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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid6.58 BTS
0f172f8c sent 2,215 BTS to
89152435 sent 500 BTS to
4c839d52 sent 10 BTS to
1f58d683 sent 10 BTS to
99d30e80 paid 162.3 CNY for 880 BTS
29a05b79 wants 1,097 BTS for 202.2 CNY
virtual paid 40 CNY for 217 BTS
16fc58c5 wants 202.5 CNY for 1,687,173 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,687,173 BTSUCN for 202.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
7897e667 wants 1,625 BTS for 299.6 CNY
virtual paid 299.6 CNY for 1,629 BTS
2c2d6470 cancel order
408bbc28 wants 1,646 BTS for 299.6 CNY
d9161e50 cancel order
06491cb3 wants 519 CNY for 3,994,866 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,307,692 BTSUCN for 300 CNY
0f47b266 cancel order
e38a69db wants 564 CNY for 3,994,866 BTSUCN
ade2f596 paid 1,000 CNY for 3,994,866 BTSUCN
db42d081 wants 3,994,866 BTSUCN for 1,000 CNY
3f70b82d wants 100 CNY for 606 BTS
virtual paid 606 BTS for 100.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
e082ea18 cancel order
e9690656 wants 100 CNY for 604 BTS
a83b135a wants 900 CNY for 5,428 BTS
virtual paid 67.8 BTS for 11.25 CNY
virtual paid 5,360 BTS for 890 CNY