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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight492 BTS
Lifetime fees paid10.27 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 492 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0.001907 0
BADCOIN 10,000 0
DEEX 0.1 0
BRIDGE.ALQO 0.000087 0
PROTON 0.1 0
ZALUPA 0.007 0
BRIDGE.LOL 0.00000001 0
FRESHCOIN 0.0002 0
BRIDGE.BITG 2,594 145.8
BRIDGE.DEV 0.0000191 0
CEMENT 0.00282 0
QUBIT 0.0014 0
AMAZONCOM 0.00002 0
BAIDUCOM 0.00002 0
EBAYCOM 0.00002 0
LIQPAY 0.012 0
BRIDGE.FIX 0.000372 0
BRIDGE.ZEX 2,091 0
APPLECOM 0.00002 0
TESLACOM 0.00001 0
NETFLIXCOM 0.00001 0
CISCOCOM 0.00002 0
VISACOM 0.00001 0
BRIDGE.YCE 200,877 0
ALIBABACOM 0.00001 0
DONGFENG 0.008 0
XBTSX.STH 0.544 0
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.1202 0
XBTSX.XBB 0.000025 0
BRIDGE.DMME 3,390 1,420
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
08505395 paid 0.202 BRIDGE.DMME for 0.00000102 BRIDGE.BTC
4977ec9c paid 9.34 BRIDGE.DMME for 0.0000472 BRIDGE.BTC
6258f1fd paid 150 BRIDGE.DMME for 0.000751 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 220 BRIDGE.DMME for 0.001109 BRIDGE.BTC
d01589f4 paid 0.001996 BRIDGE.DMME for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
00c96721 paid 0.1377 BRIDGE.DMME for 0.00000069 BRIDGE.BTC
78f9bf90 paid 0.001996 BRIDGE.DMME for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
d03bfdc8 paid 0.001996 BRIDGE.DMME for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
2833a9d7 cancel order
a05c02f1 cancel order
553b229b sent 96,330 BRIDGE.DMME to
63eb3462 sent 0.0966 BRIDGE.BTC to
d41be11d paid 5,167 BRIDGE.PHR for 0.0918 BRIDGE.BTC
9f1fc651 wants 0.0918 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,167 BRIDGE.PHR
1981f18c wants 0.00502 BRIDGE.BTC for 262.7 BRIDGE.PHR
virtual paid 262.7 BRIDGE.PHR for 0.00502 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
236179b9 wants 0.00992 BRIDGE.BTC for 145.8 BRIDGE.BITG
c55b56fa wants 0.01026 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.DMME
6d37b78a wants 0.001925 BRIDGE.BTC for 350 BRIDGE.DMME
77f8e0e4 wants 0.0026 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.DMME
b50eb66e wants 0.001518 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.DMME
02447f18 wants 0.001263 BRIDGE.BTC for 250 BRIDGE.DMME
11606752 wants 0.001109 BRIDGE.BTC for 220 BRIDGE.DMME
3e76f71b wants 0.000752 BRIDGE.BTC for 150 BRIDGE.DMME
d7d88937 cancel orders (4)
beb13e9d cancel order
69395051 wants 0.1845 BRIDGE.BTC for 30,000 BRIDGE.DMME
e6586093 wants 0.122 BRIDGE.BTC for 20,000 BRIDGE.DMME
18915e8b wants 0.15 BRIDGE.BTC for 25,000 BRIDGE.DMME
a23d34c1 wants 0.1004 BRIDGE.BTC for 20,000 BRIDGE.DMME
c67eab53 wants 0.000501 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.DMME
44dac2b7 sent 0.02143 BRIDGE.BTC to
63dd2ac3 wants 0.0109 BRIDGE.BTC for 153.5 BRIDGE.BITG
virtual paid 14.03 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 28.05 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 57 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00405 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 54.4 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00387 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
3a981d43 cancel order
3fd473f3 wants 0.01055 BRIDGE.BTC for 191.8 BRIDGE.BITG
virtual paid 191.8 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.01055 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
2018fda2 sent 0.0343 BRIDGE.BTC to
a357d041 paid 428 BRIDGE.PHR for 0.016 BRIDGE.BTC
2b3f59d2 paid 172.8 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.014 BRIDGE.BTC
0a538aae wants 0.016 BRIDGE.BTC for 428 BRIDGE.PHR
df30538a wants 0.014 BRIDGE.BTC for 172.8 BRIDGE.BITG
5ad1d6d6 paid 88.6 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00435 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
121f59bb sent 0.0261 BRIDGE.BTC to
e2665f6b wants 0.00436 BRIDGE.BTC for 88.7 BRIDGE.BITG
virtual paid 0.146 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00000716 BRIDGE.BTC
74f3bceb cancel order
65705ff2 paid 264.6 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.01323 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
328a9f7c paid 2,250 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.01125 BRIDGE.BTC
e0490950 paid 32.9 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.001644 BRIDGE.BTC
7bf500e0 wants 0.01487 BRIDGE.BTC for 297.5 BRIDGE.BITG
e22c5b89 wants 0.01125 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,250 BRIDGE.KLKS
f22b6fd0 wants 0.01907 BRIDGE.BTC for 88.7 BRIDGE.BITG
3648bab5 sent 0.187 BRIDGE.BTC to
033c0741 paid 0.0044 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.00000004 BRIDGE.BTC
63e3881f paid 20,580 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.1873 BRIDGE.BTC
275ad92b sent 0.0216 BRIDGE.BTC to
eb634a97 paid 104.8 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.02135 BRIDGE.BTC
494d89e2 wants 0.02135 BRIDGE.BTC for 104.8 BRIDGE.BITG
a55fb607 sent 0.03 BRIDGE.BTC to
6d072e03 paid 15.23 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00344 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ff1f5b3c wants 0.0251 BRIDGE.BTC for 111 BRIDGE.BITG
virtual paid 25.03 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00576 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 40.2 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00908 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 22.1 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 8.55 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.001932 BRIDGE.BTC
ba2a01a4 wants 0.1873 BRIDGE.BTC for 20,580 BRIDGE.KLKS
a4ecee9b cancel order
868a2bf3 wants 0.146 BRIDGE.BTC for 20,580 BRIDGE.KLKS
abffc3d3 paid 827 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.00515 BRIDGE.BTC
4f9621e7 wants 0.00515 BRIDGE.BTC for 827 BRIDGE.KLKS
ef69ddc5 sent 0.03037 BRIDGE.BTC to
20da04c9 paid 0.000607 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00000017 BRIDGE.BTC
5a82d0cd paid 107.4 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.0301 BRIDGE.BTC
f6295e57 wants 0.0301 BRIDGE.BTC for 107.4 BRIDGE.BITG
e812c841 paid 35,006 BRIDGE.DV for 0.00035 BRIDGE.BTC
c10407ce sent 0.0275 BRIDGE.BTC to
6868caf5 paid 10.6 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00272 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
5cb85936 paid 15.46 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00397 BRIDGE.BTC
a1773b5e paid 26.9 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00691 BRIDGE.BTC
c504458c wants 0.0276 BRIDGE.BTC for 107.3 BRIDGE.BITG
virtual paid 38.9 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 15.46 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00397 BRIDGE.BTC
bfc3fdec sent 0.0815 BRIDGE.BTC to
302b34f3 wants 0.013 BRIDGE.BTC for 173.5 BRIDGE.DEV
virtual paid 66.8 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 106.7 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00799 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
dd8e79d2 wants 0.01094 BRIDGE.BTC for 426 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.000389 BRIDGE.ALQO for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 426 BRIDGE.ALQO for 0.01094 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
e5864bcd wants 0.0263 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.8 BRIDGE.BITG
virtual paid 99.8 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.0263 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
e2c929ca paid 1,600 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.01102 BRIDGE.BTC
c88532c6 paid 85.3 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.0204 BRIDGE.BTC
5710f071 wants 0.01102 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,600 BRIDGE.KLKS
3710aee4 wants 0.0204 BRIDGE.BTC for 85.3 BRIDGE.BITG
23779486 sent 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC to
fbbf5a5a wants 0.01825 BRIDGE.BTC for 58.3 BRIDGE.BITG
virtual paid 58.3 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.01825 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
695de67d cancel order
77180f32 wants 0.01925 BRIDGE.BTC for 61.5 BRIDGE.BITG
virtual paid 3.19 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
5a3f5958 cancel order
915f311b wants 0.02143 BRIDGE.BTC for 61.5 BRIDGE.BITG
2e3f03c9 sent 0.0203 BRIDGE.BTC to
f3ad69fd wants 0.02033 BRIDGE.BTC for 58.9 BRIDGE.BITG
virtual paid 58.9 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.02033 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
8f071762 sent 0.0592 BRIDGE.BTC to
8e7b4a9e wants 0.0442 BRIDGE.BTC for 131.2 BRIDGE.BITG
virtual paid 131.2 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.0442 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
99a5797a wants 0.0151 BRIDGE.BTC for 176 BRIDGE.DEV
virtual paid 10 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.000857 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 100 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00857 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 66.2 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00567 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
b18b4778 sent 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC to
dbe45b62 wants 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC for 118.2 BRIDGE.BITG
virtual paid 24.6 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00654 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 14.3 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.0038 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 4.73 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.001254 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 13.7 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00363 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 60.8 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.01612 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ef5f24de sent 0.0357 BRIDGE.BTC to
a77e774b wants 0.00982 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,116 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 1,116 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.00982 BRIDGE.BTC
80c9451b cancel order
fd2e9f99 wants 0.0105 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,116 BRIDGE.KLKS
85b422e3 paid 70.1 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.02594 BRIDGE.BTC
fb4d1ed0 wants 0.02594 BRIDGE.BTC for 70.1 BRIDGE.BITG
9f6ec6a2 sent 0.0263 BRIDGE.BTC to
50f0a419 paid 62 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.0263 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
7955609a paid 0.1 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.0000425 BRIDGE.BTC
dee91fc9 wants 0.02635 BRIDGE.BTC for 62 BRIDGE.BITG
e7d0c312 sent 0.0694 BRIDGE.BTC to
d48660be wants 0.00077 BRIDGE.BTC for 497 BRIDGE.XN
virtual paid 497 BRIDGE.XN for 0.00077 BRIDGE.BTC
d743d2e0 cancel order
3a2074ae wants 0.03 BRIDGE.BTC for 72.9 BRIDGE.BITG
virtual paid 72.9 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.03 BRIDGE.BTC
7354ed89 wants 0.001447 BRIDGE.BTC for 893 BRIDGE.XN
virtual paid 397 BRIDGE.XN for 0.000642 BRIDGE.BTC
93d52a7f wants 0.0138 BRIDGE.BTC for 49.8 BRIDGE.DEV
virtual paid 49.8 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.0138 BRIDGE.BTC
b659ae0c wants 0.00488 BRIDGE.BTC for 155 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 155 BRIDGE.ALQO for 0.00488 BRIDGE.BTC
8c2aa7c8 wants 0.01444 BRIDGE.BTC for 199 BRIDGE.KEC
virtual paid 67.3 BRIDGE.KEC for 0.0049 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 131.7 BRIDGE.KEC for 0.00955 BRIDGE.BTC
77419ab7 wants 0.00504 BRIDGE.BTC for 390 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 390 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.00504 BRIDGE.BTC
36bc7646 sent 0.0027 BRIDGE.BTC to
85acb149 wants 0.002705 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,082 BRIDGE.XN
virtual paid 1,082 BRIDGE.XN for 0.002705 BRIDGE.BTC
014376c7 cancel order
f36982d9 sent 0.0523 BRIDGE.BTC to
b6403c48 wants 0.002965 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,082 BRIDGE.XN
02b941a3 wants 0.036 BRIDGE.BTC for 70.4 BRIDGE.BITG
virtual paid 58.7 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.03 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 11.73 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00599 BRIDGE.BTC
cf1d667a paid 1,678 BRIDGE.VTL for 0.01643 BRIDGE.BTC
ed0f0a1a wants 0.01643 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,678 BRIDGE.VTL
d09fc5f4 sent 0.0136 BRIDGE.BTC to
d2690896 wants 0.763 BRIDGE.BTC for 200,877 BRIDGE.YCE
b885e2bd cancel order
d4772557 wants 0.0001058 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.53 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 7.53 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.0001058 BRIDGE.BTC
3a8d614f cancel order
ac032962 wants 0.01364 BRIDGE.BTC for 970 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 962 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.01353 BRIDGE.BTC
12242f6a sent 0.052 BRIDGE.BTC to
3012e9e6 wants 0.0468 BRIDGE.BTC for 80.6 BRIDGE.BITG
virtual paid 80.6 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.0468 BRIDGE.BTC
6e40a18f wants 0.00535 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,389 BRIDGE.XN
virtual paid 1,389 BRIDGE.XN for 0.00535 BRIDGE.BTC
59b40f4c sent 0.0944 BRIDGE.BTC to