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IGAIN IGAIN is the Core Utility Token for BLINC Partners

Place order with web wallet IGAIN BTS Price History | Market Depth

No market history yet.


Supply72,672 IGAIN
Issued by


Internal ID1.3.5042
Decimal points8 (0.00000001)
Market fee0%
Max market fee0 IGAIN
Max supply5,000,000 IGAIN
Charge market fee White list Override authority Transfer restricted Disable confidential
Override authority

Fee Pool

Accumulated0.00427 IGAIN
Pool Balance18.2 BTS
Exchange Rate0.00001 IGAIN/BTS

Total: 61 BTS Buy IGAIN

Account Price IGAIN BTS Total
0.4 25 10 10
0.303 33 10 20
0.301 66.4 20 40
0.3 26.1 7.83 47.8
0.101 99 10 57.8
0.1 1 0.1 57.9
0.06 16.67 1 58.9
0.04 25 1 59.9
0.02 50 1 60.9
0.01 10 0.1 61
0.001 100 0.1 61.1
0.0001 1,000 0.1 61.2
0.00001 10,000 0.1 61.3
0.000001 100,000 0.1 61.4
0.000000001 9,999,999 0.01 61.4

Total: 66 IGAIN Sell IGAIN

Account Price IGAIN BTS Total
6 24.33 146 146
6 0.929 5.57 151.5
6.01 6.14 36.9 188.4
8.01 6.14 49.2 237.7
9.01 5.52 49.7 287.4
9.85 5.08 50 337
9.87 3.59 35.5 373
10 0.1 1 374
100 0.1 10 384
199 13.1 2,604 2,988
1,000 0.1 100 3,088
10,000 0.1 1,000 4,088
100,000 0.1 10,000 14,088
1,000,000 0.1 100,000 114,088
10,000,000 0.1 1,000,000 1,114,088
100,000,000 0.1 10,000,000 11,114,088