 PPY for 91.4 BTS
ced25655 cancel order
ced25655 wants 4.41 PPY for 91.4 BTS
d9acb0b3 cancel order
d9acb0b3 wants 4.42 PPY for 91.4 BTS
4b41d204 cancel order
4b41d204 wants 4.42 PPY for 91.4 BTS
50b953d4 cancel order
50b953d4 wants 4.42 PPY for 91.4 BTS
342ad9c8 cancel order
342ad9c8 wants 4.47 PPY for 91.4 BTS
b153491e cancel order
b153491e wants 4.52 PPY for 91.4 BTS
9790db4b paid 3.034 PPY for 63.4 BTS
fe0680bc paid 2.42 PPY for 50.5 BTS
d8b00675 cancel order
d8b00675 wants 169.3 BTS for 8.1 PPY
d5b3920b paid 0.777 PPY for 16.2 BTS
36b1e715 paid 1.013 PPY for 21.15 BTS
31cc4a74 paid 0.864 PPY for 18.04 BTS
f11f21b9 cancel order
f11f21b9 wants 170 BTS for 8.1 PPY
03bcbc0f cancel order
03bcbc0f wants 170.8 BTS for 8.1 PPY
c6e0ae8a cancel order
c6e0ae8a wants 171.7 BTS for 8.1 PPY
3a7df8e8 cancel order
3a7df8e8 wants 172.6 BTS for 8.1 PPY
2bd08370 cancel order
2bd08370 wants 173.7 BTS for 8.1 PPY
1611cc22 cancel order
1611cc22 wants 175 BTS for 8.1 PPY
3cb2de48 cancel order
3cb2de48 wants 176 BTS for 8.1 PPY
60ad721e cancel order
60ad721e wants 177.5 BTS for 8.1 PPY
c97ffd69 cancel order
c97ffd69 wants 179 BTS for 8.1 PPY