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BitShares Block Explorer



1 50%
BTS5h55i3JWwZ6jgzhwpTy6bxY9VHrWig4R9esUezkRpsc8XBScgE 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes as
Lifetime fees paid10.37 BTS


Asset Balance
MVCOIN 0.168
BRENT 0.0001
XBTSX.XBB 0.000025
60bdff07 sent 12,663 BTS to
fea57418 sent 1,438 OPEN.AGRS to
61f11689 cancel orders (8)
ac3e7c89 cancel orders (20)
a7b91e16 cancel orders (20)
477feceb cancel orders (20)
bb5716a8 cancel orders (20)
cc164417 cancel orders (20)
f021c1e6 cancel orders (20)
545d3873 cancel orders (20)
d4ced85f wants 98.4 OPEN.AGRS for 461 BTS
33c27964 paid 35 OPEN.AGRS for 441 BTS
fc3fa885 wants 98.4 OPEN.AGRS for 423 BTS
b5e181e5 cancel order
c749bfeb wants 98.4 OPEN.AGRS for 441 BTS
0055eef2 paid 0.000003 OPEN.AGRS for 0.00003 BTS
virtual paid 35 OPEN.AGRS for 423 BTS
ec32740e paid 20 OPEN.AGRS for 231.3 BTS
90a755b3 paid 15 OPEN.AGRS for 173.5 BTS
61c120ec wants 98.4 OPEN.AGRS for 405 BTS
43dd5d6a wants 102.7 OPEN.AGRS for 405 BTS
d54b002c wants 107.2 OPEN.AGRS for 405 BTS
1aeb1f3a wants 112 OPEN.AGRS for 405 BTS
801fd243 wants 116.9 OPEN.AGRS for 405 BTS
dffff652 wants 122 OPEN.AGRS for 405 BTS
51013f4b wants 127.4 OPEN.AGRS for 405 BTS
8aabc58c wants 133 OPEN.AGRS for 405 BTS
d53ee3c8 wants 138.8 OPEN.AGRS for 405 BTS
743486ad wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 106.5 BTS
95b5ace1 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 111.2 BTS
042c4c00 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 116.1 BTS
5a6b6fd8 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 121.2 BTS
f1191d4d wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 126.6 BTS
fab0e4b1 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 132.1 BTS
a143dfed wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 138 BTS
5f21fb27 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 144 BTS
ed2d0751 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 150.4 BTS
81ed1274 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 157 BTS
dee87253 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 164 BTS
66862a9e wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 171 BTS
d2d73da1 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 178.6 BTS
926fa271 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 186.5 BTS
653130bb wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 194.7 BTS
fe4ec261 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 203.3 BTS
395c7318 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 212 BTS
da87214b wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 221.5 BTS
b66d263b wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 231.3 BTS
41c53641 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 241.5 BTS
e251ac2e wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 252 BTS
a1959a47 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 263 BTS
8a773e25 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 275 BTS
898d9679 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 287 BTS
997f55c8 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 299.5 BTS
bab17cda wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 312.6 BTS
08924ed0 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 326 BTS
71690447 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 341 BTS
4d34689a wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 356 BTS
b4eff82b wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 371 BTS
42384aaf wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 388 BTS
d7b263c1 wants 144.7 OPEN.AGRS for 405 BTS