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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid31.8 BTS
cbb1f68b sent 1,646 BTS to
bea5ed90 wants 1,648 BTS for 832 CNY
virtual paid 832 CNY for 1,648 BTS
a923034a cancel order
e6f17553 wants 1,665 BTS for 832 CNY
007463a1 cancel order
7eab32a7 wants 1,665 BTS for 832 CNY
bb3d5c88 wants 409 CNY for 6,189,626 BTSUCN
virtual paid 6,189,626 BTSUCN for 409 CNY
virtual cancel order
68e292b1 cancel order
4916964d wants 0.0306 CNY for 464 BTSUCN
935f2574 cancel order
c9e41f12 wants 832 CNY for 12,610,150 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,105,723 BTSUCN for 205.5 CNY
virtual paid 1,205,726 BTSUCN for 79.8 CNY
virtual paid 2,109,075 BTSUCN for 139.5 CNY
e83d203f sent 315 BTS to
8f706132 wants 309 BTS for 155 CNY
virtual paid 155 CNY for 309 BTS
f21a8395 wants 154.7 CNY for 2,062,358 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,062,358 BTSUCN for 155 CNY
virtual cancel order
874ad11f sent 300 BTS to
2e3dc0da paid 122.8 CNY for 307 BTS
9ccfc903 wants 307 BTS for 122.8 CNY
6f6baee2 wants 121.3 CNY for 1,661,913 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,661,912 BTSUCN for 123 CNY
virtual cancel order
b6933285 sent 1,320 BTS to
ae0df651 wants 167.8 BTS for 29.44 CNY
virtual paid 29.44 CNY for 173 BTS
ddbe8fe0 wants 29.35 CNY for 431,581 BTSUCN
virtual paid 253,339 BTSUCN for 17.35 CNY
virtual paid 178,243 BTSUCN for 12.12 CNY
virtual cancel order
8ff8de4e wants 366 BTS for 67.5 CNY
virtual paid 67.5 CNY for 369 BTS
eec9c3e9 wants 61.8 CNY for 882,492 BTSUCN
virtual paid 392,375 BTSUCN for 31.8 CNY
virtual paid 490,116 BTSUCN for 35.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
1c16ba8b wants 782 BTS for 151.6 CNY
virtual paid 151.6 CNY for 782 BTS
0c8c88e7 paid 8,173 BTSUCN for 0.736 CNY
virtual cancel order
e948de6b paid 555,555 BTSUCN for 50 CNY
57626167 paid 555,555 BTSUCN for 50 CNY
8caa2c63 paid 555,555 BTSUCN for 50 CNY
1932c1b4 wants 151.7 CNY for 1,685,314 BTSUCN
virtual paid 10,474 BTSUCN for 0.995 CNY
9fca8842 sent 2,210 BTS to
cc73c8b5 wants 1,831 BTS for 355 CNY
virtual paid 0.484 CNY for 2.587 BTS
virtual paid 207 CNY for 1,099 BTS
virtual paid 5.67 CNY for 29.7 BTS
virtual paid 141.8 CNY for 740 BTS
c97b2ec6 wants 355 CNY for 2,220,172 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,220,172 BTSUCN for 355 CNY
virtual cancel order
8ebc4913 sent 10 BTS to
2c086daa sent 1,400 BTS to
24339f12 wants 1,462 BTS for 181 CNY
virtual paid 110.8 CNY for 900 BTS
virtual paid 70.2 CNY for 567 BTS
055d3797 wants 177.5 CNY for 724,671 BTSUCN
virtual paid 724,671 BTSUCN for 181.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
defd01ce sent 3,660 BTS to
6b537a18 wants 3,662 BTS for 450 CNY
virtual paid 3.37 CNY for 27.4 BTS
virtual paid 447 CNY for 3,635 BTS
cc9531d4 wants 436 CNY for 1,503,223 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,503,223 BTSUCN for 451 CNY
virtual cancel order
ab88c367 sent 1,100,000 BTSUCN to
2a0c42ee paid 540 CNY for 215,140 BTSUCN
567bc79f wants 432,440 BTSUCN for 1,085 CNY
virtual paid 13.8 CNY for 5,631 BTSUCN
virtual paid 398 CNY for 159,282 BTSUCN
virtual paid 8 CNY for 3,200 BTSUCN
d359737b paid 125.4 CNY for 49,970 BTSUCN
f92a59d0 wants 10 BTS for 1.53 CNY
virtual paid 1.53 CNY for 10 BTS
2394ff28 wants 1,087 CNY for 7,172 BTS
virtual paid 783 BTS for 119.7 CNY
virtual paid 2,000 BTS for 303 CNY
virtual paid 4,390 BTS for 666 CNY
virtual cancel order
ef14d45d sent 1,400,000 BTSUCN to
d7c2125c paid 810 CNY for 263,054 BTSUCN
543640a4 paid 84.2 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
e6ac3b37 wants 290,382 BTSUCN for 894 CNY
3439d2b2 cancel order
ee521c94 paid 77.5 CNY for 25,766 BTSUCN
d9896419 paid 3.67 CNY for 1,221 BTSUCN
d9c91cc1 wants 510,321 BTSUCN for 1,535 CNY
virtual paid 136 CNY for 45,287 BTSUCN
virtual paid 189.6 CNY for 63,066 BTSUCN
virtual paid 92.4 CNY for 30,735 BTSUCN
virtual paid 141 CNY for 46,944 BTSUCN
fae0f67b wants 564 CNY for 168,942 BTSUCN
virtual paid 168,942 BTSUCN for 595 CNY
virtual cancel order
dd254956 cancel order
a55449f1 cancel order
902ab7b3 wants 595 CNY for 168,942 BTSUCN
a01aff3a wants 793 CNY for 225,256 BTSUCN
virtual paid 225,256 BTSUCN for 793 CNY
virtual cancel order
4b0f0cd5 wants 688 BTS for 148.3 CNY
f93ceaf5 wants 148.4 CNY for 47,884 BTSUCN
virtual paid 47,884 BTSUCN for 148.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
1d6e77af sent 290,000 BTSUCN to
7bffd8b3 sent 490 BTS to
48101c32 wants 491 BTS for 176 CNY
virtual paid 176 CNY for 491 BTS
b84b27a5 wants 173.6 CNY for 56,314 BTSUCN
virtual paid 56,314 BTSUCN for 176.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
d3714282 sent 2,140 BTS to
e8262d83 wants 2,137 BTS for 763 CNY
virtual paid 763 CNY for 2,145 BTS
9e0657cc wants 752 CNY for 243,889 BTSUCN
virtual paid 243,889 BTSUCN for 763 CNY
virtual cancel order
f561a4e7 sent 570 BTS to
9cb5f681 sent 100 BTS to
602eefb8 wants 662 BTS for 235.6 CNY
virtual paid 235.6 CNY for 664 BTS
bd368bd2 sent 2 BTS to
bf39c66e wants 234.6 CNY for 77,084 BTSUCN
virtual paid 77,084 BTSUCN for 236 CNY
virtual cancel order
19055230 sent 200,000 BTSUCN to
b5d0ff27 wants 199,518 BTSUCN for 622 CNY
virtual paid 622 CNY for 202,110 BTSUCN
8079a993 cancel order
0a2d1c7a wants 203,550 BTSUCN for 622 CNY
e19e999c cancel order
698434d7 wants 73,089 BTSUCN for 223.5 CNY
virtual paid 112.5 CNY for 36,793 BTSUCN
virtual paid 111 CNY for 36,296 BTSUCN
b7b41b18 cancel order
6343dbdc sent 330,000 BTSUCN to
df2f4999 paid 119.6 CNY for 39,136 BTSUCN
e8ecc5bc paid 871 CNY for 284,886 BTSUCN
2813f486 sent 420,000 BTSUCN to
867dd5e5 wants 647,694 BTSUCN for 1,980 CNY
virtual paid 143.5 CNY for 46,944 BTSUCN
4cdbb783 paid 807 CNY for 263,718 BTSUCN
b88dab6d paid 179.3 CNY for 58,601 BTSUCN
1358647a paid 179.3 CNY for 58,601 BTSUCN
17e92be4 wants 380,920 BTSUCN for 1,166 CNY
6aa5c527 wants 1,164 CNY for 381,800 BTSUCN
virtual paid 381,800 BTSUCN for 1,167 CNY
virtual cancel order
30886355 cancel order
395d1b91 wants 1,167 CNY for 381,800 BTSUCN
f21a9b79 cancel order
e0c88dae wants 1,167 CNY for 381,800 BTSUCN
b0fedad8 cancel order
67ae0f5f wants 1,184 CNY for 381,800 BTSUCN
dcfcbcc2 cancel order
c89fe8c1 wants 1,374 CNY for 381,800 BTSUCN
f1d15ab5 cancel order
a8101b41 wants 1,413 CNY for 381,800 BTSUCN
adc5f708 sent 6,200 BTS to
c5bedb3a wants 3,854 BTS for 875 CNY
virtual paid 875 CNY for 3,863 BTS
895cf90b wants 817 CNY for 286,350 BTSUCN
virtual paid 286,350 BTSUCN for 876 CNY
virtual cancel order
9bdb11ff wants 850 BTS for 209 CNY
virtual paid 209 CNY for 850 BTS
cb107d67 cancel order
34bb289f wants 861 BTS for 209 CNY
virtual paid 0.166 CNY for 0.687 BTS
856136bf wants 208.7 CNY for 68,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,090 BTSUCN for 3.37 CNY
virtual paid 67,238 BTSUCN for 206 CNY
virtual cancel order
79d30382 sent 3,400,000 BTSUCN to
7afdbf3a wants 912,366 BTSUCN for 2,910 CNY
virtual paid 594 CNY for 187,968 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,316 CNY for 730,747 BTSUCN
78c3f883 cancel order
7dd9cee0 wants 3,164,557 BTSUCN for 10,000 CNY
virtual paid 3.35 CNY for 1,097 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3.35 CNY for 1,097 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3.35 CNY for 1,097 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2.236 CNY for 732 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,023 CNY for 330,100 BTSUCN
virtual paid 144 CNY for 46,462 BTSUCN
virtual paid 76.2 CNY for 24,517 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,386 CNY for 445,800 BTSUCN
virtual paid 256 CNY for 82,270 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,191 CNY for 378,216 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,000 CNY for 949,367 BTSUCN