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BitShares Block Explorer



1 50%
BTS6SawoiWpbxbd418jGtrzQHf9ZmwFBb6w55Yw9JN19YbCSRWHg6 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes asnobody
Voting weight7.2 BTS
Lifetime fees paid5.37 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
XBTSX.XBB 0.000025 0
ZEPH 0 7,461
fbd940fe sent 4.7 BTS to
2c312d2c sent 479 STEALTH to
77767af8 sent 4,397 ZEPH to
72136232 cancel order
bd68b7be paid 2.374 ZEPH for 0.1707 STEALTH
virtual paid 662 ZEPH for 50 STEALTH
virtual paid 596 ZEPH for 47.3 STEALTH
d7c06432 paid 34.1 ZEPH for 2.704 STEALTH
1dbe58b2 paid 0.0006 ZEPH for 0.00004 STEALTH
virtual cancel order
virtual paid 164.2 ZEPH for 11.8 STEALTH
98d0ce3f paid 267.3 ZEPH for 19.22 STEALTH
56670244 paid 103.5 ZEPH for 7.44 STEALTH
30bbb407 paid 103.5 ZEPH for 7.44 STEALTH
cdb97465 paid 54.3 ZEPH for 3.91 STEALTH
ebb38617 cancel orders (8)
77e0a534 paid 1.286 ZEPH for 0.082 STEALTH
virtual paid 373 ZEPH for 24.96 STEALTH
1280b41e paid 374 ZEPH for 25.04 STEALTH
85bb1a8c paid 642 ZEPH for 40.9 STEALTH
5b450b19 paid 1.452 ZEPH for 0.088 STEALTH
virtual paid 142 ZEPH for 9.05 STEALTH
377cf52a paid 723 ZEPH for 43.9 STEALTH
e3e95675 paid 0.544 ZEPH for 0.0314 STEALTH
virtual cancel order
virtual paid 79.8 ZEPH for 4.84 STEALTH
77145b09 paid 17.57 ZEPH for 1.015 STEALTH
331fff97 paid 0.0004 ZEPH for 0.00002 STEALTH
virtual paid 441 ZEPH for 25.5 STEALTH
81a00370 paid 229 ZEPH for 13.23 STEALTH
525a7cca paid 29 ZEPH for 1.675 STEALTH
37226e32 paid 29 ZEPH for 1.675 STEALTH
d11996a0 paid 29 ZEPH for 1.675 STEALTH
d01cbf9b paid 29 ZEPH for 1.675 STEALTH
b2314349 paid 804 ZEPH for 44.3 STEALTH
2d511811 cancel orders (2)
778037e6 wants 804 ZEPH for 38.2 STEALTH
61258602 cancel order
4453aa0c cancel order
16a80419 wants 804 ZEPH for 37.3 STEALTH
6c0c5561 cancel order
8589745f wants 42.2 STEALTH for 804 ZEPH
f11b3f60 paid 803 ZEPH for 42.1 STEALTH
60e8fc8a paid 342 ZEPH for 17.9 STEALTH
08a6746a paid 462 ZEPH for 24.2 STEALTH
852133d6 paid 37.2 STEALTH for 803 ZEPH
6629eb95 wants 42.2 STEALTH for 804 ZEPH
8c6b5d17 cancel order
c62a1a0b paid 2.068 STEALTH for 41.4 ZEPH
a5319553 paid 5.44 STEALTH for 109 ZEPH
e459492d paid 12.74 STEALTH for 255.3 ZEPH
595aba1c paid 19.85 STEALTH for 398 ZEPH
4320ff78 wants 44.3 STEALTH for 804 ZEPH
60337445 cancel order
67b4eb75 paid 42 STEALTH for 802 ZEPH
72978ea6 wants 55.1 STEALTH for 471 ZEPH
f3bda41a wants 804 ZEPH for 42.2 STEALTH
059bc429 wants 46.5 STEALTH for 804 ZEPH
9b12c1d7 wants 804 ZEPH for 40.1 STEALTH
c5cc5a0f cancel order
f5b4faba cancel order
b36885ae wants 48.8 STEALTH for 804 ZEPH
e0c9f7e7 cancel orders (2)
b9b3ae6e wants 804 ZEPH for 40.1 STEALTH
eda7ae18 paid 803 ZEPH for 48.7 STEALTH
b036d9ef paid 2.3 STEALTH for 43.8 ZEPH
eb858072 paid 23.2 STEALTH for 443 ZEPH
0c1f9996 paid 15.63 STEALTH for 298 ZEPH
b4b45d32 wants 785 ZEPH for 41.1 STEALTH
1a2ff412 cancel order
2effad6a wants 48.8 STEALTH for 804 ZEPH
493d894c wants 50 STEALTH for 748 ZEPH
22a87354 paid 1.86 STEALTH for 36.4 ZEPH
109bc136 paid 0.0398 STEALTH for 0.742 ZEPH
virtual paid 23.45 STEALTH for 459 ZEPH
a9edf47c paid 14.8 STEALTH for 290 ZEPH
92187555 paid 19.83 STEALTH for 370 ZEPH
9d3b2d68 paid 0.00001 STEALTH for 0.0001 ZEPH
virtual paid 22.26 STEALTH for 415 ZEPH
74e95040 paid 1.79 STEALTH for 31.7 ZEPH
1195575a paid 42.4 STEALTH for 753 ZEPH
25d75afc wants 50 STEALTH for 785 ZEPH
6cb05740 cancel order
e43649e5 paid 0.0954 STEALTH for 1.497 ZEPH
virtual paid 38.4 STEALTH for 650 ZEPH
31375541 paid 9.44 STEALTH for 148.2 ZEPH
1366f4f9 paid 40.5 STEALTH for 635 ZEPH
d61ec860 wants 785 ZEPH for 50 STEALTH
1ca5859f wants 785 ZEPH for 46.4 STEALTH
66f34959 wants 785 ZEPH for 44.2 STEALTH
2e3927d1 wants 785 ZEPH for 42.1 STEALTH
51ff827c wants 804 ZEPH for 39.2 STEALTH
94dd90fc wants 785 ZEPH for 40.1 STEALTH
d6cc7d51 cancel orders (2)
c1a89fba wants 804 ZEPH for 39.2 STEALTH
caf8861a cancel orders (2)
439e7c25 cancel orders (2)
6b2c1ca8 wants 785 ZEPH for 40.1 STEALTH
26c29215 cancel orders (2)
0630f375 wants 766 ZEPH for 41.1 STEALTH
760b1c0d cancel order
48b8b18a wants 766 ZEPH for 43.2 STEALTH
ec877d95 paid 0.594 ZEPH for 0.0407 STEALTH
32d5f0e2 paid 19.2 ZEPH for 1.316 STEALTH
2a19e5b0 paid 212.7 ZEPH for 14.58 STEALTH
3242f764 paid 132 ZEPH for 9.04 STEALTH
618e1989 paid 60.6 ZEPH for 4.15 STEALTH
200636e5 paid 764 ZEPH for 49.9 STEALTH
e80167b5 paid 1.646 ZEPH for 0.1074 STEALTH
virtual paid 304.6 ZEPH for 20.88 STEALTH
e1e4671b cancel order
afd86f2c wants 50 STEALTH for 730 ZEPH
66e55b5b paid 45.4 STEALTH for 766 ZEPH
de8754c5 cancel order
63dca861 wants 50 STEALTH for 766 ZEPH
b0382072 paid 47.5 STEALTH for 764 ZEPH
38c0ecd4 wants 50 STEALTH for 695 ZEPH
b68999bc cancel order
410e2c81 cancel order
77e63ff3 wants 50 STEALTH for 695 ZEPH
88703cea paid 138 ZEPH for 9.92 STEALTH
a93f54d7 cancel order
ef80fb2d wants 766 ZEPH for 47.6 STEALTH
0fd3210a paid 2.433 ZEPH for 0.175 STEALTH
778edf71 paid 561 ZEPH for 40.4 STEALTH
3026a729 paid 129.4 ZEPH for 9.31 STEALTH
97680fe4 paid 1.862 ZEPH for 0.134 STEALTH
4dce1771 wants 766 ZEPH for 50 STEALTH
6dad4cd7 paid 36.7 STEALTH for 562 ZEPH
20d854f0 wants 766 ZEPH for 45.4 STEALTH
d7dfbbed wants 766 ZEPH for 43.2 STEALTH
5d825edf wants 766 ZEPH for 41.1 STEALTH
a2ed0b97 wants 785 ZEPH for 38.2 STEALTH
67ef0fd3 wants 52.5 STEALTH for 471 ZEPH
e3d41bcb cancel orders (2)
7ac5e4a9 wants 766 ZEPH for 39.2 STEALTH
0103ff21 cancel orders (2)
e27beb93 wants 766 ZEPH for 37.3 STEALTH
b061936d cancel orders (2)
1e36015a wants 748 ZEPH for 38.2 STEALTH
d97dff06 cancel order
597b38b5 wants 730 ZEPH for 39.2 STEALTH
681a18b8 paid 0.0004 ZEPH for 0.00002 STEALTH
virtual paid 228.4 ZEPH for 15.65 STEALTH
9ac86818 paid 0.1892 ZEPH for 0.01235 STEALTH
f8df95aa paid 79.6 ZEPH for 5.19 STEALTH
df2983ed paid 0.1822 ZEPH for 0.01132 STEALTH
virtual paid 368 ZEPH for 24.03 STEALTH
20c1d6e7 paid 281.6 ZEPH for 18.4 STEALTH
198dc07d paid 70.8 ZEPH for 4.4 STEALTH
2cc0380d paid 590 ZEPH for 36.7 STEALTH
35df0c2d paid 651 ZEPH for 38.5 STEALTH
7f1c9e4d paid 78.6 ZEPH for 4.65 STEALTH
virtual paid 68.2 ZEPH for 4.24 STEALTH
7ae0a85e cancel order
2813855d wants 43.2 STEALTH for 730 ZEPH
4ccf322a paid 9.4 STEALTH for 166.8 ZEPH
c14239e1 paid 15.42 STEALTH for 273.4 ZEPH
2758f56d paid 0.779 STEALTH for 13.82 ZEPH
b59f877e paid 3.01 STEALTH for 53.4 ZEPH
d1c9a403 paid 5.45 STEALTH for 96.7 ZEPH
6cb895b7 paid 7.04 STEALTH for 124.8 ZEPH
b355b9ae wants 45.4 STEALTH for 730 ZEPH
f88bfa65 cancel order
9bdd74ef paid 43.1 STEALTH for 728 ZEPH
dfc5ed07 wants 47.6 STEALTH for 730 ZEPH
7a191df2 cancel order
afb9974e paid 19 STEALTH for 306 ZEPH
555f91a7 paid 13.36 STEALTH for 215 ZEPH
1d4d730d paid 10.38 STEALTH for 167 ZEPH
1e44fe34 paid 0.892 STEALTH for 14.35 ZEPH
f366d049 paid 1.67 STEALTH for 26.86 ZEPH
b10e9dc5 wants 804 ZEPH for 37.3 STEALTH
483b3197 wants 50 STEALTH for 695 ZEPH
cf1d1051 cancel order
f248b5d8 cancel order
ce35a6d5 wants 50 STEALTH for 730 ZEPH
02588a90 cancel order
8f0de0bd paid 5.7 STEALTH for 87.3 ZEPH
d476b976 paid 41.5 STEALTH for 636 ZEPH
794997dd wants 50 STEALTH for 662 ZEPH
03f4fa9f cancel order
8656e945 paid 142 ZEPH for 10.73 STEALTH
ce21140c paid 71 ZEPH for 5.36 STEALTH