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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid54.9 BTS
6aa49951 sent 1,665 BTS to
8b24537a wants 1,081 BTS for 524 CNY
virtual paid 524 CNY for 1,081 BTS
535a9c26 cancel order
8c681a34 paid 13.97 CNY for 28.9 BTS
e6939c91 wants 1,150 BTS for 556 CNY
4a1c95de paid 17.44 CNY for 36.1 BTS
669c66ad wants 554 CNY for 7,492,376 BTSUCN
virtual paid 5,498,250 BTSUCN for 409 CNY
virtual paid 1,994,125 BTSUCN for 148 CNY
virtual cancel order
0e9e1050 cancel order
375a0fe5 wants 562 CNY for 7,492,376 BTSUCN
947ecc09 wants 92.2 BTS for 49.8 CNY
virtual paid 49.8 CNY for 93.5 BTS
5afd4966 cancel order
6921fdfe wants 94 BTS for 49.8 CNY
b03e4ff2 wants 49.8 CNY for 663,870 BTSUCN
virtual paid 663,869 BTSUCN for 49.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
b2b6eeaa wants 615,961 BTSUCN for 59.7 CNY
virtual paid 8.57 CNY for 95,260 BTSUCN
virtual paid 51.2 CNY for 568,609 BTSUCN
7c2dc4b1 wants 59.7 CNY for 796,432 BTSUCN
virtual paid 796,431 BTSUCN for 59.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
73471eae wants 317 BTS for 111 CNY
virtual paid 111 CNY for 317 BTS
6849bc35 cancel order
d3fa16de wants 317 BTS for 111 CNY
1dde1e7d wants 39 CNY for 530,953 BTSUCN
virtual paid 530,953 BTSUCN for 39 CNY
virtual cancel order
b598eb05 wants 36.8 CNY for 504,408 BTSUCN
virtual paid 504,406 BTSUCN for 37.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
45d15b26 wants 34.9 CNY for 477,854 BTSUCN
virtual paid 218,187 BTSUCN for 16 CNY
virtual paid 259,666 BTSUCN for 19 CNY
virtual cancel order
5815dfd8 wants 113.5 BTS for 29.44 CNY
virtual paid 29.44 CNY for 113.5 BTS
22b40fcf wants 7.48 CNY for 106,188 BTSUCN
virtual paid 106,187 BTSUCN for 7.49 CNY
virtual cancel order
298d5bc1 paid 28,710 BTSUCN for 1.98 CNY
5c4bec73 paid 289,855 BTSUCN for 20 CNY
5fea8993 wants 22 CNY for 318,565 BTSUCN
1a973373 sent 344 BTS to
aa231b32 wants 285 BTS for 53 CNY
virtual paid 53 CNY for 286.4 BTS
49295623 cancel order
902994ec wants 6.8 CNY for 106,188 BTSUCN
virtual paid 106,187 BTSUCN for 7.43 CNY
virtual cancel order
e69d2659 cancel order
01d110ac wants 9.56 CNY for 106,188 BTSUCN
2d6c9b9f wants 243 BTS for 36.5 CNY
f79bbbcb cancel order
ae264983 wants 307 BTS for 45.6 CNY
8e887d8a cancel order
0549d703 wants 8.6 CNY for 106,188 BTSUCN
virtual paid 106,188 BTSUCN for 8.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
8ca60b4d wants 260.7 BTS for 37 CNY
acd935ca cancel order
845f483f wants 235.4 BTS for 37 CNY
49cb8d98 paid 451,300 BTSUCN for 37 CNY
b03a0226 wants 37 CNY for 451,300 BTSUCN
f4abff6c cancel order
202662d5 wants 26.55 CNY for 265,471 BTSUCN
7db880e6 cancel order
db377f90 wants 11.68 CNY for 106,189 BTSUCN
f64d127b sent 300 BTS to
771e6b54 paid 66.3 CNY for 338 BTS
1378a1b1 wants 338 BTS for 66.3 CNY
2031e1cd sent 100 BTS to
73cf460b wants 5.31 CNY for 53,095 BTSUCN
virtual paid 49,762 BTSUCN for 4.98 CNY
virtual paid 3,332 BTSUCN for 0.333 CNY
virtual cancel order
4bc17df0 wants 55 CNY for 610,582 BTSUCN
virtual paid 610,581 BTSUCN for 61 CNY
virtual cancel order
ebbc13f5 cancel order
1db88245 wants 55.7 CNY for 557,488 BTSUCN
199c5744 cancel order
183f1d8f sent 200 BTS to
b87eddf0 wants 50.4 CNY for 504,394 BTSUCN
50b01028 wants 213.4 BTS for 43.8 CNY
virtual paid 43.8 CNY for 213.4 BTS
674e5650 wants 43.8 CNY for 398,206 BTSUCN
virtual paid 263,060 BTSUCN for 28.96 CNY
virtual paid 135,145 BTSUCN for 14.87 CNY
virtual cancel order
0a9326ce cancel order
ea13223a wants 16.46 CNY for 106,188 BTSUCN
7628d14e sent 300 BTS to
11314bc1 sent 390 BTS to
97e537fd wants 307.5 BTS for 53.4 CNY
virtual paid 53.4 CNY for 307.5 BTS
16d41a00 cancel order
a24f59d0 wants 315 BTS for 53.4 CNY
28d83d95 cancel order
3a60784d wants 2,968 BTS for 53.4 CNY
6fb69020 wants 50.4 CNY for 265,470 BTSUCN
virtual paid 265,470 BTSUCN for 53.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
483c20bb cancel order
65acb3bf sent 500 BTS to
df5c7edc sent 797 BTS to
93d5cede sent 200 BTS to
1bcbb6a4 wants 26.8 CNY for 132,735 BTSUCN
509bb914 cancel order
95e09ecc wants 22.3 CNY for 106,188 BTSUCN
32889285 sent 316 BTS to
500d098f sent 10 BTS to
6e00b10e wants 300 BTS for 45.2 CNY
b1eb6afe paid 45.2 CNY for 300 BTS
893a725a wants 45.2 CNY for 212,376 BTSUCN
virtual paid 212,376 BTSUCN for 45.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
5222d3b6 wants 1,195 BTS for 162.5 CNY
virtual paid 162.5 CNY for 1,195 BTS
67c5269a cancel order
2a9e20ae wants 1,195 BTS for 162.5 CNY
bc6c2908 wants 119.9 CNY for 557,487 BTSUCN
virtual paid 557,487 BTSUCN for 119.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
fe871833 cancel order
ea76d3bd wants 21.57 CNY for 86,278 BTSUCN
5cf51b32 sent 100 BTS to
592f80ce paid 128.5 CNY for 829 BTS
731647fc wants 829 BTS for 128.5 CNY
3ec7bd9a cancel order
e74e20c7 wants 1,081 BTS for 171.3 CNY
c45b95c6 cancel order
117812d0 wants 1,085 BTS for 171.3 CNY
b8a98ccf wants 58.2 CNY for 132,174 BTSUCN
virtual paid 132,174 BTSUCN for 58.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
709dda10 paid 396,523 BTSUCN for 111 CNY
be7d67af wants 111 CNY for 396,523 BTSUCN
955866fd cancel order
c2e47ea4 paid 2,600 BTSUCN for 0.65 CNY
c492de88 paid 1,400 BTSUCN for 0.35 CNY
9eaa7bf7 paid 3,048 BTSUCN for 0.762 CNY
995ea414 paid 1,400 BTSUCN for 0.35 CNY
4d071a22 wants 47.2 CNY for 188,932 BTSUCN
1e8c0c4c sent 1,200 BTS to
9fa00628 wants 1,308 BTS for 203.6 CNY
virtual paid 203.6 CNY for 1,308 BTS
00cce7f1 cancel order
a1e5c50c wants 1,332 BTS for 203.6 CNY
de0a2dfe wants 203.8 CNY for 815,025 BTSUCN
virtual paid 815,025 BTSUCN for 203.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
7b3749b0 cancel order
6e7367c7 wants 279 CNY for 1,033,606 BTSUCN
d39f3dfc cancel order
1e6318df sent 36,796 BTS to
2877116d sent 10 BTS to
781eb72b paid 1,728 BTSUCN for 0.449 CNY
6091a815 wants 269 CNY for 1,035,334 BTSUCN
e636d954 cancel order
93461b21 wants 202 CNY for 776,501 BTSUCN
5680473e cancel order
aa58a1ae wants 2,019 CNY for 776,501 BTSUCN
988c2585 paid 2,265 CNY for 17,485 BTS
e530abbf paid 2,428 CNY for 18,741 BTS
5f863290 wants 36,226 BTS for 4,693 CNY
bf00a6b0 cancel order
d22a40e6 wants 38,401 BTS for 4,693 CNY
786a1c38 sent 10 BTS to
69c4b3ad wants 3,019 CNY for 3,354,029 BTSUCN
virtual paid 335,660 BTSUCN for 336 CNY
virtual paid 3,018,369 BTSUCN for 2,717 CNY
virtual cancel order
73314fa9 cancel order
a0aca9ac wants 4,851 CNY for 4,851,194 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,191,002 BTSUCN for 1,310 CNY
virtual paid 305,145 BTSUCN for 336 CNY
virtual paid 1,017 BTSUCN for 1.12 CNY
e33daf2c cancel order
a60bd4b8 wants 7,616 CNY for 4,851,194 BTSUCN
63a3b13f sent 10 BTS to
e1eda9c7 sent 10 BTS to
c56bf197 sent 10 BTS to
83362a1d sent 10 BTS to
6c84e438 wants 633 BTS for 72.4 CNY
virtual paid 72.4 CNY for 633 BTS
a3befc77 sent 5 BTS to
dec98cb4 cancel order
a30412e1 paid 85.3 CNY for 60,904 BTSUCN
a337e09d paid 433 CNY for 309,204 BTSUCN
410307ac paid 647 CNY for 462,240 BTSUCN
6917c679 paid 109.4 CNY for 78,175 BTSUCN
d7d750e9 paid 437 CNY for 312,328 BTSUCN
35fef1c0 paid 459 CNY for 328,069 BTSUCN
21909865 paid 11.77 CNY for 8,407 BTSUCN