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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight100 BTS
Lifetime fees paid115.9 BTS
Cashback/vesting4.21 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 10.2
BADCOIN 10,000
9c431774 sent 173 BTS to
b594f4c1 sent 498,000 IOU.PLS to
3c1a6d6e withdraw 88.5 BTS from vesting
89960663 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
63c179bf sent 243.7 BTS to
a969a672 sent 289.7 CNY to
7f87e6f6 wants 3.5 CNY for 3.5 IOU.CNY
virtual paid 3.5 IOU.CNY for 3.5 CNY
5ff5dd14 paid 996 IOU.CNY for 498,000 IOU.PLS
e093bf52 wants 498,000 IOU.PLS for 996 IOU.CNY
0b3d2d56 cancel order
f8ff1a31 sent 2,000 CNY to
5bdb6d10 wants 908,000 IOU.PLS for 999 IOU.CNY
62f2a234 cancel order
34ffc577 wants 882,273 IOU.PLS for 970 IOU.CNY
47cf73aa wants 1,000 IOU.CNY for 1,000 CNY
virtual paid 727 CNY for 727 IOU.CNY
virtual paid 273 CNY for 273 IOU.CNY
81c30188 wants 247.7 BTS for 20.64 SHAREBIT
virtual paid 20.64 SHAREBIT for 247.7 BTS
90e7bb7f update account/votes
ef542846 update account/votes
59d61bcf sent 1,090,905 BTS to
cfd788d3 adjust collateral by -1,090,909 BTS, debt by -4,000 CNY
cc29158d sent 237,748 BTS to
063f7e0e adjust collateral by 10,284 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
ca48595b sent 2,000 CNY to
7580d216 adjust collateral by 473,098 BTS, debt by 2,000 CNY
bca1a88a adjust collateral by 78,892 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
ef62c922 sent 2,002 CNY to
24c33051 cancel order
eb2126ac wants 86,197 BTS for 2,000 CNY
6b5afe1e adjust collateral by 528,634 BTS, debt by 2,000 CNY
25ebeef2 sent 99,971 BTS to