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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid105.2 BTS
5ec52ee6 sent 8,274 BTS to
2d115cbd sent 50 BTS to
517eb1b0 wants 7,757 BTS for 576 CNY
virtual paid 359 CNY for 4,831 BTS
virtual paid 217.4 CNY for 2,927 BTS
37d5884d sent 211 CNY to
8aab142a sent 2 BTS to
24ce8d0e sent 365 CNY to
virtual paid 149,000 BTS for 11,200 CNY
a4b00827 adjust collateral by 4,000 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
2fa7df7a adjust collateral by 2,000 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
585963c7 wants 2,308 BTS for 300 CNY
virtual paid 300 CNY for 2,325 BTS
10d66621 adjust collateral by 3,000 BTS, debt by 300 CNY
a1351f08 wants 3,077 BTS for 400 CNY
virtual paid 400 CNY for 3,101 BTS
75c7d8d5 adjust collateral by 4,000 BTS, debt by 400 CNY
61a5ba50 wants 3,846 BTS for 500 CNY
virtual paid 500 CNY for 3,876 BTS
ef56415b adjust collateral by 6,000 BTS, debt by 500 CNY
e9b133e9 wants 6,154 BTS for 800 CNY
virtual paid 800 CNY for 6,201 BTS
55860061 adjust collateral by 10,000 BTS, debt by 800 CNY
4b851c57 wants 8,674 BTS for 1,119 CNY
virtual paid 1,119 CNY for 8,674 BTS
48efbdac paid 3,789,244 BTSUCN for 1,120 CNY
virtual cancel order
5f087ca3 adjust collateral by 1,000 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
0a625d24 wants 1,549 BTS for 200 CNY
virtual paid 200 CNY for 1,550 BTS
7a54c1c5 adjust collateral by 2,000 BTS, debt by 200 CNY
f2a7a0a3 wants 2,323 BTS for 300 CNY
virtual paid 300 CNY for 2,325 BTS
1fcf4a26 adjust collateral by 7,000 BTS, debt by 300 CNY
59cf9492 wants 6,969 BTS for 900 CNY
virtual paid 900 CNY for 6,975 BTS
b6794dc6 adjust collateral by 12,000 BTS, debt by 900 CNY
2b648882 wants 11,614 BTS for 1,500 CNY
virtual paid 1,500 CNY for 11,625 BTS
94b5787c adjust collateral by 17,000 BTS, debt by 1,500 CNY
ba586a44 wants 14,032 BTS for 1,811 CNY
virtual paid 1,811 CNY for 14,032 BTS
378315de wants 2,933 CNY for 9,921,651 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,749,457 BTSUCN for 813 CNY
virtual paid 3,382,950 BTSUCN for 1,000 CNY
8fd91e6a wants 2,323 BTS for 300 CNY
virtual paid 300 CNY for 2,325 BTS
c3af3f5d adjust collateral by 3,000 BTS, debt by 300 CNY
fdff8b48 wants 3,863 BTS for 500 CNY
virtual paid 500 CNY for 3,875 BTS
ac623c46 adjust collateral by 7,000 BTS, debt by 500 CNY
d93740f4 wants 6,953 BTS for 900 CNY
virtual paid 900 CNY for 6,976 BTS
77d00d62 adjust collateral by 10,000 BTS, debt by 900 CNY
6385f7bc wants 10,043 BTS for 1,300 CNY
virtual paid 1,300 CNY for 10,076 BTS
59fbca91 adjust collateral by 17,000 BTS, debt by 1,300 CNY
695015ac wants 17,383 BTS for 2,250 CNY
virtual paid 2,250 CNY for 17,439 BTS
a504dcc6 adjust collateral by 32,790 BTS, debt by 2,250 CNY
03a34000 wants 32,312 BTS for 4,183 CNY
virtual paid 4,183 CNY for 32,418 BTS
d1de1c3b paid 2,329,697 BTSUCN for 687 CNY
virtual cancel order
7b79e2c4 cancel order
d47f9643 cancel order
a49eba1d wants 2,213 CNY for 7,502,111 BTSUCN
virtual paid 5,172,414 BTSUCN for 1,526 CNY
a004fada cancel order
31650379 wants 6,683,963 BTSUCN for 1,972 CNY
05445247 wants 2,251 CNY for 7,502,111 BTSUCN
virtual paid 6,580,460 BTSUCN for 1,974 CNY
5a8ef711 wants 564 BTS for 80 CNY
virtual paid 80 CNY for 566 BTS
b32a5dfd adjust collateral by 850 BTS, debt by 80 CNY
5d10be43 wants 847 BTS for 120 CNY
virtual paid 120 CNY for 849 BTS
955f4f95 adjust collateral by 1,270 BTS, debt by 120 CNY
40a8baca wants 1,271 BTS for 180 CNY
virtual paid 93 CNY for 658 BTS
virtual paid 87 CNY for 615 BTS
90a0b197 adjust collateral by 1,910 BTS, debt by 180 CNY
d42bf806 wants 1,907 BTS for 270 CNY
virtual paid 270 CNY for 1,910 BTS
d7643ab2 adjust collateral by 2,830 BTS, debt by 270 CNY
1f0a5d57 wants 2,825 BTS for 400 CNY
virtual paid 400 CNY for 2,829 BTS
e0a3a123 adjust collateral by -10.89 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
882a651b adjust collateral by 4,361 BTS, debt by 400 CNY
fbe7b49b wants 4,500 CNY for 9,000,000 BTSUCN
883a52c6 cancel order
8a3207cd cancel order
2304d296 wants 2,823 BTS for 400 CNY
virtual paid 400 CNY for 2,823 BTS
fc0736f4 cancel order
9ef20928 wants 406 CNY for 1,450,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,403,509 BTSUCN for 400 CNY
b415019d cancel order
d458ea4a wants 1,442 BTS for 203.4 CNY
virtual paid 5.22 CNY for 37 BTS
99150826 paid 198 CNY for 1,405 BTS
82a452ab wants 5,400 CNY for 9,000,000 BTSUCN
371ea1d2 cancel order
b055918a wants 599 CNY for 2,100,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 700,411 BTSUCN for 203 CNY
b30d8965 wants 5,500 CNY for 11,000,000 BTSUCN
16cea5b1 paid 81.7 CNY for 204,220 BTSUCN
04dde372 paid 57.1 CNY for 142,858 BTSUCN
06f6d486 wants 347,078 BTSUCN for 138.8 CNY
fd059620 wants 139.5 CNY for 168 BTS
virtual paid 0.1 BTS for 0.0857 CNY
virtual paid 168 BTS for 139.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
e2c23beb cancel order
f1d57557 wants 180 CNY for 150 BTS
66165e19 cancel order
07792fbd wants 132.8 CNY for 151 BTS
902911cf paid 14.25 CNY for 98,261 BTSUCN
4a9dc36a wants 98,261 BTSUCN for 14.25 CNY
a353e614 cancel order
7cd1b28e wants 178,099 BTSUCN for 14.25 CNY
ac964599 wants 14.25 CNY for 150,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 150,000 BTSUCN for 14.27 CNY
virtual cancel order
33f90c7f sent 1,020 BTS to
c7969637 paid 591 CNY for 1,018 BTS
6d2dd568 wants 1,018 BTS for 591 CNY
9a4d3faa paid 590,000 BTSUCN for 39.5 CNY
b88a1611 paid 708,988 BTSUCN for 46.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
d9062f44 wants 132 CNY for 2,000,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 380,496 BTSUCN for 25.23 CNY
virtual paid 454,545 BTSUCN for 30.1 CNY
virtual paid 1,425 BTSUCN for 0.0943 CNY
virtual paid 454,545 BTSUCN for 30.05 CNY
b2ad9634 wants 151.8 CNY for 2,300,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,151,596 BTSUCN for 144.2 CNY
virtual paid 74,354 BTSUCN for 4.94 CNY
virtual paid 74,050 BTSUCN for 4.91 CNY
virtual cancel order
e4f041a3 wants 264 CNY for 4,000,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 597,015 BTSUCN for 39.8 CNY
virtual paid 597,015 BTSUCN for 39.8 CNY
virtual paid 597,015 BTSUCN for 39.8 CNY
virtual paid 515,152 BTSUCN for 34.3 CNY
virtual paid 515,152 BTSUCN for 34.3 CNY
virtual paid 515,152 BTSUCN for 34.3 CNY
virtual paid 663,500 BTSUCN for 44.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
3a8d1f37 wants 39.5 CNY for 590,000 BTSUCN
c3069930 sent 677 BTS to
21c0df8e wants 670 BTS for 378 CNY
f164f8ba paid 378 CNY for 670 BTS
c0659094 wants 374 CNY for 5,041,668 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,527,765 BTSUCN for 190 CNY
virtual paid 9,666 BTSUCN for 0.726 CNY
virtual paid 2,504,236 BTSUCN for 188 CNY
virtual cancel order
59a0a120 sent 250 BTS to
618de1dc wants 248 BTS for 74.3 CNY
virtual paid 51.6 CNY for 172 BTS
d2d5ae87 paid 22.74 CNY for 75.9 BTS
b20a4770 wants 74 CNY for 1,013,846 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,013,845 BTSUCN for 74.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
3f24cbb9 sent 1,580 BTS to
58c11730 paid 467 CNY for 1,583 BTS
a8baa6f3 wants 1,583 BTS for 467 CNY
ca1136c9 wants 465 CNY for 6,369,972 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,318,220 BTSUCN for 96.9 CNY
virtual paid 2,465,753 BTSUCN for 181 CNY
virtual paid 2,465,753 BTSUCN for 180.7 CNY
virtual paid 120,245 BTSUCN for 8.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
f10e3629 cancel order
87123dc1 wants 469 CNY for 6,369,972 BTSUCN
323aa3f8 sent 2,000 BTS to
5ade9f58 wants 1,998 BTS for 602 CNY
virtual paid 602 CNY for 2,008 BTS
73cacb9e wants 379 CNY for 6,009,568 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,682,131 BTSUCN for 239.3 CNY
virtual paid 2,308 BTSUCN for 0.15 CNY
virtual paid 2,325,128 BTSUCN for 148.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
7ba2db1a cancel order
fa1d295a wants 496 CNY for 7,513,412 BTSUCN
virtual paid 746,269 BTSUCN for 50 CNY
virtual paid 757,576 BTSUCN for 50 CNY
f1e16731 cancel order
bfeeebf7 wants 625 CNY for 9,192,322 BTSUCN
virtual paid 505,659 BTSUCN for 34.9 CNY
virtual paid 437,956 BTSUCN for 30 CNY
virtual paid 735,294 BTSUCN for 50 CNY
7794f257 sent 725 BTS to
81af6b48 sent 2 BTS to
df6cd33e wants 733 BTS for 131.3 CNY
virtual paid 131.3 CNY for 733 BTS
5560c530 cancel order
5c2d33db wants 820 BTS for 131.3 CNY
5af2fc9f sent 8,705 BTS to
3f63b437 wants 8,695 BTS for 1,639 CNY
virtual paid 1,639 CNY for 8,707 BTS