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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid0.629 BTS


Asset Balance
OPEN.ETH 0.00477
DEEX 0.1
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
EBAYCOM 0.00001
APPLECOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
CISCOCOM 0.00001
fa7b368b sent 0.1 DEEX to
af4bc6ea sent 0.0405 OPEN.ETH to
05da1e86 wants 0.0454 OPEN.ETH for 160.2 BTS
virtual paid 160.2 BTS for 0.0454 OPEN.ETH
09ca4eac wants 160 BTS for 0.0471 GDEX.ETH
virtual paid 0.0471 GDEX.ETH for 160 BTS
304b620d wants 0.0471 GDEX.ETH for 165 BTS
virtual paid 33.7 BTS for 0.00962 GDEX.ETH
virtual paid 131.3 BTS for 0.0375 GDEX.ETH
virtual paid 112.6 CNY for 104.6 BTS
954d2176 settle 112.5697 CNY
744fd701 cancel orders (2)
d4923813 wants 17.28 BTS for 22.5 CNY
843fd50a wants 16.2 CNY for 12.18 BTS
674e080e cancel order
1607f60f paid 28.14 CNY for 21.4 BTS
61411ef0 wants 21.4 BTS for 28.14 CNY
afc103c9 wants 10.6 CNY for 7.9 BTS
fe120acd cancel order
b8f68eb2 paid 9.88 BTS for 13.07 CNY
0bf393f8 wants 19.7 BTS for 25.53 CNY
5457d835 wants 13.07 CNY for 9.88 BTS
dc03ac57 cancel order
ceab95dc paid 12.35 BTS for 16.13 CNY
3b2c1494 wants 17.42 BTS for 22.3 CNY
ba78216e wants 16.13 CNY for 12.35 BTS
b5ee886b cancel order
52e798a9 paid 15.44 BTS for 19.93 CNY
d3e87933 wants 14.48 BTS for 18.33 CNY
a907ddcf wants 19.93 CNY for 15.44 BTS
554de881 cancel order
edf04ffa paid 22.9 CNY for 17.9 BTS
ae31f99f wants 17.9 BTS for 22.9 CNY
901e4f65 wants 15.48 CNY for 11.86 BTS
3b51ab9d cancel order
116e7a69 paid 14.83 BTS for 19.1 CNY
b6341863 wants 15.13 BTS for 19.1 CNY
2ba37ff9 wants 19.1 CNY for 14.83 BTS
b3e1685a cancel order
331f99d8 wants 11.55 BTS for 14.4 CNY
98a24421 wants 23.55 CNY for 18.53 BTS
virtual paid 18.53 BTS for 23.55 CNY
38dc5fd5 cancel order
b016461b paid 18 CNY for 14.25 BTS
6437531b wants 14.25 BTS for 18 CNY
fb085726 wants 20.2 CNY for 15.7 BTS
e9f8d94e cancel order
110c1068 paid 19.6 BTS for 25 CNY
d1f64543 wants 10.38 BTS for 13 CNY
3698c520 wants 25 CNY for 19.6 BTS
36356371 cancel order
c28ed127 paid 16.23 CNY for 12.9 BTS
92b676a5 wants 12.9 BTS for 16.23 CNY
bdb34aa6 wants 21.87 CNY for 17.03 BTS
6ba0ca98 cancel order
125b4b63 paid 20.3 CNY for 15.9 BTS
2b150062 wants 15.9 BTS for 20.3 CNY
53d8c451 wants 18.03 CNY for 13.85 BTS
ed3c03f6 cancel order
3eb91f7b paid 17.3 BTS for 22.33 CNY
253c2da4 wants 12.52 BTS for 15.83 CNY
8e4e74e4 wants 22.33 CNY for 17.3 BTS
9fc924c0 cancel order
c9288a75 paid 21.65 BTS for 27.7 CNY
2c735400 wants 8.2 BTS for 10.3 CNY
28d6a8f2 wants 27.7 CNY for 21.65 BTS
0bf41f2f cancel order
ca19d685 paid 12.87 CNY for 10.13 BTS
548acd1a wants 10.13 BTS for 12.87 CNY
6d9ece7f wants 25.43 CNY for 19.62 BTS
51c890f1 cancel order
912b0a02 paid 16.1 CNY for 12.58 BTS
4f73485e wants 12.58 BTS for 16.1 CNY
1c8b8656 wants 22.3 CNY for 17.1 BTS
a776701a cancel order
1ae0c6d7 paid 20.1 CNY for 15.52 BTS
031a6867 wants 15.52 BTS for 20.1 CNY
16556a18 wants 18.5 CNY for 14 BTS
74de37a5 cancel order
4acd3cab paid 17.5 BTS for 22.9 CNY
cb06b603 wants 12.12 BTS for 15.53 CNY
31622ae0 wants 22.9 CNY for 17.5 BTS
47a904f5 cancel order
4fbcee6e paid 21.9 BTS for 28.34 CNY
c8734514 wants 7.77 BTS for 9.87 CNY
2be32ec5 wants 28.34 CNY for 21.9 BTS
d86749d3 cancel order
71fdb431 paid 12.34 CNY for 9.57 BTS
2e22852c wants 9.57 BTS for 12.34 CNY
884c540c wants 26.25 CNY for 19.97 BTS
79dd75dd cancel order
b184455d paid 15.42 CNY for 11.9 BTS
df842e9c wants 11.9 BTS for 15.42 CNY
816c50c0 wants 23.3 CNY for 17.6 BTS
331bebb2 cancel order
60c2b3b8 paid 19.28 CNY for 14.7 BTS
b726d508 wants 14.7 BTS for 19.28 CNY
1e8c72e7 wants 19.63 CNY for 14.66 BTS
31ccabd3 cancel order
4e177938 paid 18.33 BTS for 24.27 CNY
96b51e1e wants 11.11 BTS for 14.43 CNY
9bc19f8b wants 24.27 CNY for 18.33 BTS
94f7c8ad cancel order
55d48f39 paid 18.03 CNY for 13.7 BTS
1159a6c8 wants 13.7 BTS for 18.03 CNY
0833af1f wants 20.92 CNY for 15.6 BTS
84f1eeb3 cancel order
299dd24b paid 22.54 CNY for 16.92 BTS
88728191 wants 16.92 BTS for 22.54 CNY
e66562f0 wants 16.58 CNY for 12.2 BTS
f6d945e1 cancel order
eedff3ec paid 15.26 BTS for 20.5 CNY
c6cb2e16 wants 14.02 BTS for 18.45 CNY
dc8cb5a6 wants 20.5 CNY for 15.26 BTS
1f8732a5 cancel order
7d4ffd25 paid 19.07 BTS for 25.37 CNY
d593f079 wants 10.26 BTS for 13.38 CNY
adf63085 wants 25.37 CNY for 19.07 BTS
f0591635 cancel order
6478631d paid 16.73 CNY for 12.62 BTS
b8e455b1 wants 12.62 BTS for 16.73 CNY
fce579c9 wants 22.37 CNY for 16.55 BTS
e27faf62 cancel order
2ce2ece5 paid 20.9 CNY for 15.6 BTS
54d0d30a wants 15.6 BTS for 20.9 CNY
39905e9c wants 18.36 CNY for 13.43 BTS
44d22600 cancel orders (2)
5fdd699a wants 15.68 BTS for 20.9 CNY
ab1ddaff wants 18 CNY for 13.43 BTS
99e9caae cancel order
f152de6f paid 16.8 BTS for 22.4 CNY
0b3d6698 wants 12.37 BTS for 16.43 CNY
4d71cf6c wants 22.4 CNY for 16.8 BTS
d17ff021 cancel order
89b2d51c paid 21 BTS for 27.96 CNY
d71326b2 wants 8.18 BTS for 10.84 CNY
1b7187ea wants 27.96 CNY for 21 BTS
5cbd7716 cancel order
44b17c05 paid 26.24 BTS for 34.9 CNY
528d8a4f wants 2.93 BTS for 3.87 CNY
2d62a6ee wants 34.9 CNY for 26.24 BTS
81104851 cancel orders (2)
403b8401 wants 3.03 BTS for 3.87 CNY
83923a6e wants 35.2 CNY for 26.24 BTS
262ec058 cancel orders (2)
37abd895 wants 3.04 BTS for 3.87 CNY
5d8f01d5 wants 35.1 CNY for 26.24 BTS
02b2537b cancel orders (2)
38f6bf7d wants 1.52 BTS for 1.937 CNY
198e5eda wants 17.55 CNY for 13.12 BTS
0914ae6f paid 14.58 BTS for 19.4 CNY
257182d4 wants 19.4 CNY for 14.58 BTS
ba342be1 cancel order
7729fbf7 wants 19.4 CNY for 14.58 BTS