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Market Last Price Last Price ($) 24h Volume Volume ($)
GDEX.GXC : BTS 1 BTS $0.00906 0 GDEX.GXC $0
GDEX.GXC : CNY 3.86 CNY $0.1412 0 GDEX.GXC $0
GDEX.GXC : GDEX.BTC 0.000196 GDEX.BTC $9.3 0 GDEX.GXC $0
GDEX.GXC : GDEX.ETH 0.0062 GDEX.ETH $1.227 0 GDEX.GXC $0

Place order with web wallet GDEX.GXC BTS Price History | Market Depth

No market history yet.


Supply11,773 GDEX.GXC
Issued by


Internal ID1.3.5303
Decimal points6 (0.000001)
Market fee0.1%
Max market fee1,000,000 GDEX.GXC
Max supply100,000,000 GDEX.GXC
Charge market fee White list Override authority Transfer restricted Disable confidential
Charge market fee White list Override authority Disable confidential

Fee Pool

Accumulated24.8 GDEX.GXC
Pool Balance631.5 BTS
Exchange Rate0.1 GDEX.GXC/BTS

Total: 26 BTS Buy GDEX.GXC

Account Price GDEX.GXC BTS Total
0.0000104 961,538 10 10
0.00001002 498,888 5 15
0.000001003 4,983,888 5 20
0.0000001003 49,855,434 5 25
0.0000001 10,000,000 1 26

Total: 0.0001 GDEX.GXC Sell GDEX.GXC

Account Price GDEX.GXC BTS Total
100,000,000,000 0.0001 10,000,000 10,000,000

Amounts rounded to nearest 0.1%. Disable rounding?

# Account Balance Orders
1 312,308 -
2 1,226 80,944
3 1,679 -
4 1,383 -
5 698 600
6 660 200
7 750 -
8 594 -
9 503 -
10 387 -
11 199.8 -
12 198 -
13 170 -
14 84.8 12
15 69.5 -
16 40.5 12.4
17 28.95 -
18 28.2 -
19 - 20.73
20 - 19.08
21 19 -
22 18 -
23 15 -
24 - 14.94
25 10.97 -
26 0.000801 10.17
27 9.97 -
28 9.96 -
29 - 7.41
30 5.42 -
31 3.97 -
32 3.046 -
33 2.99 -
34 - 2.786
35 2.32 -
36 2.28 -
37 2.012 -
38 2.008 -
39 2.004 -
40 1.605 -
41 1.2 -
42 1.145 -
43 0.901 -
44 0.653 -
45 - 0.568
46 0.359 -
47 0.304 -
48 0.224 -
49 0.2 -
50 0.1777 -
51 0.1343 -
52 0.1274 -
53 0.0655 -
54 0.0631 -
55 0.0549 -
56 0.0478 -
57 0.0422 -
58 0.01555 -
59 0.00987 -
60 0.00987 -
61 0.00745 0.00162
62 0.00633 -
63 0.0035 -
64 0.00331 -
65 0.002057 -
66 0.001927 -
67 0.000088 -
68 0.000043 -
69 0.000037 -
70 0.000025 -
71 0.000015 -
72 0.000009 -
73 0.000008 -
74 0.000008 -
75 0.000006 -
76 0.000005 -
77 0.000005 -
78 0.000004 -
79 0.000004 -
80 0.000004 -
81 0.000002 -