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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight14.1 BTS
Lifetime fees paid37 BTS
Registrar-30% -
Referrer110% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.854
CNY 0.84
PENHH 0.318
OPTIONS.19DE020P 0.01
44aa3eab sent 122 CNY to
64770ba3 sent 21 CNY to
b027bd9d wants 102 CNY for 339,873 PENHH
virtual paid 339,873 PENHH for 102 CNY
virtual cancel order
068f025d paid 203 CNY for 169,256 PENHH
aecab07b paid 204.8 CNY for 170,636 PENHH
cadb83db wants 339,892 PENHH for 408 CNY
78baec16 cancel order
fd1ef662 wants 331,333 PENHH for 408 CNY
a4f18e90 cancel order
fbf0868b paid 0.0012 CNY for 0.984 PENHH
cefb02c9 wants 334,321 PENHH for 408 CNY
565aeb10 cancel order
aa4286ee sent 6,000 CNY to
c58c3cde cancel order
4a7f5ea9 wants 26,941 BTS for 6,008 CNY
a365f930 wants 6.09 CNY for 1,846 PENHH
virtual paid 1,846 PENHH for 6.09 CNY
virtual cancel order
04a137ff cancel order
732a12fc paid 0.0133 PENHH for 0.0001 CNY
ed4129b1 paid 0.0133 PENHH for 0.0001 CNY
07395b27 wants 13.84 CNY for 1,846 PENHH
3f10cf6f cancel order
181e6248 paid 3.97 CNY for 968 PENHH
5f939e3d paid 3.6 CNY for 878 PENHH
306c688a wants 366,424 PENHH for 1,502 CNY
03ca68c1 wants 1,000,000 PENHH for 400 CNY
2f7dc2cc cancel order
271134d3 wants 4,005,847 PENHH for 1,602 CNY
51cab192 sent 2 BTS to
adb67dd3 paid 411 ADW for 407 CNY
2c6b9224 paid 228 ADW for 226 CNY
3abcc1fd wants 633 CNY for 639 ADW
17c268fb cancel order
0ed398ea cancel order
6c615032 cancel order
c52785fd cancel order
375656cf wants 2,324 ADW for 209 CNY
019cb9b2 wants 100 ADW for 5 CNY
985e8ce6 wants 500 ADW for 22 CNY
ebe5d026 wants 1,000 ADW for 40 CNY
ec9f247c cancel order
80d1f178 cancel order
5152c359 paid 19.14 CNY for 638 ADW
b318d228 wants 1,000 ADW for 30 CNY
318d2e94 wants 1 ADW for 0.998 CNY
virtual paid 0.998 CNY for 1 ADW
e6da92f5 cancel order
e05f9249 wants 1 ADW for 0.011 CNY
5744dbb9 wants 23,097 ADW for 231 CNY
b637550e sent 1,170 CNY to
32af0a62 sent 421 CNY to
bdce2fcc sent 1,218 CNY to
fa995c09 sent 585 CNY to
9b060254 sent 244 CNY to
c67454f8 sent 390 CNY to
4afefd11 sent 320 CNY to
f26e898f sent 2,231 CNY to
d5ef2b75 sent 915 CNY to
6ec27bbc sent 732 CNY to
6c118b53 sent 610 CNY to
3f7930bf sent 305 CNY to
f2a60ebc sent 488 CNY to
a38e2901 sent 963 CNY to
7ed95b96 sent 407 CNY to
2c76f2b0 sent 254 CNY to
f647e424 sent 611 CNY to
3cb17568 sent 1,272 CNY to
4b601a3c sent 1,600 CNY to
fafd3e5c sent 1,164 CNY to
832ece45 sent 931 CNY to
ae624f41 sent 776 CNY to
01fcf44b sent 388 CNY to
f7f2e563 sent 621 CNY to
05dfbf79 sent 710 CNY to
51f808e2 sent 1,043 CNY to
032cee91 sent 556 CNY to
ef6ecb03 sent 348 CNY to
13543a6c sent 695 CNY to
70e3fcb6 sent 834 CNY to
9a175463 sent 1,156 CNY to
901c3f56 sent 966 CNY to
b6bb28ff sent 515 CNY to
7855cb26 sent 322 CNY to
10b5eae9 sent 644 CNY to
9ea6daa5 sent 773 CNY to
c43b4b1e sent 330 CNY to
5d6bc878 paid 430 ACRLL for 334 CNY
852746f6 wants 334 CNY for 430 ACRLL
57d582ef sent 2,725 CNY to
b8535e09 sent 1,042 CNY to
99cd520b sent 556 CNY to
b112ab44 sent 347 CNY to
76a2aacc sent 695 CNY to
c5327679 sent 834 CNY to
648e4a35 sent 46 CNY to
087aa8f4 sent 33,000 CNY to
a60a5335 sent 914 CNY to
3f1bd2bb sent 609 CNY to
58886a4c sent 305 CNY to
829bbe72 sent 487 CNY to
df856427 sent 731 CNY to
a60a6a6c sent 2,342 CNY to
c6752a2c sent 681 CNY to
71d51097 sent 363 CNY to
9a92f436 sent 227 CNY to
fc4fa112 sent 454 CNY to
0b5371ad sent 545 CNY to
60d62efc sent 1,500 CNY to
5c22c2bd sent 3,000 CNY to
6ee7f172 sent 729 CNY to
ba9ec7da sent 243 CNY to
b7ed3125 sent 486 CNY to
875f4f8f sent 486 CNY to
38a6eecc sent 1,000 CNY to
f8af84e8 sent 442 CNY to
5c0b7a24 sent 664 CNY to
d785285e sent 442 CNY to
7eda3afc sent 221 CNY to