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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid32.2 BTS
b6ff2997 sent 1,010 BTS to
bcf550e2 wants 900 BTS for 425 CNY
virtual paid 1.31 CNY for 2.78 BTS
virtual paid 424 CNY for 897 BTS
6bc1fa64 cancel order
425cd947 wants 961 BTS for 452 CNY
virtual paid 0.133 CNY for 0.283 BTS
a4343b90 paid 26.95 CNY for 57.3 BTS
e5d1ae40 wants 453 CNY for 6,109,662 BTSUCN
virtual paid 6,109,661 BTSUCN for 453 CNY
virtual cancel order
72515e3b wants 53.5 BTS for 29.6 CNY
virtual paid 29.6 CNY for 53.5 BTS
df3e2e41 wants 29.64 CNY for 394,385 BTSUCN
virtual paid 394,385 BTSUCN for 29.64 CNY
virtual cancel order
5b80cbfb sent 66 BTS to
d1858afc paid 33 CNY for 67.6 BTS
d7108cfb wants 67.6 BTS for 33 CNY
2118ca87 wants 32.9 CNY for 438,236 BTSUCN
virtual paid 438,236 BTSUCN for 33 CNY
virtual cancel order
49d8fdb7 sent 100 BTS to
449845a8 paid 32.2 CNY for 102.1 BTS
9fdcdb4d wants 102.1 BTS for 32.2 CNY
c5c6a8ca wants 32.1 CNY for 438,207 BTSUCN
virtual paid 438,205 BTSUCN for 32.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
f8afd9bd sent 420 BTS to
e7a163a7 wants 410 BTS for 168 CNY
virtual paid 168 CNY for 422 BTS
96c387e4 wants 28.9 CNY for 394,385 BTSUCN
virtual paid 394,384 BTSUCN for 29 CNY
virtual cancel order
d8c5740c sent 2 BTS to
c2512845 paid 342,870 BTSUCN for 37.7 CNY
b91467ea paid 921,742 BTSUCN for 101.4 CNY
570b2c0e wants 139 CNY for 1,264,612 BTSUCN
64fc6c75 sent 470 BTS to
86dc6db1 wants 475 BTS for 87.3 CNY
virtual paid 87.3 CNY for 475 BTS
ed25d946 wants 81.9 CNY for 920,220 BTSUCN
virtual paid 920,220 BTSUCN for 87.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
14cbc8ed cancel order
9c428e1b wants 110.4 CNY for 920,220 BTSUCN
1ab29d38 sent 530 BTS to
9bd246ef wants 522 BTS for 96.3 CNY
virtual paid 96.3 CNY for 524 BTS
09af67e9 wants 82 CNY for 482,020 BTSUCN
virtual paid 482,020 BTSUCN for 96.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
89a29521 sent 36,260 BTS to
7107c620 sent 10 BTS to
7fedb7de paid 447 CNY for 3,170 BTS
8e89408d wants 3,170 BTS for 447 CNY
6f2d9519 wants 443 CNY for 2,015,720 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,015,720 BTSUCN for 447 CNY
virtual cancel order
c4569f4a sent 10 BTS to
abcec928 cancel order
a27d488c cancel order
ffef04f6 cancel order
00c28b62 wants 111.7 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
53d0fba0 paid 66 CNY for 517 BTS
f8b1b82a paid 156.6 CNY for 1,228 BTS
2835c4ed wants 1,751 BTS for 223.3 CNY
virtual paid 0.754 CNY for 5.91 BTS
e832b1f3 wants 111.7 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
f40cf90a cancel order
2006d66c wants 109.1 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
7cc49687 wants 116.1 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
34632d8d paid 87,640 BTSUCN for 223.5 CNY
20511c45 wants 2,443 BTS for 311 CNY
virtual paid 311 CNY for 2,475 BTS
f168aeaf wants 311.6 CNY for 131,460 BTSUCN
virtual paid 131,460 BTSUCN for 311.6 CNY
5f46143a cancel order
c13473c2 wants 3,257 BTS for 415 CNY
virtual paid 415 CNY for 3,300 BTS
9d1b4c25 wants 415 CNY for 175,280 BTSUCN
virtual paid 175,280 BTSUCN for 415 CNY
1a79153f cancel order
ee90c0d7 wants 1,855 BTS for 236.3 CNY
virtual paid 236.3 CNY for 1,880 BTS
7ec71375 wants 223.5 CNY for 87,640 BTSUCN
7749998a wants 350 CNY for 131,460 BTSUCN
ce8c2b42 wants 524 CNY for 175,280 BTSUCN
63729359 sent 100 BTS to
899e4284 wants 235.4 CNY for 87,640 BTSUCN
virtual paid 87,640 BTSUCN for 236.6 CNY
a6930a93 cancel order
a6f06066 wants 131.5 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
bf6258a6 paid 397 CNY for 2,600 BTS
ce96c100 wants 2,600 BTS for 397 CNY
85a215b9 wants 130.6 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
virtual paid 43,820 BTSUCN for 130.6 CNY
d2060181 paid 87,640 BTSUCN for 266.4 CNY
62040274 wants 266.4 CNY for 87,640 BTSUCN
ebea9f86 cancel order
91f27662 cancel order
539bb66c paid 2,264 CNY for 14,823 BTS
ee7fad39 wants 21,221 BTS for 3,242 CNY
virtual paid 977 CNY for 6,398 BTS
91d76e8f wants 135.4 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
bde0b3b8 wants 135.4 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
26ef9cd2 paid 43,820 BTSUCN for 135.4 CNY
af111573 wants 135.4 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
c5987ace paid 43,820 BTSUCN for 134 CNY
b457a5a0 wants 134 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
af211811 paid 169,609 BTSUCN for 517 CNY
0688ef85 wants 517 CNY for 169,609 BTSUCN
067f9590 cancel order
1a4b41ef cancel order
33a44cb9 wants 135.4 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
d4620cf2 paid 341 BTSUCN for 1.046 CNY
118af0b2 wants 252 CNY for 82,310 BTSUCN
351b6142 cancel order
e18f0b30 cancel order
77b49827 paid 498 BTSUCN for 1.544 CNY
7e0fd75d paid 358 BTSUCN for 1.11 CNY
da7af0b1 wants 135.8 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
f77fb7cc paid 358 BTSUCN for 1.11 CNY
bf4f90bb paid 358 BTSUCN for 1.11 CNY
63271d84 paid 355 BTSUCN for 1.1 CNY
3065a9b9 paid 358 BTSUCN for 1.11 CNY
06bbc58d paid 358 BTSUCN for 1.11 CNY
9913307f paid 1,172 BTSUCN for 3.63 CNY
1fda57bb paid 372 BTSUCN for 1.154 CNY
784ac131 paid 397 BTSUCN for 1.23 CNY
ba881afe paid 387 BTSUCN for 1.2 CNY
f191d1f1 paid 358 BTSUCN for 1.11 CNY
4f6e5654 wants 135.8 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
d2a1bc47 cancel order
3bfade74 wants 796,326 BTSUCN for 2,438 CNY
99620d86 paid 43,820 BTSUCN for 135 CNY
176eda5f wants 135 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
11d9fe0c paid 43,820 BTSUCN for 134.5 CNY
a957a3ec paid 43,820 BTSUCN for 134.3 CNY
c2b50d41 wants 134.3 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
4a2ffd84 wants 134.5 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
87a35a17 cancel order
2315437a wants 137.2 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
751897c5 wants 141 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
virtual paid 43,820 BTSUCN for 141.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
349cc679 cancel order
ad58a447 wants 141.5 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
3c169541 paid 4,221 BTS for 904 CNY
virtual cancel order
28af3d95 wants 566 CNY for 175,280 BTSUCN
virtual paid 175,280 BTSUCN for 566 CNY
virtual cancel order
b5f650c7 cancel order
d3a40549 wants 568 CNY for 175,280 BTSUCN
2a1f8afe cancel order
4b0242f8 paid 500 BTS for 107 CNY
aee0d870 paid 737 BTS for 157.7 CNY
4d4b2aed wants 1,169 CNY for 5,457 BTS
2773a639 wants 473 CNY for 131,460 BTSUCN
c2ac70a9 cancel order
420b6e01 cancel order
634592ab cancel order
6fe1e146 cancel order
34f17fee wants 153.4 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
c93c74ab wants 1,188 CNY for 5,400 BTS
8b2c281a wants 160.4 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
93669777 wants 160.4 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
8f1abd22 cancel order
a7d21987 wants 157.8 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
37594d49 paid 43,820 BTSUCN for 160.4 CNY
2dd6bb5e wants 160.4 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
fdf9633d paid 164.8 CNY for 764 BTS
1deb83da wants 764 BTS for 164.8 CNY
3a54a180 paid 43,820 BTSUCN for 165 CNY
f16cd7ae wants 165 CNY for 43,820 BTSUCN
bd8e50d8 wants 1,437 BTS for 320 CNY
virtual paid 320 CNY for 1,437 BTS
202deedb paid 87,640 BTSUCN for 321 CNY
fef56c38 wants 321 CNY for 87,640 BTSUCN
66e4ad7d paid 434 CNY for 1,922 BTS
e12141f9 wants 1,922 BTS for 434 CNY
75ebbe42 paid 120,563 BTSUCN for 434 CNY
682889a0 wants 434 CNY for 120,563 BTSUCN
7ab372cf wants 75,698 BTSUCN for 272.5 CNY
virtual paid 272.5 CNY for 76,743 BTSUCN
e10c2a96 paid 77,939 BTSUCN for 273 CNY
96550758 wants 273 CNY for 77,939 BTSUCN
d2c3b0a3 wants 1,335 BTS for 301 CNY
virtual paid 301 CNY for 1,335 BTS
38b5debf cancel order
ca603d09 wants 1,394 BTS for 301 CNY
46b23c56 wants 301 CNY for 95,559 BTSUCN
virtual paid 95,559 BTSUCN for 301 CNY
virtual cancel order
46fc794f cancel order
e5ba6ba5 wants 306 CNY for 95,559 BTSUCN
a1bb0ed0 sent 1,900,000 BTSUCN to
d8517023 paid 84.8 CNY for 27,356 BTSUCN
9fc4cb5b paid 419 CNY for 135,082 BTSUCN