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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid1.352 BTS


Asset Balance
14ac20fb sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
b9794e60 sent 194,393 BRIDGE.PPO to
a721e73e wants 194,272 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.01554 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0035 BRIDGE.BTC for 43,899 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 0.01204 BRIDGE.BTC for 151,108 BRIDGE.PPO
b38252dd wants 0.001012 BRIDGE.BTC for 888 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 888 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.001012 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
4c0552a9 wants 0.002453 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,097 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 2,097 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.002453 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
8b5b0637 wants 0.000874 BRIDGE.BTC for 729 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 729 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.000874 BRIDGE.BTC
d881419f wants 0.0002977 BRIDGE.BTC for 244 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 244 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.0002977 BRIDGE.BTC
c3b434d1 cancel order
dce96cf0 paid 0.0182 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00000003 BRIDGE.BTC
9b46888d wants 0.00507 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,072 BRIDGE.USERV
1dcc96e2 cancel order
50aa479f wants 0.001553 BRIDGE.BTC for 970 BRIDGE.PPO
19fc3704 cancel order
caf62a9c wants 0.0002224 BRIDGE.BTC for 211.8 BRIDGE.USERV
7ce19060 paid 1,337 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.00602 BRIDGE.BTC
94d002b9 wants 0.00602 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,337 BRIDGE.PPO
879e8b79 paid 0.00952 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
84480983 paid 2,405 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.002525 BRIDGE.BTC
bb0f00e6 wants 0.002525 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,405 BRIDGE.USERV
5e0c65c9 paid 184.5 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0024 BRIDGE.BTC
89ba9e95 wants 0.0024 BRIDGE.BTC for 184.5 BRIDGE.PPO
4e33e2f6 sent 0.01862 BRIDGE.BTC to
c4aea392 wants 0.01008 BRIDGE.BTC for 784 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 666 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.00863 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 117.8 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.001514 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
450e4f00 wants 0.00641 BRIDGE.BTC for 247 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 247 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.00642 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
dd56fb11 wants 0.000876 BRIDGE.BTC for 33 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 33 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000876 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
51bff189 cancel order
fd88a028 wants 0.00792 BRIDGE.BTC for 280 BRIDGE.PPO
76c4686e wants 0.001214 BRIDGE.BTC for 440 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 440 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.001214 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
736ebf50 wants 0.001074 BRIDGE.BTC for 39.8 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 39.8 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.001074 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
0de67c55 paid 445 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.001335 BRIDGE.BTC
f2b31bbe paid 0.01 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00000003 BRIDGE.BTC
202bf68e wants 0.001335 BRIDGE.BTC for 445 BRIDGE.USERV
0209ace5 cancel order
685071c1 wants 0.0008 BRIDGE.BTC for 31.3 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 31.3 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0008 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
c00469f8 wants 0.000575 BRIDGE.BTC for 22 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 22 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000575 BRIDGE.BTC
98c7f58a wants 0.001042 BRIDGE.BTC for 39.8 BRIDGE.PPO
f6182da6 wants 0.001042 BRIDGE.BTC for 39.8 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 39.8 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.001042 BRIDGE.BTC
8c6f3c3a wants 0.000467 BRIDGE.BTC for 17.85 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 17.85 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000467 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
0caab142 wants 0.000575 BRIDGE.BTC for 22 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 22 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000575 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
0108f6d9 wants 0.0001847 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.06 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 7.06 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0001847 BRIDGE.BTC
e2831944 wants 0.00539 BRIDGE.BTC for 235 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 235 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.00539 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
8b0bec02 wants 0.01254 BRIDGE.BTC for 570 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 33 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000729 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 49.7 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.001097 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 487 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.01072 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
865933a9 wants 0.002466 BRIDGE.BTC for 600 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 600 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.002466 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
f117f3b9 wants 0.000301 BRIDGE.BTC for 70.9 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 70.9 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.000301 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
6f01e6c3 wants 0.001607 BRIDGE.BTC for 379 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 379 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.001607 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
7b8d178f wants 0.000327 BRIDGE.BTC for 74.9 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 74.9 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.000327 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
a55888a3 wants 3 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.000401 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000401 BRIDGE.BTC for 3 BRIDGE.GTM
be6a3313 wants 9.98 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.001334 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001083 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.1 BRIDGE.GTM
virtual paid 0.0002514 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.88 BRIDGE.GTM
60a8ac36 paid 250 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.001375 BRIDGE.BTC
dc1d8a78 wants 0.001375 BRIDGE.BTC for 250 BRIDGE.USERV
1f9b0038 wants 0.0014 BRIDGE.BTC for 450 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 450 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.0014 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
8c4142b5 wants 0.001665 BRIDGE.BTC for 537 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 537 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.001665 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
93d24cde cancel order
74068a1f paid 312.6 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00125 BRIDGE.BTC
6e89698d wants 0.0034 BRIDGE.BTC for 850 BRIDGE.USERV
818227e5 paid 0.095 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,110 BRIDGE.PPO
f0c05a4a wants 0.000984 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 300 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.000984 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
0d589276 wants 2,110 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.095 BRIDGE.BTC
e7624ab2 wants 0.0008 BRIDGE.BTC for 244 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 244 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.0008 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
bd21e779 wants 0.0015 BRIDGE.BTC for 456 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 456 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.0015 BRIDGE.BTC
1d592ee2 paid 1,000 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00536 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 89 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.000477 BRIDGE.BTC
56704a29 wants 0.00536 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.USERV
2c5d20af wants 0.000477 BRIDGE.BTC for 89 BRIDGE.USERV
d5a8f275 paid 0.00658 BRIDGE.BTC for 985 BRIDGE.USERV
7eb25762 paid 0.01271 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,903 BRIDGE.USERV
1b01d11e paid 0.000334 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.USERV
42d12201 paid 0.000412 BRIDGE.BTC for 61.6 BRIDGE.USERV
ce1201e5 wants 0.0012 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 108 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.0012 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
b0a9fc54 cancel order
062343b6 wants 0.002367 BRIDGE.BTC for 213 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 213 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.002367 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
9ad7a468 wants 0.0012 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.USERV
d9b5e203 wants 0.0012 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 108 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.0012 BRIDGE.BTC
454c21a3 wants 0.0012 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 108 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.0012 BRIDGE.BTC
82515227 wants 0.0027 BRIDGE.BTC for 243 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 0.000787 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.1 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.0000012 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 135 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.0015 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 108 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.0012 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
4454548a wants 3,000 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.02004 BRIDGE.BTC
bfa19d38 wants 0.0000903 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.99 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 4.99 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.0000903 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
b146ce42 wants 7 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.001575 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001575 BRIDGE.BTC for 7 BRIDGE.GTM
19af7ec5 wants 3 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.000057 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000057 BRIDGE.BTC for 3 BRIDGE.USERV
57471744 wants 255 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00484 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00484 BRIDGE.BTC for 255 BRIDGE.USERV
a06289d3 wants 300 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00567 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00567 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.USERV
7af77deb wants 359 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00674 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00562 BRIDGE.BTC for 299.4 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 0.001126 BRIDGE.BTC for 60 BRIDGE.USERV
9badc3c9 wants 207 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00387 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00387 BRIDGE.BTC for 207 BRIDGE.USERV
26b47d7a wants 60 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.001121 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001121 BRIDGE.BTC for 60 BRIDGE.USERV
4e005b67 wants 247 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00457 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00457 BRIDGE.BTC for 247 BRIDGE.USERV
433ab70d wants 173 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00317 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00317 BRIDGE.BTC for 173 BRIDGE.USERV
d8381ace wants 233.6 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00428 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00428 BRIDGE.BTC for 233.6 BRIDGE.USERV
0511f8ec wants 1,095 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.02005 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.02005 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,095 BRIDGE.USERV
eed905ab cancel order
fcf7a175 wants 1,295 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.0235 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001438 BRIDGE.BTC for 81.6 BRIDGE.USERV