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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid89.9 BTS
3833defd sent 2,017 BTS to
4353e95e wants 2,014 BTS for 960 CNY
virtual paid 960 CNY for 2,014 BTS
80219966 wants 961 CNY for 14,656,546 BTSUCN
virtual paid 14,656,546 BTSUCN for 961 CNY
virtual cancel order
ce1fd002 cancel order
bc85d2be wants 967 CNY for 14,656,546 BTSUCN
55f3f35a sent 14,656,545 BTSUCN to
39712768 sent 135 BTS to
1a36ed74 wants 135.6 BTS for 40.3 CNY
virtual paid 40.3 CNY for 135.6 BTS
ea1cdfaa wants 40.3 CNY for 550,245 BTSUCN
virtual paid 550,244 BTSUCN for 40.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
5d336af3 sent 90 BTS to
9493be29 wants 96 BTS for 37.7 CNY
virtual paid 37.7 CNY for 96 BTS
a0c0a937 wants 37.7 CNY for 515,914 BTSUCN
virtual paid 515,913 BTSUCN for 37.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
78e0038f sent 90 BTS to
669a4934 wants 91.1 BTS for 37.7 CNY
virtual paid 37.7 CNY for 91.1 BTS
a6be236e wants 37.7 CNY for 515,912 BTSUCN
virtual paid 515,911 BTSUCN for 37.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
7fdcb6e5 sent 160 BTS to
c43004b3 wants 160.6 BTS for 46.2 CNY
fc49b9a6 paid 46.2 CNY for 160.6 BTS
d1054a4c wants 46.2 CNY for 656,883 BTSUCN
virtual paid 656,882 BTSUCN for 46.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
219bc1ea cancel order
68fba9a6 wants 138 CNY for 656,883 BTSUCN
4c3901be sent 450 BTS to
ff48a9c6 wants 444 BTS for 143.5 CNY
virtual paid 143.5 CNY for 445 BTS
e27060d6 cancel order
392a29bc wants 451 BTS for 143.5 CNY
f88434e2 paid 606,562 BTSUCN for 51.6 CNY
02a27c5e paid 941,176 BTSUCN for 80 CNY
b6bd9efb wants 131.6 CNY for 1,547,738 BTSUCN
61f66fd0 wants 11.18 CNY for 85,985 BTSUCN
virtual paid 85,985 BTSUCN for 12.04 CNY
virtual cancel order
3f69f7b3 sent 920 BTS to
6b10c7be wants 520 BTS for 86.7 CNY
virtual paid 86.7 CNY for 520 BTS
2e408574 wants 86.6 CNY for 429,927 BTSUCN
virtual paid 429,927 BTSUCN for 86.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
ec973fba wants 249 BTS for 36.9 CNY
c7702153 paid 36.9 CNY for 249 BTS
64ca4817 wants 36.8 CNY for 171,970 BTSUCN
virtual paid 171,970 BTSUCN for 37 CNY
virtual cancel order
4e85aebf paid 3.87 CNY for 26.04 BTS
98a43764 paid 14.6 CNY for 98.2 BTS
258a7305 wants 124.3 BTS for 18.46 CNY
99dc8927 cancel order
fa4f11d2 wants 124.3 BTS for 18.46 CNY
f367e106 wants 18.4 CNY for 85,985 BTSUCN
virtual paid 85,985 BTSUCN for 18.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
1469cafa sent 900 BTS to
f80b857c wants 268 BTS for 36.9 CNY
f7e28b74 paid 36.9 CNY for 268 BTS
6eb88352 wants 36.1 CNY for 171,970 BTSUCN
virtual paid 171,970 BTSUCN for 37 CNY
virtual cancel order
f2ae0998 wants 657 BTS for 103.1 CNY
virtual paid 103.1 CNY for 657 BTS
c1ba8ed8 cancel order
2d54aa6f wants 657 BTS for 103.1 CNY
08193084 cancel order
5106dc1d wants 657 BTS for 103.1 CNY
6ec0bcc3 cancel order
e11fb304 wants 657 BTS for 103.1 CNY
9f426bdc cancel order
27c16f69 wants 657 BTS for 103.1 CNY
85cdb28d wants 103.2 CNY for 455,836 BTSUCN
virtual paid 455,836 BTSUCN for 103.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
7876c6cf cancel order
6a8bbbfb wants 159.5 CNY for 455,836 BTSUCN
477b7c09 sent 1,000,000 BTSUCN to
cac5bb8e wants 915,620 BTSUCN for 256.4 CNY
virtual paid 12.08 CNY for 43,150 BTSUCN
virtual paid 244.3 CNY for 872,470 BTSUCN
7cbdbb9a cancel order
e6cb3207 wants 1,138,537 BTSUCN for 307.4 CNY
virtual paid 49.2 CNY for 189,373 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1.794 CNY for 6,902 BTSUCN
c58b14d0 cancel order
3b5b0eb7 wants 1,229,620 BTSUCN for 307.4 CNY
b4b32c06 cancel order
34628131 wants 1,280,483 BTSUCN for 307.3 CNY
7ab2dcca wants 308 CNY for 1,938 BTS
virtual paid 1,938 BTS for 308 CNY
d28d67b1 cancel order
56270498 wants 310 CNY for 1,938 BTS
7ab11d0f cancel order
ce3b11c1 wants 312.4 CNY for 1,938 BTS
cc13eea2 sent 171,970 BTSUCN to
d4bcc3d5 wants 1,326 BTS for 211.7 CNY
bbe972ff paid 211.7 CNY for 1,326 BTS
af7924f4 wants 207.3 CNY for 942,145 BTSUCN
virtual paid 942,145 BTSUCN for 212 CNY
virtual cancel order
781243a7 cancel order
b44c881e wants 237.4 CNY for 942,145 BTSUCN
519ac2f9 cancel order
2aa3b18a wants 301.5 CNY for 942,145 BTSUCN
0dda0952 cancel order
90db0166 wants 301.5 CNY for 942,145 BTSUCN
7ea8e12a cancel order
f5450268 wants 339 CNY for 942,145 BTSUCN
8126f5b6 wants 246.3 BTS for 40.4 CNY
14734d51 paid 7.52 CNY for 45.9 BTS
480cc746 paid 32.8 CNY for 200.4 BTS
44b2aaad wants 39.6 CNY for 171,970 BTSUCN
virtual paid 171,970 BTSUCN for 40.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
5a2ca832 wants 267.7 BTS for 40.4 CNY
virtual paid 40.4 CNY for 267.7 BTS
f1b5bf08 wants 39.6 CNY for 171,970 BTSUCN
virtual paid 171,970 BTSUCN for 40.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
96833080 cancel order
1aea594f wants 43 CNY for 171,970 BTSUCN
78ff2b5e sent 5,200 BTS to
d245872e wants 1,455 BTS for 244 CNY
virtual paid 244 CNY for 1,458 BTS
6d5b426c cancel order
870a2a0a wants 1,458 BTS for 244 CNY
2498ca57 cancel order
55ca428b wants 3,458 BTS for 579 CNY
f7491ded paid 335 CNY for 2,000 BTS
250aa870 cancel order
e2d90ca6 paid 16.7 CNY for 100 BTS
d985d5f8 paid 16.7 CNY for 100 BTS
d6eb8056 paid 16.7 CNY for 100 BTS
19432aaf paid 16.7 CNY for 100 BTS
eefe4a55 wants 3,969 BTS for 662 CNY
virtual paid 16.7 CNY for 100 BTS
0b0cf3a7 cancel order
dc3a47a4 paid 16.7 CNY for 100 BTS
76ba7431 paid 16.7 CNY for 100 BTS
d83557e9 paid 16.7 CNY for 100 BTS
e1878af5 paid 3.33 CNY for 19.94 BTS
241aa043 paid 16.7 CNY for 100 BTS
c62dbbab wants 4,489 BTS for 749 CNY
virtual paid 16.7 CNY for 100 BTS
27ea7862 wants 750 CNY for 3,000,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,000,000 BTSUCN for 750 CNY
virtual cancel order
48d84c04 cancel order
05e30bfe wants 780 CNY for 3,000,000 BTSUCN
002c914a wants 127.1 BTS for 21.5 CNY
virtual paid 21.5 CNY for 128.5 BTS
3161bdcf wants 21.5 CNY for 85,985 BTSUCN
virtual paid 85,985 BTSUCN for 21.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
ac497ae1 wants 418 BTS for 64.4 CNY
virtual paid 64.4 CNY for 418 BTS
be2f8da5 cancel order
efd3267a wants 418 BTS for 64.4 CNY
12f569ba cancel order
cd8a0a0a wants 418 BTS for 64.4 CNY
1a6d24bf wants 64.5 CNY for 257,956 BTSUCN
virtual paid 257,956 BTSUCN for 64.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
a7660b35 wants 272 BTS for 43 CNY
virtual paid 43 CNY for 273 BTS
295ec3f8 wants 43 CNY for 171,970 BTSUCN
virtual paid 171,970 BTSUCN for 43 CNY
virtual cancel order
35dffddd sent 1,190 BTS to
0a143c34 wants 910 BTS for 109.5 CNY
virtual paid 109.5 CNY for 910 BTS
42d3ca6d wants 107.5 CNY for 429,927 BTSUCN
virtual paid 429,927 BTSUCN for 109.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
21e39e80 paid 30.06 CNY for 243.7 BTS
2e69aee9 wants 243.7 BTS for 30.06 CNY
0800f36d wants 28.4 CNY for 85,985 BTSUCN
virtual paid 85,985 BTSUCN for 30.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
c94928f2 sent 800 BTS to
1f91e35c paid 29.25 CNY for 225.3 BTS
e555476e wants 794 BTS for 103 CNY
virtual paid 73.8 CNY for 569 BTS
dd0f3eef cancel order
ef4dd1ee wants 794 BTS for 103 CNY
259052d5 wants 100.6 CNY for 257,956 BTSUCN
virtual paid 257,956 BTSUCN for 103.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
cdd9cf1f sent 550 BTS to
1ee8d7fd paid 68.7 CNY for 551 BTS
487c04c2 wants 551 BTS for 68.7 CNY