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MTS MTS is the first centralization social network base on EOS . for more information please refer to mtblock.io

Market Last Price Last Price ($) 24h Volume Volume ($)
GDEX.MTS : BTS 35 BTS $92.5 0 GDEX.MTS $0
GDEX.MTS : CNY 0.0036 CNY $0.54 0 GDEX.MTS $0

Place order with web wallet GDEX.MTS BTS Price History | Market Depth


Supply80,000,201 GDEX.MTS
Issued by


Internal ID1.3.4487
Decimal points4 (0.0001)
Market fee0.1%
Max market fee1,000,000 GDEX.MTS
Max supply20,000,000,000 GDEX.MTS
Charge market fee White list Override authority Transfer restricted Disable confidential
Charge market fee Override authority

Fee Pool

Accumulated60,719 GDEX.MTS
Pool Balance0.5217 BTS
Exchange Rate30 GDEX.MTS/BTS

Total: 10 BTS Buy GDEX.MTS

Account Price GDEX.MTS BTS Total
0.00000125 7,999,990 10 10
0.0000000001 10,000,000 0.001 10

Total: 0.01 GDEX.MTS Sell GDEX.MTS

Account Price GDEX.MTS BTS Total
100,000,000 0.01 1,000,000 1,000,000

Amounts rounded to nearest 0.1%. Disable rounding?

# Account Balance Orders
1 8,241,085 -
2 4,900,000 -
3 - 3,581,102
4 - 1,664,732
5 - 1,638,555
6 - 1,462,533
7 1,181,647 -
8 - 1,157,363
9 - 900,474
10 - 822,753
11 772,345 10,000
12 - 470,929
13 341,514 -
14 - 299,700
15 273,812 -
16 243,478 -
17 215,570 -
18 210,126 -
19 191,049 -
20 185,344 244
21 153,515 -
22 110,387 -
23 109,555 -
24 - 104,019
25 99,900 -
26 91,908 -
27 74,062 -
28 - 62,155
29 50,000 -
30 45,514 -
31 - 24,606
32 23,003 -
33 20,000 -
34 19,980 -
35 - 19,977
36 19,885 -
37 84 15,900
38 14,272 -
39 13,631 -
40 12,814 -
41 11,578 -
42 11,229 -
43 10,000 -
44 9,990 -
45 9,443 -
46 9,310 -
47 9,001 -
48 0.0027 8,384
49 7,715 -
50 7,629 -
51 6,378 -
52 0.428 6,167
53 3,185 -
54 8.2 1,790
55 1,569 -
56 1,050 -
57 1,009 -
58 988 -
59 987 -
60 795 -
61 772 -
62 589 -
63 574 -
64 371 -
65 334 -
66 301 -
67 300 -
68 249.8 -
69 199.8 -
70 199.8 -
71 185 -
72 99.9 -
73 79.7 -
74 - 55.9
75 - 42
76 9.05 10.32
77 15.55 -
78 15 -
79 - 10.98
80 3.6 -
81 1.368 -
82 0.937 -
83 0.101 -
84 0.0517 -
85 0.0289 -
86 0.0285 -
87 0.0262 -
88 0.0138 -
89 0.0103 -
90 0.0045 -
91 0.0035 -
92 0.0026 -
93 0.0001 -