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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid87.5 BTS
b0f30e70 sent 610 BTS to
ae203819 wants 604 BTS for 289.6 CNY
virtual paid 289.6 CNY for 607 BTS
4dc5dc54 wants 290 CNY for 3,916,229 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,916,228 BTSUCN for 290 CNY
virtual cancel order
250db3ec sent 3,916,228 BTSUCN to
f06c6231 sent 890 BTS to
0436eb50 wants 845 BTS for 448 CNY
a966d16e paid 448 CNY for 845 BTS
53c07fbf wants 448 CNY for 6,008,426 BTSUCN
virtual paid 775,991 BTSUCN for 58 CNY
virtual paid 5,232,434 BTSUCN for 390 CNY
virtual cancel order
63f6e920 wants 51.8 BTS for 28.5 CNY
virtual paid 28.5 CNY for 51.9 BTS
ffd7ff18 wants 28.8 CNY for 383,502 BTSUCN
virtual paid 383,501 BTSUCN for 28.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
00857741 sent 84 BTS to
f38ffad3 wants 42.6 BTS for 20.95 CNY
virtual paid 20.95 CNY for 42.6 BTS
b57668c0 wants 20.98 CNY for 277,475 BTSUCN
virtual paid 303.5 BTSUCN for 0.0231 CNY
virtual paid 277,171 BTSUCN for 20.95 CNY
virtual cancel order
6377b7bd wants 41.9 BTS for 23 CNY
virtual paid 23 CNY for 41.9 BTS
41469bc1 cancel order
a25ef85b wants 42.2 BTS for 23 CNY
3af2e525 cancel order
a7721792 wants 47 BTS for 23 CNY
2bf35817 wants 22.95 CNY for 312,706 BTSUCN
virtual paid 112,083 BTSUCN for 8.27 CNY
virtual paid 200,622 BTSUCN for 14.77 CNY
virtual cancel order
a1a7a975 sent 110 BTS to
2d9872ac paid 52 CNY for 112.5 BTS
375a15a7 wants 112.5 BTS for 52 CNY
88a5cffa wants 22.2 CNY for 301,477 BTSUCN
virtual paid 301,477 BTSUCN for 22.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
2fcbddfa cancel order
6c2cbe13 wants 405,963 BTSUCN for 29.9 CNY
f1e149dc cancel order
858435b5 paid 2,659 BTSUCN for 0.2925 CNY
9470e80c paid 1,498 BTSUCN for 0.1648 CNY
f46fb0c0 paid 3,405 BTSUCN for 0.375 CNY
b6ef8727 paid 3,667 BTSUCN for 0.403 CNY
77a99ccf wants 34.4 CNY for 312,707 BTSUCN
6854ab87 wants 28.65 CNY for 390,881 BTSUCN
virtual paid 390,880 BTSUCN for 28.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
6a688bb0 sent 130 BTS to
18c1906b wants 129.2 BTS for 40.4 CNY
virtual paid 40.4 CNY for 129.2 BTS
bb5aae53 wants 22.83 CNY for 312,705 BTSUCN
virtual paid 312,705 BTSUCN for 23 CNY
virtual cancel order
f3b2fbc0 paid 2,575 BTSUCN for 0.1887 CNY
774a074e paid 231,955 BTSUCN for 17 CNY
c3a4c451 wants 17.2 CNY for 234,530 BTSUCN
5d930349 sent 200 BTS to
3076a383 paid 79.8 CNY for 205.6 BTS
c6d26a12 wants 205.6 BTS for 79.8 CNY
71214f33 cancel order
cbe565c9 wants 205 BTS for 79.8 CNY
6bd2be3b wants 17.1 CNY for 234,529 BTSUCN
virtual paid 234,528 BTSUCN for 17.36 CNY
virtual cancel order
77223423 cancel order
7aa49902 wants 859,042 BTSUCN for 62.7 CNY
6fc51c00 cancel order
044a7e58 wants 17.36 CNY for 234,529 BTSUCN
5c451c55 wants 34.2 CNY for 469,058 BTSUCN
virtual paid 469,058 BTSUCN for 34.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
7a29f36d cancel order
2a8a5244 wants 392,179 BTSUCN for 28.63 CNY
f8ebea44 cancel order
35c21e8f wants 42.2 CNY for 469,058 BTSUCN
4db05397 paid 61,496 BTSUCN for 6.15 CNY
virtual cancel order
9465dfa9 paid 4,184 BTSUCN for 0.418 CNY
5c0c0e10 paid 4,184 BTSUCN for 0.418 CNY
017d894c paid 4,184 BTSUCN for 0.418 CNY
570d0ba1 paid 1,000 BTSUCN for 0.1 CNY
ea0bdd2f paid 1,000 BTSUCN for 0.1 CNY
54019656 paid 1,000 BTSUCN for 0.1 CNY
515bcc41 paid 1,128 BTSUCN for 0.1128 CNY
1be750f2 sent 550 BTS to
9807d308 wants 7.82 CNY for 78,176 BTSUCN
bbcc046e paid 71,980 BTSUCN for 6.19 CNY
virtual cancel order
f2f73826 wants 6.72 CNY for 78,175 BTSUCN
virtual paid 6,195 BTSUCN for 0.573 CNY
25514063 cancel order
8d527eba wants 7.23 CNY for 78,175 BTSUCN
ac0f40e8 paid 134,128 BTSUCN for 12.07 CNY
virtual cancel order
86c3e917 wants 14.07 CNY for 156,350 BTSUCN
virtual paid 22,222 BTSUCN for 2 CNY
6480d0a2 wants 40.4 BTS for 11.07 CNY
virtual paid 11.07 CNY for 40.4 BTS
e00b6b42 wants 11 CNY for 156,351 BTSUCN
virtual paid 156,351 BTSUCN for 11.09 CNY
virtual cancel order
b59d6271 cancel order
6d4eecd4 wants 11.1 CNY for 156,351 BTSUCN
379d53cd paid 146.2 CNY for 507 BTS
ce07dc0a wants 507 BTS for 146.2 CNY
e1f52442 wants 11.04 CNY for 156,351 BTSUCN
virtual paid 156,349 BTSUCN for 11.05 CNY
virtual cancel order
53081839 wants 3.5 CNY for 49,795 BTSUCN
virtual paid 49,794 BTSUCN for 3.51 CNY
virtual cancel order
0bd4e0d9 cancel order
50fa9902 wants 5.5 CNY for 78,176 BTSUCN
virtual paid 28,381 BTSUCN for 2 CNY
6ad8b427 wants 11 CNY for 156,351 BTSUCN
virtual paid 156,350 BTSUCN for 11 CNY
virtual cancel order
f4cd2537 cancel order
0fab150a wants 11 CNY for 156,351 BTSUCN
e33a640f wants 10.94 CNY for 156,350 BTSUCN
virtual paid 156,349 BTSUCN for 11.12 CNY
virtual cancel order
c5561234 wants 46.3 CNY for 701,972 BTSUCN
virtual paid 6,329 BTSUCN for 0.5 CNY
virtual paid 695,642 BTSUCN for 45.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
f621a82a cancel order
b04ddb6c cancel order
a0dcf840 wants 19.84 CNY for 251,084 BTSUCN
2b548199 sent 956 BTS to
e242ebb7 cancel order
73d0dec1 wants 11.93 CNY for 172,909 BTSUCN
5a1ffd4f cancel order
b8547de8 wants 42 CNY for 604,564 BTSUCN
virtual paid 431,655 BTSUCN for 30 CNY
952c9b80 cancel order
86fd734c wants 61.8 CNY for 882,627 BTSUCN
virtual paid 278,063 BTSUCN for 19.48 CNY
c7d74494 cancel order
d4d91191 wants 166,071 BTSUCN for 11.8 CNY
28721d6d cancel order
74887516 wants 56.4 CNY for 804,452 BTSUCN
20b1f0e1 cancel order
ab27da9e wants 5.48 CNY for 78,175 BTSUCN
virtual paid 78,174 BTSUCN for 5.55 CNY
virtual cancel order
7d0d708b wants 65.2 CNY for 804,451 BTSUCN
a9b83c95 cancel order
404537a4 wants 48.7 CNY for 726,276 BTSUCN
d380f311 cancel order
4b573600 wants 58.1 CNY for 726,276 BTSUCN
4508d5bb cancel order
cdba60a0 wants 65.4 CNY for 726,276 BTSUCN
08e967aa cancel order
301a8012 wants 46.7 CNY for 648,101 BTSUCN
d67c73b4 cancel order
35355206 wants 56.3 CNY for 703,575 BTSUCN
virtual paid 55,474 BTSUCN for 4.44 CNY
9ccb9710 paid 1,500 BTSUCN for 0.15 CNY
b00fa1a3 paid 1,999 BTSUCN for 0.2 CNY
006a49f3 paid 1,000 BTSUCN for 0.1 CNY
fec56e73 paid 2,000 BTSUCN for 0.2 CNY
c242c0f9 paid 1,000 BTSUCN for 0.1 CNY
c6e694a9 paid 5,000 BTSUCN for 0.5 CNY
28902f95 paid 5,669 BTSUCN for 0.567 CNY
02a50737 wants 46.9 CNY for 469,055 BTSUCN
2e5d57ce wants 291.4 BTS for 62.5 CNY
b0789f54 paid 62.5 CNY for 291.4 BTS
6dab859a wants 23.4 CNY for 233,917 BTSUCN
virtual paid 233,917 BTSUCN for 23.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
93980292 wants 0.0608 CNY for 608 BTSUCN
virtual paid 608 BTSUCN for 0.0608 CNY
virtual cancel order
be48cfa5 cancel order
70956111 wants 39.1 CNY for 390,875 BTSUCN
virtual paid 390,875 BTSUCN for 39.1 CNY
edd27cc1 wants 678 BTS for 145.3 CNY
virtual paid 145.3 CNY for 678 BTS
d4600ead wants 145.6 CNY for 686 BTS
virtual paid 686 BTS for 145.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
4d772f47 wants 28.14 CNY for 234,525 BTSUCN
b5dddabd wants 120.7 BTS for 18.94 CNY
virtual paid 18.94 CNY for 120.7 BTS
50f9967f wants 18.96 CNY for 156,350 BTSUCN
virtual paid 156,350 BTSUCN for 18.96 CNY
virtual cancel order
ba3d15f9 wants 246.4 BTS for 37.9 CNY
virtual paid 37.9 CNY for 246.4 BTS
f8f6be87 wants 37.9 CNY for 312,700 BTSUCN
virtual paid 312,700 BTSUCN for 37.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
706cf732 cancel order
91c4e652 wants 28.44 CNY for 234,525 BTSUCN