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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight53,314 BTS
Lifetime fees paid3.39 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 11.77
DEEX 0.1
SEER 63,599
TIREX 0.21
NAKED 0.047
RIPLE 0.12
245a57e1 sent 53,000 BTS to
d1aff893 sent 300 BTS to
cfe0d168 sent 0.00001 BTS to
3abae67f sent 1,619 BTS to
96731ef4 sent 48,978 BTS to
428b1a7a sent 0.1 DEEX to
334680f5 sent 32,570 BTS to
f48fbef1 sent 100 BTS to
e94f7215 paid 2,860 CNY for 23,639 SEER
7d398398 wants 23,639 SEER for 2,860 CNY
a3de036c paid 5,993 SEER for 809 CNY
d91a7aeb paid 15,216 SEER for 2,054 CNY
9ff5feb0 cancel order
8c590583 cancel order
f9fec7fb paid 2,450 CNY for 1,623 BTS
92d6ae72 wants 1,623 BTS for 2,450 CNY
6c8ac6a7 wants 5,625 CNY for 2,500 BTS
61b1b753 cancel order
175ee9ec wants 6,225 CNY for 2,500 BTS
025ca5d8 cancel order
d1ee8362 cancel order
5d4a8e04 wants 6,042 CNY for 2,571 BTS
b2a7dba8 wants 5,625 CNY for 2,500 BTS
3d039cd2 cancel order
028fc65a wants 12,576 CNY for 5,071 BTS
98d855cc cancel order
4a61947e wants 11,714 CNY for 5,071 BTS
b08b5bc4 paid 7,658 CNY for 5,071 BTS
ffa1e01c wants 5,071 BTS for 7,658 CNY
aeeec952 cancel order
6cb115fd cancel order
4d58a2df wants 2,616 BTS for 3,428 CNY
faa6fc10 wants 3,000 BTS for 4,230 CNY
f19cf826 wants 50,000 SEER for 2,450 CNY
5ca8ecb7 paid 4,040 CNY for 40,000 SEER
951cdaeb sent 20,001 BTS to
5d6f3d70 sent 5,000 BTS to
1beb52e2 wants 40,000 SEER for 4,040 CNY
feebddd0 cancel order
1a75a201 cancel order
d86da308 paid 3,000 BTS for 9,870 CNY
8cae9f92 wants 2,863 CNY for 21,209 SEER
4abcfa1f cancel order
74c32825 wants 7,000 CNY for 2,000 BTS
1f368de4 wants 10,170 CNY for 3,000 BTS
213cd6a0 wants 9,870 CNY for 3,000 BTS
37fdb39b cancel order
d9b7e1c8 wants 17,250 CNY for 5,000 BTS
ab715f5e sent 6 BTS to
14416ff2 paid 4,938 SEER for 647 CNY
47c131d0 paid 0.504 SEER for 0.066 CNY
b0c7ceb0 paid 29,977 SEER for 3,627 CNY
d838add1 paid 22.9 SEER for 2.77 CNY
eeb6379c sent 200 BTS to
9902ac7e cancel order
9f5dc02a wants 10,368 CNY for 3,200 BTS
fa6c524b wants 3,425 CNY for 26,147 SEER
03349d5a wants 3,630 CNY for 30,000 SEER
fa2ef233 wants 3,203 SEER for 237 CNY
virtual paid 237 CNY for 3,203 SEER
735104ef cancel order
516d7c65 wants 11,648 CNY for 52,947 SEER
f69994a1 cancel order
b7669fcf wants 12,183 CNY for 52,947 SEER
d600a129 paid 10,870 CNY for 53,000 SEER
virtual paid 10 CNY for 1.7 BTS
7da1d052 wants 53,000 SEER for 10,870 CNY
a0a1f817 paid 12,758 SEER for 2,947 CNY
47bab4b8 paid 35,229 SEER for 8,138 CNY
bbc186d1 wants 11,085 CNY for 47,987 SEER
d784b301 sent 0.1 BTS to
ee8f147f wants 1 BTS for 5.79 CNY
virtual paid 5.79 CNY for 1 BTS
f2806e0b wants 5,366 SEER for 11,000 CNY
virtual paid 2,027 CNY for 8,853 SEER
virtual paid 8,973 CNY for 39,182 SEER
a1f46503 cancel order
a907e199 wants 54,672 SEER for 11,000 CNY
aec7154a paid 24,354 SEER for 5,845 CNY
a792304f wants 5,845 CNY for 24,354 SEER
38a6c7ff paid 5,000 CNY for 24,378 SEER
7c795064 wants 24,378 SEER for 5,000 CNY
9afbbf67 cancel order
5f6bc502 wants 49,417 SEER for 10,180 CNY
8065b03a cancel order
c5b566bd wants 2,000 BTS for 10,002 CNY
4cce9a4d settle 10 CNY
acd72fd4 sent 1 CNY to
5997a1eb wants 10,186 CNY for 41,746 SEER
virtual paid 41,746 SEER for 10,186 CNY
640fc4d9 cancel order
084e790d wants 10,854 CNY for 41,746 SEER
4dd9a2ce cancel order
35242f17 wants 20,456 CNY for 41,746 SEER
a33764df paid 2,158 CNY for 8,634 SEER
5e2c1cec wants 36,000 SEER for 9,000 CNY
virtual paid 6,599 CNY for 27,155 SEER
virtual paid 243 CNY for 1,000 SEER
99dcae78 cancel order
88788f34 wants 40,724 SEER for 9,000 CNY
04414171 cancel order
61693c98 wants 41,000 SEER for 8,815 CNY
8f4b69f6 cancel order
e05df821 wants 42,539 SEER for 9,010 CNY
a0f4df11 cancel order
d6a414e7 wants 44,000 SEER for 8,853 CNY
ad6f24c5 cancel order
663d8771 wants 44,915 SEER for 9,010 CNY
8c1ac03a paid 985 CNY for 5,000 SEER
24fc981e wants 5,000 SEER for 985 CNY