立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight52.5 BTS
Lifetime fees paid104.5 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 52.5
BADCOIN 10,020
MVCOIN 0.0168
5e07b044 sent 0.0168 MVCOIN to
94072170 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
6e3074ea sent 10 BADCOIN to
8575d1ad sent 10 BADCOIN to
c3b25918 sent 0.2453 OPEN.BTC to
8428df2e sent 0.15 OPEN.BTC to
dd352168 sent 1.5 OPEN.BTC to
950245a9 sent 0.25 OPEN.BTC to
11284da8 sent 0.25 OPEN.BTC to
aa544a80 sent 1.4 OPEN.BTC to
c1fa147c sent 0.8 OPEN.BTC to
058e62dd sent 1.5 OPEN.BTC to
2a029a25 sent 0.75 OPEN.BTC to
fe5771f9 sent 0.75 OPEN.BTC to
7d6ad396 sent 0.66 OPEN.BTC to
56f168fb sent 0.317 OPEN.BTC to
2acda98c sent 1.008 OPEN.BTC to
6985e271 sent 0.444 OPEN.BTC to
e385f720 sent 1.9 OPEN.BTC to
aba18839 sent 0.254 OPEN.BTC to
8123c270 sent 3.5 OPEN.BTC to
059e53aa sent 3.5 OPEN.BTC to
5b93902c sent 1.5 OPEN.BTC to
9908b841 sent 3.5 OPEN.BTC to
dce8d04e sent 0.321 OPEN.BTC to
04487768 sent 0.1 OPEN.BTC to
cf130781 wants 50.7 OPEN.BTC for 2,500 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 0.098 PEERPLAYS for 0.002148 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 2.01 PEERPLAYS for 0.0436 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0415 PEERPLAYS for 0.000842 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 2,498 PEERPLAYS for 50.7 OPEN.BTC
865b44e4 cancel order
94e8336d cancel order
441ec412 cancel order
3401b17d wants 517,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
8a90a1ae wants 640,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
1a5ef160 wants 517,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
f60f7c57 cancel order
44eb548c wants 980,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
a99f2454 cancel order
0a68517c wants 1,080,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
e90b79df cancel order
3408c587 wants 965,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
7f80af42 cancel order
d8d923c9 wants 875,000 BTS for 250 PEERPLAYS
81075173 cancel order
d96982fc wants 831,250 BTS for 250 PEERPLAYS
1201e750 cancel order
cc821539 wants 3,295 BTS for 1 PEERPLAYS
ab0783ed cancel order
674ddaa3 wants 3,000 BTS for 1 PEERPLAYS
ede4f3da sent 106,040 BTS to
012d0015 sent 11,783 BTS to
bec075c5 sent 10 BTS to
0139e87a cancel order
822fbf4f cancel order
9bc5a722 wants 297,000 BTS for 99 PEERPLAYS
9bb284f9 wants 3,000 BTS for 1 PEERPLAYS
b48cc973 cancel order
c50867a4 wants 0.02776 OPEN.BTC for 0.02776 PEERPLAYS
5bf28dee cancel order
ba618320 sent 25 BTS to
556240f7 wants 300,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
04f9a2c0 sent 1 BTS to