立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight49.9 BTS
Lifetime fees paid5.84 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 49.9
EBAYCOM 0.00001
APPLECOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
3d2be0af sent 0.01176 BRIDGE.BTC to
6f9ec91c paid 20 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.0118 BRIDGE.BTC
461e6580 wants 0.0118 BRIDGE.BTC for 20 BRIDGE.GIN
650775de sent 0.344 BRIDGE.BTC to
2548e78e wants 0.1644 BRIDGE.BTC for 17,180 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 1,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00974 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 5,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0487 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 5,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0485 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 5,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0485 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,180 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0113 BRIDGE.BTC
744a4c64 cancel order
55844548 wants 0.344 BRIDGE.BTC for 35,330 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 1,126 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.01108 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 460 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00453 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,800 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0177 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,180 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0116 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,023 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 5,560 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0543 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00976 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 5,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0488 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00975 BRIDGE.BTC
5f33dcd6 sent 0.1983 BRIDGE.BTC to
4a75f6f3 cancel order
ff27c4a4 wants 50 BTS for 0.000911 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000911 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BTS
a0151935 wants 5 BTS for 0.00009 BRIDGE.BTC
62676e1d wants 0.1847 BRIDGE.BTC for 616 BRIDGE.GIN
virtual paid 2.433 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.00079 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 30 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.00974 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 470 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.1525 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 61.9 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.02 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 51.4 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.0166 BRIDGE.BTC
89f82b6a cancel order
20d0bf92 wants 0.234 BRIDGE.BTC for 616 BRIDGE.GIN
4a36b12d cancel order
f31a02b7 sent 0.356 BRIDGE.BTC to
a0a2b752 cancel order
9a325804 sent 1,134 BRIDGE.XAP to
32e1662e sent 1,159 BRIDGE.XAP to
21ff360e paid 0.02555 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,300 BRIDGE.XAP
6852a044 wants 1,208 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.356 BRIDGE.BTC
1e0fa430 wants 2,300 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.02555 BRIDGE.BTC
1f9df836 cancel order
71bfb5b1 wants 0.2906 BRIDGE.BTC for 616 BRIDGE.GIN
196bbd87 wants 1,468 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.382 BRIDGE.BTC
83e4daa5 wants 0.383 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,007 BRIDGE.GIN
virtual paid 9.37 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.00356 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 998 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.379 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
7445b3a1 cancel orders (7)
d4b8251b wants 0.233 BRIDGE.BTC for 552 BRIDGE.GIN
eced1e22 sent 0.02726 BRIDGE.BTC to
015e27c3 cancel order
80a16df6 wants 0.03057 BRIDGE.BTC for 84.9 BRIDGE.GIN
virtual paid 75.9 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.0273 BRIDGE.BTC
857c70fb sent 0.0877 BRIDGE.BTC to
3ab81335 wants 0.0879 BRIDGE.BTC for 251 BRIDGE.GIN
virtual paid 10 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.0035 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 43 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.01504 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 100 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.035 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 98.2 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.0344 BRIDGE.BTC
027f110c wants 0.0643 BRIDGE.BTC for 160 BRIDGE.GIN
8f4860a5 cancel order
2dcde3f7 wants 0.02814 BRIDGE.BTC for 70 BRIDGE.GIN
9b61d678 wants 0.0603 BRIDGE.BTC for 150 BRIDGE.GIN
ccae3bbb wants 0.0604 BRIDGE.BTC for 150 BRIDGE.GIN
e577554a wants 0.0604 BRIDGE.BTC for 150 BRIDGE.GIN
48f2db52 cancel order
d691126d wants 0.286 BRIDGE.BTC for 520 BRIDGE.GIN
e1396c63 cancel order
d383b997 wants 0.499 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,039 BRIDGE.GIN
463dc358 cancel order
47000c36 sent 0.02813 BRIDGE.BTC to
f41d03b5 wants 0.1573 BRIDGE.BTC for 391 BRIDGE.GIN
05d7ccca cancel order
b2dbc254 wants 0.2095 BRIDGE.BTC for 520 BRIDGE.GIN
c46ab93a cancel order
f2ff232f wants 0.419 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,039 BRIDGE.GIN
a36699c8 paid 70 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.0282 BRIDGE.BTC
fe90514f wants 0.0282 BRIDGE.BTC for 70 BRIDGE.GIN
f7e728d2 cancel order
bc6868b4 wants 0.61 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,109 BRIDGE.GIN
fc9d4c5d wants 0.2417 BRIDGE.BTC for 520 BRIDGE.GIN
3a46aa90 wants 0.1574 BRIDGE.BTC for 391 BRIDGE.GIN
9112f52c sent 0.017 BRIDGE.BTC to
0060d206 wants 0.01705 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.GIN
virtual paid 10 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.00341 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 40 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.01364 BRIDGE.BTC
9b486a5d cancel order
842e29ab wants 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.GIN
4273c836 sent 1,099 BRIDGE.XAP to
2f7ff432 sent 1,289 BRIDGE.XAP to
8ff11c80 sent 1,279 BRIDGE.XAP to
f949aee1 sent 1,269 BRIDGE.XAP to
8acbf912 sent 1,259 BRIDGE.XAP to
1cb2b46e sent 1,249 BRIDGE.XAP to
1edf4e77 sent 1,239 BRIDGE.XAP to
44c65ccb sent 1,229 BRIDGE.XAP to
8249fb8d sent 1,219 BRIDGE.XAP to
44f4e619 sent 1,209 BRIDGE.XAP to
667c1051 sent 1,199 BRIDGE.XAP to
055ef048 sent 1,189 BRIDGE.XAP to
edc584d0 sent 1,179 BRIDGE.XAP to
1c4c944e sent 1,169 BRIDGE.XAP to
7ad36a3f sent 1,159 BRIDGE.XAP to
6b367671 sent 1,149 BRIDGE.XAP to
a934d635 sent 1,139 BRIDGE.XAP to
ac0b0960 sent 1,129 BRIDGE.XAP to
f8cd1eb6 sent 1,119 BRIDGE.XAP to
8eb8de67 sent 1,109 BRIDGE.XAP to
3b942c94 sent 1,099 BRIDGE.XAP to
75fddba2 cancel order
090703c1 wants 0.75 BRIDGE.BTC for 25,000 BRIDGE.XAP
8a8c2fbb cancel order
ecef3c96 wants 0.495 BRIDGE.BTC for 25,000 BRIDGE.XAP
5edfa888 cancel order
ad2fb32e wants 0.499 BRIDGE.BTC for 25,000 BRIDGE.XAP
154427e0 sent 0.00589 BRIDGE.BTC to
a5f1b4a1 wants 0.00591 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.05 BRIDGE.GIN
virtual paid 20.05 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.00591 BRIDGE.BTC
d91ffb9e sent 0.0509 BRIDGE.BTC to
3b2099f6 wants 0.0509 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,828 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 1,941 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.02057 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2,887 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.03046 BRIDGE.BTC
9657c90f sent 0.0402 BRIDGE.BTC to
0249bb47 wants 0.0398 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,400 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 1,751 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.021 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,649 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0193 BRIDGE.BTC
d9ae5722 sent 0.00721 BRIDGE.BTC to
e1d4c6ea wants 0.00724 BRIDGE.BTC for 20 BRIDGE.GIN
virtual paid 20 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.00724 BRIDGE.BTC
c07db456 sent 1,602 BRIDGE.XAP to
d25202e5 wants 1,606 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.01198 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01198 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,606 BRIDGE.XAP
4c66c052 wants 0.012 BRIDGE.BTC for 35.3 BRIDGE.GIN
virtual paid 35.3 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.012 BRIDGE.BTC
51e30b0b sent 1,089 BRIDGE.XAP to
28d37b30 sent 1,049 BRIDGE.XAP to
9db8d547 sent 1,039 BRIDGE.XAP to
42e3f7a7 wants 283.5 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00174 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00174 BRIDGE.BTC for 283.5 BRIDGE.XAP
347cfc15 cancel order
2fbe2c06 wants 1,232 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00751 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00577 BRIDGE.BTC for 946 BRIDGE.XAP
4dac7863 wants 0.00753 BRIDGE.BTC for 27.3 BRIDGE.GIN
virtual paid 27.3 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.00753 BRIDGE.BTC
b7e38429 cancel order
2fc5b2ad wants 1,957 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.01194 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01194 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,957 BRIDGE.XAP
8e8bbcb7 wants 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC for 70 BRIDGE.GIN
virtual paid 42.7 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.01196 BRIDGE.BTC
229c56c8 cancel order
b0208e49 wants 0.0245 BRIDGE.BTC for 70 BRIDGE.GIN
a598f966 cancel order
2475c7fb wants 0.0245 BRIDGE.BTC for 70 BRIDGE.GIN
caa1b50b sent 12,812 BRIDGE.XAP to
834e94f3 paid 0.0642 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,468 BRIDGE.XAP
91fe67de wants 10,468 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0642 BRIDGE.BTC
37cc5be3 wants 2,368 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.02633 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001904 BRIDGE.BTC for 173 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 0.02443 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,197 BRIDGE.XAP
84e8ed7d wants 0.0264 BRIDGE.BTC for 106.5 BRIDGE.GIN
virtual paid 106.5 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.0264 BRIDGE.BTC
f5ff18be cancel order
3e8a6b87 wants 0.0474 BRIDGE.BTC for 106.5 BRIDGE.GIN
78efb22b cancel order
1b50a459 wants 0.0346 BRIDGE.BTC for 106.5 BRIDGE.GIN
267ac873 cancel order
4c9e097e wants 0.0266 BRIDGE.BTC for 106.5 BRIDGE.GIN
f09c9ca2 sent 0.01045 BRIDGE.BTC to
71fa3fde wants 0.01049 BRIDGE.BTC for 74.9 BRIDGE.GIN
virtual paid 74.9 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.01049 BRIDGE.BTC
f597fb30 sent 0.0507 BRIDGE.BTC to
b8d97417 wants 0.0508 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,785 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 340 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00621 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 450 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00821 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,995 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0364 BRIDGE.BTC
b6966fcc sent 0.1205 BRIDGE.BTC to
0dcfa50b wants 0.1206 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,313 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 130 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00307 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 46.6 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.001062 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0227 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 4,137 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0939 BRIDGE.BTC
15198ddc cancel order
06c03125 wants 0.1474 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,313 BRIDGE.XAP
a8b76280 sent 1,075 BRIDGE.XAP to
cf6d1bcf sent 1,060 BRIDGE.XAP to
82b2cb2a sent 1,060 BRIDGE.XAP to
7554f4bd sent 1,060 BRIDGE.XAP to
59fa80bb sent 1,060 BRIDGE.XAP to
0f2b62bb paid 0.000384 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.5 BRIDGE.XAP
860d604f paid 0.00201 BRIDGE.BTC for 102 BRIDGE.XAP
a91e4df3 wants 121.5 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.002394 BRIDGE.BTC
8766eb15 paid 20 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.0024 BRIDGE.BTC