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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid22.6 BTS
db070f85 sent 1,520 BTS to
603e423f wants 1,514 BTS for 728 CNY
virtual paid 535 CNY for 1,114 BTS
virtual paid 193.5 CNY for 403 BTS
25db9caf cancel order
7a30afb8 wants 1,530 BTS for 728 CNY
7258cedc cancel order
0337b19d wants 1,545 BTS for 728 CNY
4c928b06 cancel order
67a64aea wants 1,546 BTS for 728 CNY
5a46ebf3 cancel order
bcad4656 wants 1,552 BTS for 728 CNY
c230a746 cancel order
06bac3a7 sent 1,030 BTS to
a537ef9a wants 1,552 BTS for 728 CNY
021b03e0 cancel order
038179f7 sent 10 BTS to
aa98d287 sent 3 BTS to
3796a28e wants 1,553 BTS for 728 CNY
ea5667d9 paid 10,405,944 BTSUCN for 728 CNY
6e5b05a2 wants 728 CNY for 10,405,944 BTSUCN
f74b80a7 paid 548 CNY for 1,054 BTS
59deeb99 wants 1,054 BTS for 548 CNY
e76291a3 cancel order
2f3a8f48 wants 1,079 BTS for 548 CNY
3981f74f paid 7,258,758 BTSUCN for 544 CNY
virtual cancel order
e7046c0e wants 544 CNY for 7,259,202 BTSUCN
virtual paid 443 BTSUCN for 0.0333 CNY
3612e6fa cancel order
53cc4878 wants 11,535 CNY for 7,259,202 BTSUCN
d0b983a7 sent 23,428 BTS to
ab527770 cancel order
57f7e0d5 wants 419 CNY for 348,920 BTSUCN
01898659 cancel order
1538af73 wants 551 CNY for 348,920 BTSUCN
ee3fa297 cancel order
f6f446f9 wants 371 CNY for 231,797 BTSUCN
835e59e4 cancel order
0c847af7 wants 389 CNY for 231,797 BTSUCN
3db285ea cancel order
6e39a444 cancel order
4848af38 wants 198 CNY for 117,123 BTSUCN
01a070c7 wants 193.8 CNY for 114,674 BTSUCN
f9753881 cancel order
04d91e6a wants 205.3 CNY for 114,674 BTSUCN
4e451c2e cancel order
513f4fdf paid 317 BTSUCN for 0.567 CNY
fc8a7dce paid 626 BTSUCN for 1.12 CNY
936e7d19 paid 626 BTSUCN for 1.12 CNY
1d360fd1 paid 284.3 BTSUCN for 0.509 CNY
329bda12 paid 34 BTSUCN for 0.0608 CNY
c1663c44 paid 379 BTSUCN for 0.678 CNY
6eb654dc paid 184 BTSUCN for 0.329 CNY
c7b9029b wants 209.7 CNY for 117,123 BTSUCN
5f5522e1 paid 243.4 CNY for 2,083 BTS
2498a786 wants 2,083 BTS for 243.4 CNY
37d9e46a cancel order
25709da1 paid 19,385 BTSUCN for 40.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
1d88bc6c paid 4,050 BTSUCN for 8.42 CNY
e26d978c wants 1,674 BTS for 194.7 CNY
dd34bf05 cancel order
8e092874 wants 1,674 BTS for 194.7 CNY
61442ef9 paid 93,688 BTSUCN for 195 CNY
2be2009e wants 243.6 CNY for 117,123 BTSUCN
30028875 paid 276 CNY for 2,179 BTS
7248d706 wants 2,179 BTS for 276 CNY
535169fe cancel order
1e0fd56a wants 2,179 BTS for 276 CNY
c8487749 wants 276 CNY for 117,123 BTSUCN
virtual paid 117,123 BTSUCN for 276 CNY
virtual cancel order
338b174a cancel order
ecdf1608 wants 302 CNY for 117,123 BTSUCN
26ee304f paid 263 CNY for 2,009 BTS
4e8b7519 wants 2,009 BTS for 263 CNY
3fcd5bb5 paid 107,487 BTSUCN for 263.3 CNY
08ecb8d9 sent 200,000 BTSUCN to
4d78c228 wants 263.3 CNY for 107,487 BTSUCN
36d77769 sent 900,000 BTSUCN to
fd4dd572 sent 180,000 BTSUCN to
ee1af4cc sent 120,000 BTSUCN to
b44fe85f paid 94.2 CNY for 37,987 BTSUCN
c38768b5 paid 942 CNY for 379,724 BTSUCN
329bda44 paid 942 CNY for 379,724 BTSUCN
ff3874c6 paid 831 CNY for 335,147 BTSUCN
d38ea0ea paid 174.3 CNY for 70,275 BTSUCN
47bfd3e2 wants 1,202,857 BTSUCN for 2,983 CNY
30550720 wants 2,985 CNY for 19,688 BTS
virtual paid 19,688 BTS for 2,987 CNY
f857e23a paid 1.354 CNY for 8.93 BTS
7e86ba80 paid 2.804 CNY for 18.5 BTS
f20247a8 paid 235.4 CNY for 1,553 BTS
d8b26fbb paid 1.23 CNY for 8.1 BTS
f20fb70b wants 1,588 BTS for 241 CNY
85226187 cancel order
e2a6bb88 wants 1,598 BTS for 241 CNY
394884ff paid 95,260 BTSUCN for 241 CNY
9c9325d2 wants 241 CNY for 95,260 BTSUCN
447b0bf4 cancel order
c6708928 wants 243 CNY for 95,260 BTSUCN
fbd54ad0 paid 227.4 CNY for 1,529 BTS
02f2dfbb wants 1,529 BTS for 227.4 CNY
76e56cb0 wants 225.3 CNY for 94,289 BTSUCN
virtual paid 94,289 BTSUCN for 225.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
3a118cfe cancel order
c0caeacd paid 442 BTSUCN for 1.1 CNY
40cb946b paid 433 BTSUCN for 1.079 CNY
4ad3e6dc paid 96 BTSUCN for 0.239 CNY
cfdef44e wants 237 CNY for 95,260 BTSUCN
3b20cda9 paid 478 CNY for 3,248 BTS
d7cc7822 wants 3,248 BTS for 478 CNY
58201093 cancel order
c2ba725c wants 3,250 BTS for 478 CNY
8d732e9e cancel order
8ce6a387 wants 3,250 BTS for 478 CNY
8f62c96b cancel order
c3b9430d wants 3,250 BTS for 478 CNY
afe24f6d paid 190,520 BTSUCN for 478 CNY
c616dc3f wants 478 CNY for 190,520 BTSUCN
b22830d0 cancel order
a548996a wants 495 CNY for 190,520 BTSUCN
5b434712 paid 415 CNY for 2,821 BTS
bdb42ee5 paid 43.1 CNY for 292.5 BTS
b834b2d8 paid 3 CNY for 20.37 BTS
b446963c paid 1,128 CNY for 7,661 BTS
bbd10654 wants 10,795 BTS for 1,590 CNY
4ff09c58 paid 594,222 BTSUCN for 1,581 CNY
virtual cancel order
724e2cbe paid 500 BTSUCN for 1.33 CNY
58da54be paid 1,383 BTSUCN for 3.68 CNY
3da865e2 paid 1,526 BTSUCN for 4.06 CNY
ff762ec4 paid 549 BTSUCN for 1.46 CNY
b29fbf7f wants 1,591 CNY for 598,181 BTSUCN
b5379b00 cancel order
dbd7a5a5 wants 1,783 CNY for 598,181 BTSUCN
60ed8a2b sent 700,000 BTSUCN to
19b6f1d1 paid 1,109 CNY for 361,851 BTSUCN
46adcb9f paid 546 CNY for 178,027 BTSUCN
76547640 paid 414 CNY for 135,082 BTSUCN
9d416551 sent 800,000 BTSUCN to
a0013e86 paid 153.2 CNY for 49,970 BTSUCN
7c28c35e wants 1,466,468 BTSUCN for 4,496 CNY
virtual paid 2,250 CNY for 733,761 BTSUCN
virtual paid 23.94 CNY for 7,808 BTSUCN
18158823 cancel order
b4d1a754 wants 1,469,343 BTSUCN for 4,496 CNY
02928316 cancel order
651a79e2 wants 1,468,308 BTSUCN for 4,496 CNY
67cd6968 wants 4,501 CNY for 29,080 BTS
virtual paid 25,670 BTS for 3,974 CNY
virtual paid 2,000 BTS for 309.6 CNY
fede6770 paid 1,410 BTS for 218.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
093d91eb paid 1,019 CNY for 6,350 BTS
9cf38f92 wants 6,350 BTS for 1,019 CNY
347e519b paid 329,599 BTSUCN for 1,020 CNY
459cdc29 paid 3.33 CNY for 19.96 BTS
9d8f5918 wants 1,020 CNY for 329,599 BTSUCN
489b81ad paid 112.5 CNY for 675 BTS
83c861d6 paid 112.5 CNY for 675 BTS
b5e3b0fb paid 112.5 CNY for 675 BTS
03c71462 wants 2,046 BTS for 341 CNY
f275deea paid 93,204 BTSUCN for 341 CNY
b9f934bf wants 341 CNY for 93,204 BTSUCN
a944ada5 sent 15,830 BTSUCN to
176a10bf sent 100,000 BTSUCN to
3c599512 wants 32,919 BTSUCN for 102.7 CNY
virtual paid 102.7 CNY for 33,125 BTSUCN
a4542a20 wants 102.8 CNY for 458 BTS
virtual paid 458 BTS for 102.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
24faef5f wants 457 BTS for 104.2 CNY
virtual paid 104.2 CNY for 457 BTS
99439928 wants 104.3 CNY for 33,638 BTSUCN
virtual paid 33,638 BTSUCN for 104.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
a07420d9 sent 900,000 BTSUCN to
0ea8602d sent 600 BTS to
3bfb1354 wants 598 BTS for 217.4 CNY
virtual paid 217.4 CNY for 599 BTS
413eab3e wants 217.6 CNY for 70,636 BTSUCN
virtual paid 70,636 BTSUCN for 217.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
0093cf9a cancel order
12900e76 wants 219 CNY for 70,636 BTSUCN
ebaf3118 cancel order
5e3fd0bc wants 229.6 CNY for 70,636 BTSUCN
a08985b2 cancel order
cf78b078 wants 236.6 CNY for 70,636 BTSUCN
8899006d sent 1,500,000 BTSUCN to
70244368 paid 1,237 CNY for 379,487 BTSUCN
10f0d1b6 paid 140.3 CNY for 43,039 BTSUCN
f360d37f paid 328 CNY for 100,513 BTSUCN
13216bf1 paid 153 CNY for 46,944 BTSUCN
962c01ea paid 234 CNY for 71,834 BTSUCN
ec9efa7f paid 25.45 CNY for 7,808 BTSUCN
085bf964 wants 649,625 BTSUCN for 2,118 CNY