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UCHAIN Cryptocurrency Exchange Cryptocurrency Exchange
Automated cryptocurrency exchange, which connects Bitcoin, Ethereum and Bitheshars in a single infrastructure. A direct exchange of cryptocurrencies of different blockchains on the same exchange using smart contracts.
The future begins today

Market Last Price Last Price ($) 24h Volume Volume ($)
UCHAIN : USD 0.00002 USD $0.00002 0 UCHAIN $0
UCHAIN : BTS 0.0004 BTS $0.00000362 0 UCHAIN $0
UCHAIN : CNY 0.00008 CNY $0.00000944 0 UCHAIN $0

Place order with web wallet UCHAIN BTS Price History | Market Depth

No market history yet.


Supply39,799,986 UCHAIN
Issued by


Internal ID1.3.2792
Decimal points4 (0.0001)
Market fee0%
Max market fee0 UCHAIN
Max supply45,800,000 UCHAIN
White list Transfer restricted Disable confidential
Flags None

Fee Pool

Accumulated231 UCHAIN
Pool Balance0.00006 BTS
Exchange Rate10 UCHAIN/BTS

Total: 6 BTS Buy UCHAIN

Account Price UCHAIN BTS Total
0.00001 100,000 1 1
0.000008 125,000 1 2
0.000005 4 0.00002 2
0.0000013 769,231 1 3
0.0000012 833,333 1 4
0.000001 1,000,002 1 5
0.0000000002 6,001,185,448 1 6

Total: 274,214 UCHAIN Sell UCHAIN

Account Price UCHAIN BTS Total
0.0005 88,000 44 44
0.00075 65,524 49.1 93.1
0.001 700 0.7 93.8
0.001 49,667 49.7 143.5
0.003 16,667 50 193.5
0.006 1,350 8.1 201.6
0.007 1,367 9.57 211
0.008 1,224 9.8 221
0.009 1,099 9.9 231
0.01 1,000 10 241
0.0279 41,617 1,161 1,402
0.1 1,000 100 1,502
1 1,000 1,000 2,502
10 1,000 10,000 12,502
100 1,000 100,000 112,502
1,000 1,000 1,000,000 1,112,502
10,000 1,000 10,000,000 11,112,502

Amounts rounded to nearest 0.1%. Disable rounding?

Showing top 250 accounts.

# Account Balance Orders
1 14,989,455 -
2 11,191,916 -
3 4,561,017 -
4 2,510,183 -
5 1,276,578 -
6 999,551 -
7 0.0035 557,207
8 500,001 -
9 495,008 -
10 0.991 341,050
11 232,473 -
12 215,067 -
13 201,001 -
14 200,000 -
15 187,190 -
16 120,050 13,781
17 129,787 -
18 106,079 -
19 101,516 -
20 83,911 -
21 78,967 -
22 - 74,606
23 71,923 1,000
24 65,838 -
25 60,309 -
26 50,000 -
27 41,049 -
28 11,391 25,770
29 36,732 -
30 30,271 -
31 29,622 -
32 0.0039 29,560
33 24,737 -
34 20,497 -
35 16,382 -
36 0.212 15,156
37 13,891 -
38 12,223 -
39 11,552 -
40 11,200 -
41 10,099 -
42 9,384 -
43 7,144 -
44 5,457 -
45 4,834 -
46 2,760 -
47 2,002 -
48 2,001 -
49 1,412 -
50 1,409 -
51 1,105 -
52 1,001 -
53 870 -
54 506 -
55 453 -
56 440 -
57 - 300
58 187 -
59 146.1 -
60 100 -
61 97.6 -
62 68.3 -
63 45.4 -
64 42.2 -
65 28.1 -
66 27 -
67 15.5 -
68 12.18 -
69 10 -
70 5.08 -
71 4.98 -
72 4.97 -
73 4.58 -
74 4.09 -
75 4 -
76 4 -
77 4 -
78 3.98 -
79 3.98 -
80 3.98 -
81 3.96 -
82 3.96 -
83 3.48 -
84 3.16 -
85 3 -
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87 3 -
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89 3 -
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113 2.58 -
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115 2.404 -
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