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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.466 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.114 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.466
DEEX 0.1
RIPLE 0.12
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
00f4add3 sent 0.12 TRONTRX to
ac7cbb12 sent 0.1 DEEX to
e5ab3051 sent 3,030 BTS to
f60d629e paid 4,728 CNY for 3,030 BTS
9c671aaf wants 3,030 BTS for 4,728 CNY
afaf267c sent 4,728 CNY to
b90689b4 sent 1,008 BTS to
4681ce50 paid 432 CNY for 221.6 BTS
7201740d paid 85.7 CNY for 43.9 BTS
59f1c485 paid 23.3 CNY for 11.94 BTS
790a9ae9 paid 15.8 CNY for 8.1 BTS
00beb1ff wants 285.6 BTS for 557 CNY
11c3c1bc cancel order
2d74c61a paid 1,386 CNY for 723 BTS
df9b6ea6 wants 1,013 BTS for 1,943 CNY
13d89d91 sent 822 BTS to
9e511b77 wants 820 BTS for 1,950 CNY
virtual paid 1,950 CNY for 822 BTS
f8d45d55 sent 903 BTS to
5aac36ad wants 903 BTS for 1,658 CNY
e467c2d6 paid 1,658 CNY for 903 BTS
21633599 cancel order
bbdd905f wants 904 BTS for 1,658 CNY
d10455d8 sent 981 BTS to
ad2de0da paid 1,636 CNY for 980 BTS
f1dc80cf wants 980 BTS for 1,636 CNY
d80cd26f sent 1,014 BTS to
bab11307 paid 1,289 CNY for 796 BTS
21924e6f paid 352 CNY for 217.5 BTS
d89e9d18 wants 1,014 BTS for 1,641 CNY
46ecf50e sent 1,853 BTS to
1b02ca4d paid 2,512 CNY for 1,600 BTS
c65e1e24 paid 30.66 CNY for 19.53 BTS
e9dd8b25 paid 30.66 CNY for 19.53 BTS
c386102b paid 30.66 CNY for 19.53 BTS
4d4b48b7 paid 30.14 CNY for 19.2 BTS
17503dad paid 30.66 CNY for 19.53 BTS
3726d4e9 paid 30.66 CNY for 19.53 BTS
d66dfdc7 paid 30.66 CNY for 19.53 BTS
92f94bf8 paid 30.66 CNY for 19.53 BTS
9119d264 paid 30.66 CNY for 19.53 BTS
ecfff256 paid 30.66 CNY for 19.53 BTS
2aaad192 paid 30.66 CNY for 19.53 BTS
2048b2cd paid 30.66 CNY for 19.53 BTS
ef8e8087 paid 30.66 CNY for 19.53 BTS
73684161 wants 1,854 BTS for 2,911 CNY
fdc0de6e sent 2,857 BTS to
f473b7b3 wants 1,210 BTS for 1,984 CNY
virtual paid 1,984 CNY for 1,210 BTS
260b2c72 cancel order
761bb7d4 paid 2,677 CNY for 1,633 BTS
3fdb4047 paid 23.7 CNY for 14.46 BTS
8a398c5d wants 2,857 BTS for 4,686 CNY
32ab773c cancel order
619a23b9 sent 3,011 BTS to
dbd90268 paid 4,735 CNY for 3,010 BTS
c7582f79 wants 3,010 BTS for 4,735 CNY
ab1d0034 wants 3,124 BTS for 4,686 CNY
57ca23b0 sent 3,071 BTS to
a3be4410 wants 3,069 BTS for 4,625 CNY
virtual paid 2,259 CNY for 1,500 BTS
virtual paid 668 CNY for 444 BTS
virtual paid 1,698 CNY for 1,128 BTS
54a472e9 cancel order
4c57a622 wants 3,086 BTS for 4,625 CNY
5cd82dd5 sent 2,939 BTS to
a61ea2d0 wants 2,940 BTS for 4,508 CNY
virtual paid 300 CNY for 195.7 BTS
virtual paid 4,208 CNY for 2,744 BTS
9282ff01 sent 528 BTS to
17243d9e wants 527 BTS for 659 CNY
virtual paid 659 CNY for 527 BTS
7d72420e cancel order
376a8482 wants 554 BTS for 659 CNY
da8c6fec cancel order
42fec57c sent 2,281 BTS to
db07586c paid 1,290 CNY for 1,011 BTS
5146046c paid 1,619 CNY for 1,270 BTS
0b40bce4 wants 2,798 BTS for 3,568 CNY
6fb7b604 sent 0.1 BTS to
d0a959b3 sent 1,984 BTS to
98ba29ee paid 1,220 CNY for 890 BTS
025195bb paid 1,500 CNY for 1,095 BTS
48a35342 wants 1,985 BTS for 2,720 CNY
aa0f00f5 cancel order
41d2ec97 wants 2,006 BTS for 2,720 CNY
39efd793 cancel order
3ebf4a1d wants 2,018 BTS for 2,720 CNY
b01ea4ee sent 1 CNY to
9dd67463 sent 87 CNY to