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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight64.2 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2.537 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 64.2
CNY 12.7
PROTON 0.0005
ELECTRON 100,001
CUBED.CNY 0.000002
CUBED.USD 0.000002
DGGD 0.995
5d2144a4 sent 626 COVFEFE to
2e8f047d sent 200 CNY to
0d41646d paid 175.8 BTS for 147 CNY
3569e0b3 paid 74.2 BTS for 62 CNY
7460ce8d wants 209 CNY for 250 BTS
da754083 cancel order
973ab826 wants 210 CNY for 250 BTS
85eedf1b cancel order
232ea7ca wants 204 CNY for 240 BTS
1a5f7d6a sent 210 CNY to
e1ea484d paid 250 BTS for 208 CNY
4dea551f wants 208 CNY for 250 BTS
8cf43c1a sent 100 CNY to
cc696fce paid 130 BTS for 104.7 CNY
84915170 wants 104.7 CNY for 130 BTS
03d93247 sent 120 CNY to
2fb1e3ff paid 140 BTS for 104.4 CNY
d1e075ef wants 104.4 CNY for 140 BTS
a44e39cb sent 100 CNY to
088bd77c paid 130 BTS for 101.6 CNY
4adb30a9 wants 101.6 CNY for 130 BTS
21993276 cancel order
be49abc6 wants 110.3 CNY for 140 BTS
8a6ed15c sent 100 CNY to
0cc8a4af paid 80 BTS for 55.2 CNY
42181ba4 wants 55.2 CNY for 80 BTS
ae37fc3c cancel order
eec1b903 wants 55.3 CNY for 80 BTS
735dc253 cancel order
86f0afb0 wants 48.4 CNY for 70 BTS
c4e2e559 cancel order
40e29717 wants 90 BTS for 58.5 CNY
93afd8ce sent 2,002 DGGD to
4e95e0a6 paid 1,583 CNY for 1,516 DGGD
5ad55bec paid 511 CNY for 489 DGGD
59139136 wants 2,005 DGGD for 2,094 CNY
3013acae sent 470 CNY to
d3c1a642 wants 466 CNY for 450 DGGD
virtual paid 450 DGGD for 466 CNY
0f76a68b sent 450 CNY to
703daab8 paid 450 DGGD for 459 CNY
6cd59512 wants 459 CNY for 450 DGGD
03e287ab cancel order
09e330b6 wants 456 CNY for 450 DGGD
df56aa51 cancel order
772173d7 wants 202 CNY for 200 DGGD
382f20b4 wants 249 DGGD for 251.5 CNY
virtual paid 251.5 CNY for 249 DGGD
b91a419d cancel order
47d7dfc4 cancel order
a6bdcf86 wants 255 CNY for 300 BTS
c5333dbf wants 250 DGGD for 252.5 CNY
5989abfd paid 248 CNY for 310 BTS
a9cc1c66 wants 310 BTS for 248 CNY
c09af113 paid 72.3 CNY for 85 BTS
7ae3f300 wants 85 BTS for 72.3 CNY
bb38b0cf sent 1 CNY to
7c3f6450 cancel order
e6ba960a sent 5 CNY to
799fc994 wants 100,000 ELECTRON for 6.5 CNY
virtual paid 6.5 CNY for 100,000 ELECTRON
0076dd6f wants 240 CNY for 200 BTS
9effa8a0 sent 2,700 CNY to
2b694ded sent 100 CNY to
bb594d4e paid 373 DGGD for 373 CNY
virtual paid 50 DGGD for 50 CNY
a2d9d608 paid 874 DGGD for 856 CNY
8bed2887 paid 1,526 DGGD for 1,496 CNY
f36ac93a wants 2,352 CNY for 2,400 DGGD
a9858900 wants 190 BTS for 216.6 CNY
virtual paid 216.6 CNY for 190.5 BTS
44db2a1c wants 192 CNY for 200 DGGD
virtual paid 152 DGGD for 146 CNY
virtual paid 47.9 DGGD for 46 CNY
virtual cancel order
5b5696ab paid 39.3 DGGD for 37.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
57ec5570 wants 37.8 CNY for 40 DGGD
virtual paid 0.702 DGGD for 0.665 CNY
cebca6ba wants 100,000 DECENTRALIZED for 1 CNY
virtual paid 1 CNY for 100,000 DECENTRALIZED
6f4e1c5d sent 10 DGGD to
f080e6c7 wants 280 BTS for 356 CNY
virtual paid 356 CNY for 280 BTS
6c72833f cancel order
8af0f8d6 cancel order
bee10831 paid 239.4 CNY for 180 BTS
375577fd wants 180 BTS for 239.4 CNY
d27a83f3 cancel order
2227a2e5 wants 338 CNY for 345 DGGD
62d55a23 wants 300 DGGD for 253 CNY
7d46f119 wants 120 DGGD for 96 CNY
8a031f7c wants 50 CNY for 50 DGGD
ca276ae4 sent 100 CNY to
5e76b36e sent 100 CNY to
ab3f302f sent 40 CNY to
afbbc08d wants 373 CNY for 373 DGGD
53f3a8c6 cancel order
2e6cf8b2 sent 2 CNY to
a3910ee6 wants 69 CNY for 63 DGGD
c31f1721 paid 100 DGGD for 99.8 CNY
fca77f1e wants 99.8 CNY for 100 DGGD
595a621b sent 10 CNY to
71e5708f sent 10 CNY to
f51389ef paid 64 DGGD for 56.3 CNY
57d58e9d wants 56.3 CNY for 64 DGGD
a15384b2 sent 1 CNY to
69aaaca1 sent 100 CNY to
b91ee482 wants 209.4 CNY for 250 DGGD
virtual paid 50 DGGD for 41.9 CNY
virtual paid 200 DGGD for 167.5 CNY
87f28cf5 paid 20.78 CNY for 25 DGGD
b9bde066 wants 25 DGGD for 20.78 CNY
dbdb664f wants 50 DGGD for 44.9 CNY
virtual paid 44.9 CNY for 50 DGGD
81e1747d paid 29.64 CNY for 40 DGGD
4cd4774e cancel order
cdd47c59 wants 40 DGGD for 29.64 CNY
b4af8bff wants 83.8 DGGD for 61.9 CNY