立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.1104 BTS
Lifetime fees paid12.58 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.1114 0
OPEN.DOGE 0.696 0
BRIDGE.PIVX 0.00002893 0
BRIDGE.ZNY 0.001898 0
BRIDGE.QBIC 0.00719 0
BRIDGE.RNS 0.1392 0
BRIDGE.NTRN 0.001124 0
BRIDGE.BIR 0.000395 0
BRIDGE.SNO 0.0367 0
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.0000309 0
BRIDGE.XRH 0 19,921
97b7d7e3 sent 4,223 BRIDGE.SYNX to
f0a6b466 sent 19,921 BRIDGE.XRH to
10061b73 sent 2,681 BRIDGE.RVR to
9fc4faec sent 859 BRIDGE.LPC to
dabd2784 sent 314.4 BRIDGE.BTDX to
f0674b20 sent 25,615 BRIDGE.PINK to
5603cf54 sent 2,111 BRIDGE.CRAVE to
e6a348d0 sent 10 BRIDGE.MONA to
932d0511 sent 0.997 OPEN.LTC to
0d66f43d cancel order
654d469f sent 46.2 BTS to
9ab8e1ee paid 0.000361 BRIDGE.BTC for 668 BRIDGE.XDOGE
4988db1b wants 668 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.000361 BRIDGE.BTC
6a763dd4 wants 0.00000075 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.541 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 0.54 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.00000075 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
f6fc71e1 wants 0.00000509 BRIDGE.BTC for 85 BRIDGE.RNS
virtual paid 84.8 BRIDGE.RNS for 0.00000509 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ae6c37b8 wants 0.000356 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.NTRN
virtual paid 200 BRIDGE.NTRN for 0.000356 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
c0269ea5 sent 1,298 BRIDGE.DSR to
36c5cb05 sent 3,908 BRIDGE.BIII to
3b4ae21a sent 5.54 BRIDGE.CRW to
7cfbdf07 sent 4,713 BRIDGE.XDOGE to
922deaa4 paid 0.001396 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,586 BRIDGE.XDOGE
cbfe2530 sent 270,000,144 BRIDGE.SHND to
3d38dcd5 paid 0.000604 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,118 BRIDGE.XDOGE
dcba6ded sent 686,687 BRIDGE.XGOX to
49a4c123 wants 3,704 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC
7aa7c904 cancel order
82bbdd63 paid 0.000688 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,273 BRIDGE.XDOGE
354dd48c sent 14,082 BRIDGE.XDOGE to
466e2417 paid 0.00384 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,105 BRIDGE.XDOGE
caf3fdc4 wants 8,378 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.00452 BRIDGE.BTC
e4e93feb wants 7,005 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.00379 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000783 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,448 BRIDGE.XDOGE
virtual paid 0.003005 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,558 BRIDGE.XDOGE
e4766c85 wants 71.3 BRIDGE.CRW for 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC
4fcfadbd cancel order
be25348d sent 0.52 BRIDGE.XGOX to
81299347 sent 650,840 BRIDGE.XP to
405add6d sent 28.1 BRIDGE.XP to
c344eada cancel order
dc77516a cancel orders (3)
241c099a sent 3,766 BRIDGE.XSH to
62cc590a cancel orders (2)
7f5f670c sent 21,455 BRIDGE.DMB to
90f1dd7c cancel orders (3)
7821be20 wants 0.000072 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.4 BRIDGE.BIR
virtual paid 9.4 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.000072 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
e8180a44 cancel order
034fbd60 cancel order
e00a8f96 sent 1,000 BRIDGE.RVN to
bc480e52 cancel order
6a70e300 sent 19.8 BRIDGE.XLR to
0f156536 cancel order
502f54c8 cancel orders (2)
f24fd7d3 wants 0.00000591 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1202 BRIDGE.CRCO
virtual paid 0.1202 BRIDGE.CRCO for 0.00000591 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
cc5774aa cancel order
7a348243 wants 0.00657 BRIDGE.BTC for 19,921 BRIDGE.XRH
224f5762 cancel order
47ff9ecd cancel order
e6be0d94 cancel order
764b6314 sent 55.3 BRIDGE.LPC to
4377973c wants 55.4 BRIDGE.LPC for 0.00257 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.002036 BRIDGE.BTC for 43.9 BRIDGE.LPC
virtual paid 0.000536 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.56 BRIDGE.LPC
12cf844a cancel order
1d8045e7 wants 56.5 BRIDGE.LPC for 0.00257 BRIDGE.BTC
7653864d wants 0.001992 BRIDGE.BTC for 19,921 BRIDGE.XRH
1d857404 cancel orders (4)
8df7aa7a wants 0.00964 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,059 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 1,788 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.00563 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,271 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
a1c155e2 cancel order
e97259ea wants 0.0000552 BRIDGE.BTC for 89.9 BRIDGE.QBIC
virtual paid 89.9 BRIDGE.QBIC for 0.0000552 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
7ed84386 cancel orders (2)
d59b636a wants 0.001798 BRIDGE.BTC for 35,963 BRIDGE.SCORE
virtual paid 35,963 BRIDGE.SCORE for 0.001852 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
f56089c5 cancel orders (2)
719e49aa wants 0.00075 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,000 BRIDGE.SNO
virtual paid 5,000 BRIDGE.SNO for 0.00075 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
a08c4245 cancel order
d04c6875 sent 9.26 BRIDGE.LPC to
feb6608f wants 9.28 BRIDGE.LPC for 0.000531 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000531 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.28 BRIDGE.LPC
f64235da cancel orders (2)
ad059350 sent 131.4 BRIDGE.LPC to
58c22d76 paid 0.00312 BRIDGE.BTC for 59.9 BRIDGE.LPC
3bf677fd paid 0.00373 BRIDGE.BTC for 71.7 BRIDGE.LPC
21ff3334 sent 17.77 BRIDGE.LPC to
8be5224a wants 131.6 BRIDGE.LPC for 0.00685 BRIDGE.BTC
56f21486 wants 0.00687 BRIDGE.BTC for 32.7 BRIDGE.PIVX
virtual paid 32.7 BRIDGE.PIVX for 0.00687 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
7372ce01 cancel order
260921a7 cancel order
1310fd17 cancel order
7c9f6ce7 cancel orders (2)
7219dbdd paid 0.000927 BRIDGE.BTC for 17.8 BRIDGE.LPC
3a12b26d wants 17.8 BRIDGE.LPC for 0.000927 BRIDGE.BTC
28b76e5a cancel order
5ba00f4d cancel order
1f2f9564 wants 120.1 BRIDGE.LPC for 0.00654 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000816 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.14 BRIDGE.LPC
virtual paid 0.000566 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.5 BRIDGE.LPC
virtual paid 0.00516 BRIDGE.BTC for 94.7 BRIDGE.LPC
7a3a1786 wants 45.5 BRIDGE.LPC for 0.002453 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001302 BRIDGE.BTC for 24.4 BRIDGE.LPC
virtual paid 0.000415 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.78 BRIDGE.LPC
virtual paid 0.000736 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.66 BRIDGE.LPC
a571ce06 sent 36.8 BRIDGE.LPC to
475e02b2 cancel orders (2)
1f79e9fd wants 0.01243 BRIDGE.BTC for 499,044 BRIDGE.XGOX
5f10d906 cancel order
6bdd6e99 wants 5 BRIDGE.XGOX for 0.00000007 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000007 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.07 BRIDGE.XGOX
e2e468ea wants 0.00363 BRIDGE.BTC for 250,000 BRIDGE.XP
05cd5608 wants 0.0029 BRIDGE.BTC for 200,000 BRIDGE.XP
99eb4794 wants 10 BRIDGE.XP for 0.0000001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 17.02 BRIDGE.XP
be53e00b wants 0.00145 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,000 BRIDGE.XP
d3307bc1 paid 100,000 BRIDGE.XP for 0.000425 BRIDGE.BTC
33abc41e paid 399,853 BRIDGE.XGOX for 0.00552 BRIDGE.BTC
b163c82a wants 0.01075 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,859 BRIDGE.RVN
b3886a0e cancel order
3747980c wants 0.0033 BRIDGE.BTC for 970 BRIDGE.RVN
ee188caa cancel order
6ef69e00 cancel order
709f0667 cancel order
5f96d32f cancel order
c5b78376 sent 1,900 BRIDGE.RVR to
3f854bcc sent 2,639 BRIDGE.BAY to
afafd157 cancel order
8fd3c79c cancel order
46d2bd0a sent 0.353 BRIDGE.DMD to
8ca462b2 wants 0.00998 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,859 BRIDGE.RVN
b83b066c cancel order
3eae97e4 cancel order
d95f7fb7 sent 1,495 BRIDGE.XDOGE to
6033fdc4 wants 92.3 BRIDGE.CRW for 0.002586 BRIDGE.BTC
0162b1ba wants 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,859 BRIDGE.RVN
dab5c420 sent 2,001 BRIDGE.DGB to
02c25692 cancel order
ea3c33bc wants 0.001126 BRIDGE.BTC for 315.4 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 315.4 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.001126 BRIDGE.BTC
4e818cf6 cancel order
ae8cb274 wants 469 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 100,000 BRIDGE.XP
43a2230b cancel order
96cfeb4e wants 0.00776 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,274 BRIDGE.BAY
2a6b6895 cancel order
8ad7c2a5 wants 0.00072 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.BAY
virtual paid 0.196 BRIDGE.BAY for 0.0000004 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 250 BRIDGE.BAY for 0.000503 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 94.6 BRIDGE.BAY for 0.0001892 BRIDGE.BTC
92bc4c77 cancel order
56ed729c cancel order
cba26597 cancel order
d4a78de6 wants 0.00738 BRIDGE.BTC for 534,928 BRIDGE.XGOX
e4f76e9c cancel order
a4c070ad wants 0.00986 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,619 BRIDGE.BAY
8f7c7697 cancel order
d32e2eb1 wants 10 BRIDGE.XGOX for 0.00000015 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000015 BRIDGE.BTC for 21 BRIDGE.XGOX
17ec9c91 wants 0.00776 BRIDGE.BTC for 534,907 BRIDGE.XGOX
f7edd104 cancel order
83328fd3 cancel order
2c562a1b wants 0.00844 BRIDGE.BTC for 432,935 BRIDGE.XGOX
ee7fbcfb cancel order