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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight51,001 BTS
Lifetime fees paid6.8 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 118 5,000
OBITS 41,352 0
ZEPH 0 400
ICOO 0 100
virtual paid 1,000 OBITS for 80 BTS
7bd5b6a5 wants 80 BTS for 1,000 OBITS
92bb8f5c wants 37 BTS for 1,000 OBITS
virtual paid 1,000 OBITS for 37 BTS
a4ae1c78 sent 1,000 OBITS to
f597973f sent 47,918 BTS to
26841051 sent 1 DIGITAL to
eaffcf66 cancel order
db065c5a wants 10,000 OBITS for 800 BTS
f965ec94 sent 0.001946 OPEN.BTC to
f7c1f8b8 wants 498 OBITS for 553 ICOO
virtual paid 553 ICOO for 498 OBITS
bd4ed884 cancel order
bff80e2b cancel order
333f859e cancel order
341d8b78 sent 0.0221 ZEPH to
d379a10a wants 30.45 BTS for 74,265 ZEPH
virtual paid 74,265 ZEPH for 30.45 BTS
virtual cancel order
cd0c6d3e cancel order
1f928d03 cancel order
1ffc6e8a wants 6,494 BTS for 66,265 ZEPH
82f2fa08 paid 100,000 ZEPH for 180 BTS
afde6b0b wants 180 BTS for 100,000 ZEPH
868cf5e2 cancel order
0b4f4eeb wants 3,000 BTS for 100,000 ZEPH
5acf4109 paid 15 BTS for 100,000 ZEPH
9867fe5c wants 100,000 ZEPH for 15 BTS
efa98d11 paid 2,430 BTS for 30,000 ZEPH
383703f9 paid 910 BTS for 10,000 ZEPH
d88c2b62 wants 992 BTS for 8,000 ZEPH
9904d62b paid 960 BTS for 10,000 ZEPH
b7536f39 wants 10,000 ZEPH for 960 BTS
18bf3048 wants 10,000 ZEPH for 910 BTS
9bb5ef9d paid 8,000 ZEPH for 960 BTS
virtual paid 8,000 ZEPH for 990 BTS
1b107b4f wants 990 BTS for 8,000 ZEPH
5a69a7f9 wants 960 BTS for 8,000 ZEPH
2d185006 paid 915 BTS for 10,000 ZEPH
5193fdb3 paid 980 BTS for 10,000 ZEPH
d604330a paid 1,092 BTS for 1,200 OBITS
b4df0be7 wants 10,000 ZEPH for 915 BTS
cbcf0174 wants 10,000 ZEPH for 980 BTS
52043d0b wants 0.0453 OPEN.BTC for 453 ICOO
2628c25d paid 0.0002 ICOO for 0.0013 BTS
d09eb14c paid 900 ZEPH for 98.1 BTS
virtual paid 4,000 ZEPH for 443 BTS
virtual paid 8,000 ZEPH for 960 BTS
virtual paid 8,500 ZEPH for 1,097 BTS
0999c601 paid 0.0001 ICOO for 0.0006 BTS
virtual paid 17 ICOO for 110.5 BTS
7becc3f3 paid 83 ICOO for 539 BTS
818e18b4 paid 99.3 ICOO for 0.001936 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
269c8b28 sent 0.01 OPTIONS.19DE020P to
3fc49efb wants 1,200 OBITS for 1,092 BTS
9a4ac88c paid 0.328 ICOO for 1.97 BTS
7ed619e1 paid 3.2 ICOO for 19.23 BTS
fdb05d35 paid 6.41 ICOO for 38.5 BTS
cd7846c3 paid 25.04 ICOO for 149.8 BTS
987b3f21 paid 3.22 ICOO for 19.23 BTS
f14ff348 paid 32.1 ICOO for 192.2 BTS
826ea16c paid 12.86 ICOO for 76.9 BTS
bb8e32df paid 3.22 ICOO for 19.23 BTS
57fd1871 paid 23.5 ICOO for 140.6 BTS
virtual paid 2.197 ICOO for 13.18 BTS
f9c943a0 paid 11.46 ICOO for 68.8 BTS
2698b098 paid 6.41 ICOO for 38.5 BTS
fdecc797 paid 51.3 ICOO for 307.6 BTS
fb590106 paid 12.82 ICOO for 76.9 BTS
5105e2ca wants 98.1 BTS for 900 ZEPH
e8d486cc paid 96 BTS for 1,000 ZEPH
28265746 wants 1,000 ZEPH for 96 BTS
fd73e7fb paid 1,000 ZEPH for 110.7 BTS
b3d11a0d wants 960 BTS for 8,000 ZEPH
e5a8d479 wants 554 BTS for 5,000 ZEPH
a5c16cdd paid 960 BTS for 10,000 ZEPH
cbb08052 paid 534 BTS for 5,500 ZEPH
b2891e58 wants 5,500 ZEPH for 534 BTS
a8090b6e paid 4,500 ZEPH for 536 BTS
1800c6fc wants 30,000 ZEPH for 2,430 BTS
a50e191b wants 1,097 BTS for 8,500 ZEPH
dc881683 wants 536 BTS for 4,500 ZEPH
16eda01b wants 10,000 ZEPH for 960 BTS
7da83601 paid 995 BTS for 10,000 ZEPH
55170c01 paid 535 BTS for 5,000 ZEPH
1480f1be wants 5,000 ZEPH for 535 BTS
ba1e0479 wants 10,000 ZEPH for 995 BTS
33ae1e7a paid 0.001 ICOO for 0.00598 BTS
5d974ee4 wants 598 BTS for 100 ICOO
6a1125a5 paid 0.608 ICOO for 0.00001185 OPEN.BTC
2e3376d0 paid 0.1328 ICOO for 0.00000259 OPEN.BTC
de16ef1e paid 0.1004 ICOO for 0.602 BTS
6f996fcf paid 2.956 ICOO for 17.74 BTS
6b882bf1 paid 0.1526 ICOO for 0.916 BTS
116695ee paid 2.69 ICOO for 16.15 BTS
d37a6f70 wants 0.00195 OPEN.BTC for 100 ICOO
f216916e wants 600 BTS for 100 ICOO
12039bdc wants 650 BTS for 100 ICOO
45f61e99 cancel order
f27d3941 cancel order
c4c74bee wants 550 BTS for 100 ICOO
06ee59d0 paid 0.515 ICOO for 2.83 BTS
307d8c54 paid 2.06 ICOO for 11.33 BTS
dddbcd8a paid 0.101 ICOO for 0.556 BTS
42b55ddb paid 2.66 ICOO for 14.63 BTS
f1b73046 wants 600 BTS for 100 ICOO
c1ff877b paid 2.424 ICOO for 14.54 BTS
4f2838c9 paid 400 ZEPH for 46 BTS
d688dd49 sent 42,660 OBITS.VOTE to
c3087b04 cancel order
8efa6324 wants 450 BTS for 1,000 OBITS.VOTE
b5063f80 wants 25,000 OBITS for 5,000 BTS
e9a6b951 wants 46 BTS for 400 ZEPH
a977f33b wants 10,000 BTS for 100 ICOO
aa9c2e5c sent 1 LUCSILVER to