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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid46.2 BTS
e2465f6e sent 323 BTS to
23ef86e0 sent 5,959,936 BTSUCN to
09d39905 sent 5,959,935 BTSUCN to
bd7e277d wants 50.8 BTS for 26.9 CNY
virtual paid 26.9 CNY for 50.8 BTS
7958045b wants 26.9 CNY for 358,398 BTSUCN
virtual paid 358,397 BTSUCN for 26.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
e5743c21 sent 238,932 BTSUCN to
dec9a3ff sent 119,466 BTSUCN to
dd16819c paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.00019 BTS
c92b3fd1 wants 111.8 BTS for 56 CNY
virtual paid 0.497 CNY for 0.992 BTS
57c1ec33 paid 55.5 CNY for 110.8 BTS
ffcee314 wants 56.1 CNY for 756,619 BTSUCN
virtual paid 756,619 BTSUCN for 56.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
c96db700 wants 26 BTS for 8.76 CNY
virtual paid 8.76 CNY for 26 BTS
6b196237 wants 8.77 CNY for 119,467 BTSUCN
virtual paid 119,466 BTSUCN for 8.77 CNY
virtual cancel order
b1e789f1 wants 127.4 BTS for 49.5 CNY
62e172d5 paid 49.5 CNY for 127.4 BTS
049ac59b wants 49.6 CNY for 676,975 BTSUCN
virtual paid 676,974 BTSUCN for 49.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
3adc17fa wants 10.8 BTS for 2.804 CNY
791d5703 paid 2.804 CNY for 10.8 BTS
ecb53cdd wants 2.804 CNY for 39,823 BTSUCN
virtual paid 39,823 BTSUCN for 2.81 CNY
virtual cancel order
77442be9 sent 2 BTS to
7c513a26 sent 910 BTS to
03b43071 wants 54.6 BTS for 14.14 CNY
virtual paid 14.14 CNY for 54.6 BTS
4766d325 cancel order
7cc45c6a wants 54.6 BTS for 14.14 CNY
b90c4104 wants 14.15 CNY for 199,111 BTSUCN
virtual paid 199,110 BTSUCN for 14.16 CNY
virtual cancel order
32fda8b9 wants 63.9 BTS for 11.22 CNY
virtual paid 11.22 CNY for 63.9 BTS
e4ce5b42 wants 5.57 CNY for 79,645 BTSUCN
virtual paid 79,644 BTSUCN for 5.58 CNY
virtual cancel order
e78bc6a0 wants 5.65 CNY for 79,645 BTSUCN
virtual paid 79,644 BTSUCN for 5.65 CNY
virtual cancel order
fd4c6513 paid 24.85 CNY for 132.5 BTS
0634dd48 wants 186 BTS for 34.9 CNY
virtual paid 10.07 CNY for 53.7 BTS
26c79ed2 cancel order
5e69ab33 wants 193.4 BTS for 36.1 CNY
virtual paid 1.22 CNY for 6.53 BTS
6205538c cancel order
33cf57bb wants 200 BTS for 37.3 CNY
virtual paid 1.205 CNY for 6.45 BTS
c64b4577 cancel order
1649c510 wants 200 BTS for 37.3 CNY
dbe0c22c wants 14.53 CNY for 199,111 BTSUCN
virtual paid 199,110 BTSUCN for 14.54 CNY
virtual cancel order
46efe9bd wants 22.86 CNY for 278,754 BTSUCN
virtual paid 278,754 BTSUCN for 22.86 CNY
virtual cancel order
b8eabe58 paid 79.6 CNY for 414 BTS
f43670fb wants 414 BTS for 79.6 CNY
2e05f9e1 wants 7.96 CNY for 79,645 BTSUCN
virtual paid 79,644 BTSUCN for 7.97 CNY
virtual cancel order
31605d81 wants 71.7 CNY for 716,797 BTSUCN
virtual paid 716,796 BTSUCN for 71.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
b9eaaa7f paid 30.8 CNY for 180.3 BTS
8119a4d8 wants 180.3 BTS for 30.8 CNY
a3939101 wants 30.86 CNY for 199,110 BTSUCN
virtual paid 199,110 BTSUCN for 30.86 CNY
virtual cancel order
c83e877c sent 47,600 BTS to
050e749e wants 253.5 BTS for 38.2 CNY
9947c57b paid 38.2 CNY for 253.5 BTS
2fb8343b cancel order
b6f7e86d wants 282.4 BTS for 42.4 CNY
virtual paid 4.18 CNY for 27.85 BTS
bf21210f wants 42.4 CNY for 199,110 BTSUCN
virtual paid 199,110 BTSUCN for 42.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
b5f58a68 cancel order
af5900b3 wants 42.4 CNY for 199,110 BTSUCN
12927279 wants 188.6 BTS for 25.65 CNY
virtual paid 25.65 CNY for 188.6 BTS
b87174f8 wants 25.7 CNY for 119,466 BTSUCN
virtual paid 119,466 BTSUCN for 25.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
f2dbbec8 paid 62.6 CNY for 411 BTS
ec83550c wants 411 BTS for 62.6 CNY
b024f0b5 wants 62.7 CNY for 278,754 BTSUCN
virtual paid 278,754 BTSUCN for 62.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
ca083a47 wants 168 BTS for 26.85 CNY
virtual paid 26.85 CNY for 168.2 BTS
e62ef6c7 wants 26.9 CNY for 119,466 BTSUCN
virtual paid 119,466 BTSUCN for 26.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
19839e1a wants 178.6 BTS for 28.04 CNY
virtual paid 28.04 CNY for 178.6 BTS
70664145 wants 28.06 CNY for 119,466 BTSUCN
virtual paid 119,466 BTSUCN for 28.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
8e6bba98 wants 60.3 BTS for 9.65 CNY
virtual paid 9.65 CNY for 60.3 BTS
e9d07602 wants 4.65 CNY for 19,377 BTSUCN
virtual paid 19,377 BTSUCN for 4.65 CNY
virtual cancel order
17279796 cancel order
404d5587 wants 9.76 CNY for 39,822 BTSUCN
virtual paid 20,445 BTSUCN for 5.01 CNY
45f05a99 paid 19.9 CNY for 119.2 BTS
51a2f0d6 wants 119.2 BTS for 19.9 CNY
6f2f3d7f wants 19.9 CNY for 79,644 BTSUCN
virtual paid 79,644 BTSUCN for 19.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
e1878af5 paid 13.36 CNY for 80 BTS
773aa64c wants 80 BTS for 13.36 CNY
8590c6dc cancel order
2992f7b4 paid 16.7 CNY for 100 BTS
eadf42c6 paid 16.7 CNY for 100 BTS
f44026eb wants 1,180 BTS for 197 CNY
virtual paid 150.2 CNY for 900 BTS
3692a4b1 cancel order
cab46e83 wants 19.93 CNY for 79,644 BTSUCN
virtual paid 79,644 BTSUCN for 19.93 CNY
virtual cancel order
8a5d9bc3 wants 1,475 BTS for 177 CNY
629697f6 wants 149.3 CNY for 597,330 BTSUCN
virtual paid 597,330 BTSUCN for 149.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
c4721f3b wants 27.84 CNY for 39,822 BTSUCN
virtual paid 39,822 BTSUCN for 27.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
d4d655fa paid 411 CNY for 3,646 BTS
49ec8cce wants 3,646 BTS for 411 CNY
8430f72e wants 239 CNY for 199,110 BTSUCN
virtual paid 199,110 BTSUCN for 239 CNY
9ac82d0c cancel order
4b6d5254 wants 239 CNY for 199,110 BTSUCN
34ae63f8 cancel order
8111c927 wants 200.7 CNY for 119,466 BTSUCN
5c15a656 paid 79,644 BTSUCN for 173 CNY
53fcad5f wants 173 CNY for 79,644 BTSUCN
607726b1 paid 261.3 CNY for 2,138 BTS
6b4c6241 wants 2,138 BTS for 261.3 CNY
a0bd9764 wants 261.6 CNY for 119,466 BTSUCN
virtual paid 119,466 BTSUCN for 261.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
1d2c429f cancel order
9d921e80 cancel order
9ff5907f paid 99.4 CNY for 794 BTS
969023e2 wants 794 BTS for 99.4 CNY
518c88cb wants 99.2 CNY for 39,822 BTSUCN
18081126 wants 100.4 CNY for 39,822 BTSUCN
3923310c paid 39,822 BTSUCN for 99.5 CNY
a97cd5d4 wants 99.5 CNY for 39,822 BTSUCN
71be988c paid 397 CNY for 3,034 BTS
90cb4946 wants 3,034 BTS for 397 CNY
virtual paid 189.8 CNY for 1,292 BTS
cd79188a paid 119,466 BTSUCN for 297.5 CNY
ad5c9d3a wants 297.5 CNY for 119,466 BTSUCN
ae75b7ea wants 95 CNY for 39,822 BTSUCN
virtual paid 39,822 BTSUCN for 100.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
bff6ea5a cancel order
151dbef8 wants 1,292 BTS for 189.8 CNY
bbcd198e wants 190 CNY for 79,644 BTSUCN
virtual paid 79,644 BTSUCN for 190 CNY
virtual cancel order
6479c31f wants 106 CNY for 39,822 BTSUCN
0cb79d5e paid 104.2 CNY for 702 BTS
5241b868 paid 0.0402 CNY for 0.271 BTS
9b5cf434 wants 702 BTS for 104.3 CNY
f85c41ef paid 6,484 BTSUCN for 17 CNY
c46e00ee paid 33,338 BTSUCN for 87.3 CNY
7e8b50c2 wants 104.3 CNY for 39,822 BTSUCN
18426830 wants 2,917 BTS for 435 CNY
virtual paid 435 CNY for 2,917 BTS
d7e72f04 wants 205.5 CNY for 79,644 BTSUCN
virtual paid 79,644 BTSUCN for 205.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
ae3756fe wants 111.5 CNY for 39,822 BTSUCN
virtual paid 39,822 BTSUCN for 111.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
fc3de2d3 wants 118.6 CNY for 39,822 BTSUCN
virtual paid 39,822 BTSUCN for 118.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
1b572733 paid 119.3 CNY for 781 BTS
87e433ab wants 781 BTS for 119.3 CNY
5522ef1b wants 119.4 CNY for 39,822 BTSUCN
virtual paid 39,822 BTSUCN for 119.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
48f4f8ca wants 29,636 BTS for 4,540 CNY
virtual paid 4,540 CNY for 29,718 BTS
ed0e09d2 paid 1 CNY for 6.54 BTS