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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight221,445 BTS
Lifetime fees paid98.7 BTS
Registrar50% -
Referrer30% -


Asset Balance
BTS 340
USD 0.587
OPENBTC 0.00471
OPEN.ETH 0.001217
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
SEED 158
VISACOM 0.00001
e8e4b2ec sent 38,300 BTS to
fce31168 sent 55,000 BTS to
f2a8ab36 sent 1,300 BTS to
66fbad7e sent 0.00001 BTS to
43841080 sent 66 OPEN.PPY to
1d371c1e sent 64,000 BTS to
81bb065a sent 62,500 BTS to
ce73a9c3 sent 5,000 BTS to
30f0cf80 sent 10,000 BTS to
b8eee6d9 sent 0.0575 OPEN.BTC to
e7a3d242 sent 20,000 BTS to
f92da321 sent 10 BTS to
4dff9739 wants 0.01406 OPEN.BTC for 650 BTS
virtual paid 10.07 BTS for 0.000219 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 584 BTS for 0.01263 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 55.7 BTS for 0.001205 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
3ba0301d paid 1,264 BTS for 0.02755 OPEN.BTC
32d72d2b paid 682 BTS for 0.01485 OPEN.BTC
f5f648c2 wants 0.0436 OPEN.BTC for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 53.9 BTS for 0.001174 OPEN.BTC
a908d471 sent 10 BTS to
b7b1e982 sent 0.523 OPEN.BTC to
f00aed97 wants 0.00588 OPEN.BTC for 200 BTS
virtual paid 200 BTS for 0.00588 OPEN.BTC
9a783faa wants 0.00764 OPEN.BTC for 259.6 BTS
virtual paid 184.6 BTS for 0.00547 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00033 BTS for 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 75 BTS for 0.00221 OPEN.BTC
b99dae3b paid 282.3 BTS for 0.0083 OPEN.BTC
1621fb8c paid 2,014 BTS for 0.0592 OPEN.BTC
8c443acc paid 2,014 BTS for 0.0592 OPEN.BTC
88287a01 paid 368 BTS for 0.01083 OPEN.BTC
6b1ab8ca paid 2,014 BTS for 0.0592 OPEN.BTC
0ccef4c1 paid 331 BTS for 0.00974 OPEN.BTC
f28ea975 paid 2,014 BTS for 0.0592 OPEN.BTC
9b2688da paid 313.4 BTS for 0.00922 OPEN.BTC
62717c80 paid 367 BTS for 0.01078 OPEN.BTC
4e69e488 paid 2,014 BTS for 0.0592 OPEN.BTC
63e792b9 wants 0.441 OPEN.BTC for 15,000 BTS
virtual paid 44 BTS for 0.001297 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 8 BTS for 0.0002358 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 222 BTS for 0.00654 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00033 BTS for 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 75 BTS for 0.00221 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 75 BTS for 0.00221 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 75 BTS for 0.00221 OPEN.BTC
9cf21ba2 paid 11.43 BTS for 0.000336 OPEN.BTC
66fc1918 paid 41.1 BTS for 0.00121 OPEN.BTC
75b3c961 paid 313.6 BTS for 0.00922 OPEN.BTC
ad47457e paid 2,015 BTS for 0.0593 OPEN.BTC
4e482c8f paid 387 BTS for 0.01137 OPEN.BTC
eb867871 wants 0.02045 OPEN.BTC for 693 BTS
virtual paid 249.3 BTS for 0.00735 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 444 BTS for 0.0131 OPEN.BTC
c41fc9e9 wants 0.0491 OPEN.BTC for 1,665 BTS
virtual paid 1,497 BTS for 0.0442 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 168 BTS for 0.00496 OPEN.BTC
e8b81325 sent 2 BTS to
29858d3a cancel order
6a7f4fde cancel order
e7974d78 wants 793 BTS for 150 BLOCKPAY
fd401bd7 wants 1,057 BTS for 200 BLOCKPAY
7c1227a4 cancel order
e700cd43 wants 990 BTS for 181 BLOCKPAY
3d1e78e9 cancel order
9b1fee06 wants 940 BTS for 181 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 8.46 BLOCKPAY for 43.9 BTS
7fa2a1ed paid 12,450 SOLCERT for 8,841 BTS
8170dbcd wants 8,876 BTS for 12,500 SOLCERT
virtual paid 50 SOLCERT for 35.5 BTS
3632205f sent 1,000 BTS to
cc1adaa0 sent 0.0069 OPEN.ETH to
5d4829d3 wants 375 BTS for 0.00322 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00322 OPEN.BTC for 375 BTS
2f44f85c sent 43.5 OPEN.ETH to
c873be90 cancel order
078a2b09 wants 89,232 BTS for 44.6 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.048 OPEN.ETH for 96 BTS
virtual paid 1.1 OPEN.ETH for 2,200 BTS
8d0aaad1 sent 125,000 BTS to
08437a65 sent 118,000 BTS to
c6c3488a wants 18,001 BTS for 0.135 OPEN.BTC
804bc69f paid 0.135 OPEN.BTC for 18,001 BTS
40ec7bec sent 22,000 BTS to
10d9ea6e paid 4 OPEN.ETH for 0.1108 OPEN.BTC
c4cc0da4 paid 1 OPEN.ETH for 0.0277 OPEN.BTC
a06fccdc wants 0.1385 OPEN.BTC for 5 OPEN.ETH
4a713930 cancel order
761dd7da paid 0.998 OPEN.ETH for 1,850 BTS
3801b329 paid 9.17 OPEN.ETH for 16,997 BTS
64249647 paid 5.05 OPEN.ETH for 9,353 BTS
9bc7a37f wants 122,017 BTS for 65.8 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.998 OPEN.ETH for 1,850 BTS
b137722f cancel order
9497671f paid 105,536 BTS for 66 OPEN.ETH
60eb461a wants 100 OPEN.ETH for 160,000 BTS
6c5226d9 sent 25,000 BTS to
ac3959f2 sent 104.2 BTS to
5d24b33b sent 1.5 OPEN.ETH to
e97ca253 cancel order
dce49079 wants 500 OBITS for 10,000 BTS
4a7ec772 sent 50 BTS to
167f0d91 wants 190,000 BTS for 1.995 OPENBTC
virtual paid 1.995 OPENBTC for 190,000 BTS
4e135183 update account/votes
716dc6a4 claimed 2,000 BTS, 30,295 BTS, 22,335 BTS, 62,392 BTS, 104 BTS, 0.55 USD, 0.037 USD