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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00098 BTS
Lifetime fees paid5.01 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00098
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00000074
BRIDGE.BCH 0.00000001
DEEX 0.1
ZALUPA 0.009
CEMENT 0.004
LIQPAY 0.006
fd97cd58 sent 9,104 BRIDGE.EVOS to
6e1337ff paid 0.0353 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,474 BRIDGE.EVOS
99684dcd paid 0.0368 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,652 BRIDGE.EVOS
98cfb953 wants 9,126 BRIDGE.EVOS for 0.0721 BRIDGE.BTC
236b5174 cancel order
d6563e45 wants 9,244 BRIDGE.EVOS for 0.0721 BRIDGE.BTC
02512a93 issue 0.0721 BRIDGE.BTC to
de14b50b sent 0.1 DEEX to
06bb7f95 sent 0.01188 BRIDGE.BTC to
b74e81ef paid 23.9 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.0043 BRIDGE.BTC
a2895740 paid 15.84 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00285 BRIDGE.BTC
b1373c48 paid 26.45 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00476 BRIDGE.BTC
40439a3c sent 0.0384 BRIDGE.BTC to
d6151c58 wants 0.01192 BRIDGE.BTC for 66.2 BRIDGE.ZOI
bcc6742f cancel order
c0eda5dc wants 0.01225 BRIDGE.BTC for 66.2 BRIDGE.ZOI
e791127a cancel order
67736ef6 wants 0.01225 BRIDGE.BTC for 66.2 BRIDGE.ZOI
501b31b1 wants 0.0384 BRIDGE.BTC for 208 BRIDGE.ZOI
virtual paid 208 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.0384 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
376dbce8 sent 0.0474 BRIDGE.BTC to
2568006f cancel order
9f4c2aae paid 151.2 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.02797 BRIDGE.BTC
8a6759a9 wants 128.7 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.0195 BRIDGE.BTC
5489e8a7 paid 66.6 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.01232 BRIDGE.BTC
54dca32e wants 0.0403 BRIDGE.BTC for 217.8 BRIDGE.ZOI
dbe4e794 wants 0.00176 BRIDGE.BTC for 11 BRIDGE.ZOI
virtual paid 11 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00176 BRIDGE.BTC
854e1d6d wants 0.00546 BRIDGE.BTC for 33.3 BRIDGE.ZOI
virtual paid 33.3 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00546 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
6abb4f09 cancel order
6e920642 wants 0.0656 BRIDGE.BTC for 365 BRIDGE.ZOI
32f41403 sent 0.03145 BRIDGE.BTC to
2a68e2da cancel order
0306e920 wants 2,622 BRIDGE.SEND for 0.03146 BRIDGE.BTC
3ae91968 wants 11.85 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00646 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00646 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.85 BRIDGE.BITG
df3c62a6 cancel order
384dfda6 wants 12.16 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00646 BRIDGE.BTC
25a232dd cancel order
3360a58a sent 4,448 BRIDGE.XSH to
c2056bc4 cancel order
125c7fd4 cancel order
92659238 wants 0.01595 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,278 BRIDGE.XSH
5cc8a0cc cancel orders (4)
057a3716 wants 0.00404 BRIDGE.BTC for 544 BRIDGE.XSH
018d256f wants 0.00405 BRIDGE.BTC for 544 BRIDGE.XSH
c3b4330b wants 0.00406 BRIDGE.BTC for 544 BRIDGE.XSH
7ed0eb13 wants 0.00408 BRIDGE.BTC for 544 BRIDGE.XSH
af274b6f cancel order
f983b744 wants 847,372 BRIDGE.XP for 2,173 BRIDGE.XSH
b32808d7 wants 0.018 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,279 BRIDGE.XSH
8f81bfa3 cancel order
2e08d963 wants 0.01846 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,279 BRIDGE.XSH
b35aa012 wants 44.4 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00646 BRIDGE.BTC
9e39a66d cancel order
7706e05c wants 44.5 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00646 BRIDGE.BTC
af23a630 paid 43.2 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00647 BRIDGE.BTC
f0e3a68d sent 0.02665 BRIDGE.BTC to
f4889a8a cancel order
5118fa48 wants 0.00647 BRIDGE.BTC for 43.2 BRIDGE.ZOI
23c2eee6 cancel order
cfb09566 sent 1,022 BRIDGE.XSH to
12c6007d paid 0.00408 BRIDGE.BTC for 513 BRIDGE.XSH
3a71c644 paid 0.00409 BRIDGE.BTC for 514 BRIDGE.XSH
7bbba063 wants 4,376 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0348 BRIDGE.BTC
e116d386 sent 0.00867 BRIDGE.BTC to
82f64335 cancel order
138d06e3 wants 89.4 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00869 BRIDGE.BTC
eb133360 cancel order
7628e3ea sent 348,032 BRIDGE.ECC to
f0674906 wants 89.4 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00869 BRIDGE.BTC
8a53cb5a cancel order
9da7fe41 wants 89.5 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00869 BRIDGE.BTC
604adc5c cancel order
5907af50 wants 89.5 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00869 BRIDGE.BTC
dc65664b cancel order
e1a21c18 wants 89.5 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00869 BRIDGE.BTC
809722b4 cancel order
acf1f0b3 wants 93.3 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00869 BRIDGE.BTC
81ce188d cancel order
beab56c7 wants 93.3 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00869 BRIDGE.BTC
6392a9f0 cancel order
b97614a2 wants 93.3 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00869 BRIDGE.BTC
e3b48d19 cancel order
704d1c67 wants 93.4 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00869 BRIDGE.BTC
66db3ae6 cancel order
99eb4f67 sent 0.0665 BRIDGE.BTC to
e7365044 wants 0.0667 BRIDGE.BTC for 317,515 BRIDGE.ECC
virtual paid 317,515 BRIDGE.ECC for 0.0667 BRIDGE.BTC
669ed1c1 wants 0.00605 BRIDGE.BTC for 43.2 BRIDGE.ZOI
c447fa7d cancel order
e8c830f4 wants 94.3 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00869 BRIDGE.BTC
a81eef71 cancel order
35609369 wants 96 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00869 BRIDGE.BTC
a5d34d43 cancel order
18c0a9ba wants 96 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00869 BRIDGE.BTC
1bc8f0ca cancel order
aadb2fe5 wants 96 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.00869 BRIDGE.BTC
e9a4368e cancel order
63f020f7 wants 1,336 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00869 BRIDGE.BTC
171659eb paid 66.4 BRIDGE.ZOI for 0.0087 BRIDGE.BTC
388e2532 wants 0.01436 BRIDGE.BTC for 109.7 BRIDGE.ZOI
9925b90f cancel order
55a0a732 wants 0.01436 BRIDGE.BTC for 109.7 BRIDGE.ZOI
18fccb5f cancel order
0ab41024 sent 6,648 BRIDGE.XSH to
86f4d788 cancel order
5cdc8daf wants 15,773 BRIDGE.ZNY for 6,650 BRIDGE.XSH
00af9836 wants 0.01425 BRIDGE.BTC for 109.7 BRIDGE.ZOI
7b1b851e cancel order
6630e49d paid 0.01577 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,888 BRIDGE.XSH
be44b025 wants 2,888 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.01577 BRIDGE.BTC
26a15bea cancel order
56d6d205 wants 2,771 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.01577 BRIDGE.BTC
7e356edf cancel order
c5b6a07a wants 3,116 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.01577 BRIDGE.BTC
0ab803cb cancel order
367f1276 wants 3,141 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.01577 BRIDGE.BTC
f4806214 wants 0.01537 BRIDGE.BTC for 34.9 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 25 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.011 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 9.93 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.00437 BRIDGE.BTC
2a5736cb cancel order
c5cbdf05 wants 0.01573 BRIDGE.BTC for 34.9 BRIDGE.MONA
b536647b paid 2,288 BRIDGE.XSH for 35 BRIDGE.MONA
b718bb68 sent 581,719 BRIDGE.XP to
6e120fd9 cancel order
f31b9394 wants 32 BRIDGE.MONA for 582,157 BRIDGE.XP
b0bec35c cancel order
1eee9ea1 wants 32 BRIDGE.MONA for 582,157 BRIDGE.XP
290d7604 cancel order
71e0fe55 wants 32 BRIDGE.MONA for 582,157 BRIDGE.XP
bb034602 cancel order
1cb7f64d wants 92.7 BRIDGE.MONA for 6,056 BRIDGE.XSH
30b4b56f cancel order
65f8b51b wants 32 BRIDGE.MONA for 582,157 BRIDGE.XP
c73a1455 cancel order
6b210394 paid 70.5 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.000265 BRIDGE.BTC
b53a36b1 wants 0.0001573 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.357 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 0.357 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.0001573 BRIDGE.BTC
759aff89 wants 0.000265 BRIDGE.BTC for 70.5 BRIDGE.ZNY
65e69f5d wants 0.0375 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,056 BRIDGE.XSH
ed3dd3fe paid 2,616 BRIDGE.XP for 18.84 BRIDGE.ZNY
6e7dba51 paid 7,210 BRIDGE.XP for 51.9 BRIDGE.ZNY
49413b88 sent 6,056 BRIDGE.XSH to
bea07c27 cancel order
e9d79e47 cancel order
a174e201 wants 4,262 BRIDGE.ZNY for 592,006 BRIDGE.XP
5b4cdbcd cancel order
b6d03b52 wants 38.9 BRIDGE.MONA for 592,006 BRIDGE.XP
fa87c2c4 cancel order
3b5e2602 wants 1,280,634 BRIDGE.XP for 3,000 BRIDGE.XSH
078c3c62 cancel order
38f8420c wants 36.5 BRIDGE.MONA for 592,006 BRIDGE.XP
413f6e24 cancel order
44222413 wants 1,286,634 BRIDGE.XP for 3,000 BRIDGE.XSH
35319913 cancel order
2a891244 paid 2,562 BRIDGE.XP for 0.16 BRIDGE.MONA
82a08bbc wants 37.1 BRIDGE.MONA for 594,592 BRIDGE.XP
bd01f307 cancel order
284ac8ee wants 1,289,934 BRIDGE.XP for 3,000 BRIDGE.XSH
06287f2e wants 8,487 BRIDGE.ZNY for 3,059 BRIDGE.XSH
aaae68eb cancel order
450651b8 wants 37.2 BRIDGE.MONA for 594,592 BRIDGE.XP
3c541f01 cancel order
9fc2301b wants 1,254,332 BRIDGE.XP for 3,059 BRIDGE.XSH
7c6aea9c paid 3,189 BRIDGE.XP for 0.1993 BRIDGE.MONA
610f5d3f wants 37.4 BRIDGE.MONA for 597,804 BRIDGE.XP
1ac533a7 cancel order
0e9d6cba wants 37.4 BRIDGE.MONA for 597,804 BRIDGE.XP
decb1a0f cancel order
b7364947 wants 39.2 BRIDGE.MONA for 597,804 BRIDGE.XP
7b4f2798 cancel order
32e9ec48 wants 39.3 BRIDGE.MONA for 597,804 BRIDGE.XP
1f9aaa95 cancel order
3a08796b wants 38.9 BRIDGE.MONA for 597,804 BRIDGE.XP
327877ae cancel order
7dce83a0 wants 39.2 BRIDGE.MONA for 597,804 BRIDGE.XP
5870579e cancel order
c8ac7fd8 wants 41.1 BRIDGE.MONA for 597,804 BRIDGE.XP
75d16020 cancel order
212602b1 wants 39.3 BRIDGE.MONA for 597,804 BRIDGE.XP
fe9a1fa3 cancel order
6fe6173b sent 210,098 BRIDGE.ECC to
dd13712a wants 41.1 BRIDGE.MONA for 597,804 BRIDGE.XP
1f9d8f30 cancel order
198c31f5 cancel order
c5060bab wants 39.5 BRIDGE.MONA for 597,804 BRIDGE.XP
5eeee553 cancel order
7b435bd0 wants 41.1 BRIDGE.MONA for 597,804 BRIDGE.XP
edd15f68 sent 915,632 BRIDGE.XP to
b29df8d5 cancel order
9f080af6 wants 62.7 BRIDGE.MONA for 916,080 BRIDGE.XP
842e7afd cancel order