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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid9.55 BTS
Registrar-20% -
Referrer100% -


Asset Balance Orders
MZCOIN 426,327 270,000
AYNRANDCOIN 9,874 9,874
YONGBANGCOIN 257,366 105,421
SHIHUCOIN 2,062,383 1,500,000
SUNCOIN2 52,825 0
SHMTLCOIN 150,020 0
SHPGCOIN 2,432,655 2,432,655
LIQUORCOIN 164,990 114,981
SHCNY 4,641,485 3,547,178
AIONIOSLIFECOIN 595,859 391,269
f25391b5 sent 423,862 SHELLCOIN to
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
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virtual cancel order
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virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
7c6561e4 paid 33.7 YONGBANGCOIN for 30.35 SHELLCOIN
ad71bf93 paid 40.3 AIONIOSLIFECOIN for 40.3 SHELLCOIN
d028b629 paid 57.9 SHCNY for 40.5 SHELLCOIN
86bace50 paid 100.4 YONGBANGCOIN for 90.3 SHELLCOIN
cc5c7846 paid 100.5 AIONIOSLIFECOIN for 100.5 SHELLCOIN
8d71b76c paid 27.7 AYNRANDCOIN for 102.5 SHELLCOIN
e13a2828 paid 27.83 AYNRANDCOIN for 103 SHELLCOIN
740b59c1 paid 27.94 AYNRANDCOIN for 103.4 SHELLCOIN
b673400d paid 28.94 AYNRANDCOIN for 107 SHELLCOIN
98d34362 paid 23.94 AYNRANDCOIN for 88.6 SHELLCOIN
a92ff572 wants 544,409 SHELLCOIN for 1,432,655 SHPGCOIN
01c56d73 cancel order
d5500518 cancel order
454ecdfb cancel order
bc2e5cd1 cancel order
f2b12252 cancel order
77afc8f3 wants 300,000 SHELLCOIN for 1,000,000 SHPGCOIN
cb288731 cancel order
7a834928 cancel order
a48e3cff cancel order
838eb7c9 cancel order
5362ca22 cancel order
40399960 cancel order
dcae1acf cancel order
7acc8d48 paid 140,000 YONGBANGCOIN for 70,000 SHELLCOIN
5cf6d2b7 paid 100,000 YONGBANGCOIN for 40,000 SHELLCOIN
7aee16ca paid 100,000 AIONIOSLIFECOIN for 48,000 SHELLCOIN
virtual paid 100,000 AIONIOSLIFECOIN for 48,000 SHELLCOIN
6a9e1be5 wants 98,000 SHELLCOIN for 200,000 SHIHUCOIN
db8c0ba7 cancel order
877a7c2a cancel order
38ce989a cancel order
cc2a268a cancel order
b1932228 cancel order
317c622e cancel order
e37afe43 cancel order
e3cf9ab5 cancel order
4727633b paid 7,150 SHCNY for 5,000 SHELLCOIN
c6bec893 paid 3,000 SHPGCOIN for 1,800 SHELLCOIN
c7039b09 sent 1,005,000 SHPGCOIN to
8eb0f57d sent 1,005,000 SHPGCOIN to
41e30efb sent 1,005,000 SHPGCOIN to
769ab65c sent 1,005,000 SHPGCOIN to
eea377e9 sent 10.05 SHPGCOIN to
15982f44 sent 99,720 SHPGCOIN to
44088000 sent 98,120 SHPGCOIN to
33b84272 sent 95,945 SHPGCOIN to
99ccc39c sent 95,690 SHPGCOIN to
23af221a sent 99,496 SHPGCOIN to
7e24998f sent 100,371 SHPGCOIN to
83640093 cancel order
dd89cab1 wants 240,000 SHELLCOIN for 400,000 SHPGCOIN
4d3fef0f cancel order
89afdf18 cancel order
ba40d819 wants 240,000 SHELLCOIN for 400,000 SHPGCOIN
1fb8760f sent 200,809 SHPGCOIN to
9f131fdf wants 72,000 SHELLCOIN for 300,000 SHPGCOIN
17483fa4 wants 48,000 SHELLCOIN for 200,000 SHPGCOIN
221f379c wants 10,000,000 SHPGCOIN for 15,000 SHELLCOIN
8852601d cancel order
973e82be cancel order
2f8584f9 wants 48,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 AIONIOSLIFECOIN
3882b410 wants 67,900 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 MZCOIN
2d1603fc wants 20,000,000 SHIHUCOIN for 2,000 SHELLCOIN
e1aa506e wants 20,000,000 SHIHUCOIN for 20,000 SHELLCOIN
dd4886c6 cancel order
fed1b026 wants 1,000,000 SHIHUCOIN for 15,000 SHELLCOIN
7ef5bc57 wants 1,000,000 MZCOIN for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
f0ca8b75 cancel order
ed679def wants 100,000 SHELLCOIN for 200,000 SHIHUCOIN
5f40072f wants 48,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 AIONIOSLIFECOIN
c6c40207 wants 10,000,000 SHPGCOIN for 15,000 SHELLCOIN
109f4c7a paid 20,000 SHELLCOIN for 2,000,000 SHPGCOIN
8907282b paid 20,000 SHELLCOIN for 1,000,000 SHPGCOIN
virtual paid 20,000 SHELLCOIN for 1,000,000 SHPGCOIN
25173e13 paid 30,000 SHELLCOIN for 1,000,000 SHPGCOIN
07a140c6 paid 500 SHELLCOIN for 10,000 SHPGCOIN
eb22d5dc wants 100,000 SHELLCOIN for 200,000 SHIHUCOIN
828b96a0 wants 1,000,000 SHIHUCOIN for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
1372840f wants 1,000,000 SHPGCOIN for 30,000 SHELLCOIN
ac90ccc9 paid 1,430 SHCNY for 1,000 SHELLCOIN
bba6ec69 wants 8,000,000 SHPGCOIN for 8,000 SHELLCOIN
d9ed3b43 wants 2,000,000 SHPGCOIN for 2,000 SHELLCOIN
1d7733c1 wants 2,000,000 SHPGCOIN for 20,000 SHELLCOIN
00d98988 wants 1,000,000 SHPGCOIN for 20,000 SHELLCOIN
81413bca paid 20,000 SHELLCOIN for 400,000 SHIHUCOIN
virtual paid 30,000 SHELLCOIN for 600,000 SHIHUCOIN
f349954c wants 1,800,000 SHELLCOIN for 600,000 SHCNY
381a8503 cancel order
fee1cd4e wants 500,000 SHELLCOIN for 715,001 SHCNY
85f3385c sent 200,875 SHPGCOIN to
f06021bb cancel order
8b6eb5b7 paid 1,430 SHCNY for 1,000 SHELLCOIN
7c8acffc paid 8,580 SHCNY for 6,000 SHELLCOIN
23b616b1 paid 1,430 SHCNY for 1,000 SHELLCOIN
a63bbf74 paid 1,430 SHCNY for 1,000 SHELLCOIN
35a2c452 cancel order
048c3b9f cancel order
dac17b38 cancel order
467007b4 cancel order
2e256b30 sent 201,000 SHPGCOIN to
1d827e3e cancel order
fb12a9b2 wants 500,000 SHELLCOIN for 333,333 SHCNY
f126aff5 wants 300,000 SHELLCOIN for 200,000 SHCNY
d7fdfa8c wants 200,000 SHELLCOIN for 133,333 SHCNY
ab4472d6 wants 300,000 SHELLCOIN for 200,001 SHCNY
87bdb515 wants 500,000 SHELLCOIN for 333,333 SHCNY
c7149d17 wants 200,000 SHELLCOIN for 133,333 SHCNY
c833f242 wants 50,000 SHELLCOIN for 50,000 SHCNY
f9ae607c wants 100,000 SHELLCOIN for 143,000 SHCNY
a0a7267e cancel order
5ca8576f wants 500,000 SHELLCOIN for 333,335 SHCNY
1e911e7b cancel order
057defe5 cancel order
f2192d33 cancel order
3c33215f cancel order
15a518aa cancel order
022295c7 cancel order
22ae9b9f cancel order
685a69bd cancel order
6cdb8df4 cancel order
c417470d cancel order
ae71d622 cancel order
4d77adaf paid 1,430 SHCNY for 1,000 SHELLCOIN
d360878b wants 51,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 AIONIOSLIFECOIN
cdac5cf3 cancel order
1bf38c63 cancel order
a405528f cancel order
83621545 cancel order
61bb2c0c cancel order
a661d6cc cancel order
3a67f7ff cancel order
1ca0c263 cancel order
1ec13548 wants 1,000,000 MZCOIN for 40,000 SHELLCOIN
d66ba5e9 cancel order
ab1df04c wants 10,000 SHPGCOIN for 500 SHELLCOIN
30fb1254 cancel order
3a6c41b4 wants 1,000,000 SHPGCOIN for 20,000 SHELLCOIN
0eb3f78b cancel order
555f4808 cancel order
c2e668ae wants 600,000 SHIHUCOIN for 30,000 SHELLCOIN
6d2b2cc8 cancel order
09bb104d cancel order
e5187cc6 cancel order
5189e874 cancel order