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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight214,242 BTS
Lifetime fees paid19.3 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.432
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
TELETON 0.0002
SEED 158
APPLECOM 0.00001
CUBED.CNY 0.0014
ABTSD 0.0109
XBTSX.XBB 0.000025
OPTIONS.19AU025P 0.01
SOSOS.A 1,005
CNVOTE 0.0001
2af4b292 sent 274 DEFI.BTSDEFI to
72e27030 sent 4,479 BTS to
748fb5f4 sent 4,478 BTS to
287876a2 sent 2 BTS to
ca145ad2 update account/votes
7b0ad681 sent 58,122 BTS to
304bd6a9 wants 53,028 BTS for 15,166 CNY
virtual paid 570 CNY for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 14,297 CNY for 50,160 BTS
a332312f paid 299.4 CNY for 1,047 BTS
eaebe66f paid 1,401 CNY for 4,917 BTS
9bf29827 cancel order
aaa8b5c1 sent 12,198 BTS to
30acaafe wants 58,128 BTS for 16,568 CNY
b51b6b4d cancel order
f352895b paid 157.5 CNY for 553 BTS
867666bd paid 570 CNY for 2,000 BTS
1a2c06b8 paid 542 CNY for 1,901 BTS
15393a69 wants 70,329 BTS for 20,044 CNY
virtual paid 570 CNY for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 1,186 CNY for 4,163 BTS
0f9c469c paid 2.14 CNY for 7.51 BTS
afed897a paid 449 CNY for 1,575 BTS
9b4b68e1 sent 6,146 BTS to
11a49097 cancel order
fd96c7d7 paid 463 CNY for 1,901 BTS
6004e351 wants 84,220 BTS for 20,507 CNY
3e9ae915 cancel order
5a114bca wants 84,358 BTS for 20,507 CNY
b910c6cf cancel order
f11e17fe wants 165 CNY for 10,296 CNVOTE
virtual paid 10,296 CNVOTE for 165 CNY
virtual cancel order
7bba2764 cancel order
50e39d06 wants 87,842 BTS for 21,376 CNY
virtual paid 457 CNY for 1,876 BTS
8d317eb0 paid 377 CNY for 1,550 BTS
d22a2e63 paid 199.6 CNY for 820 BTS
b207945d sent 8,430 BTS to
3bcd1112 cancel order
3eb4ef4c paid 486 CNY for 2,000 BTS
bd9d88bc wants 96,353 BTS for 23,426 CNY
virtual paid 486 CNY for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 243.4 CNY for 1,001 BTS
4cfdfcdb paid 372 CNY for 1,529 BTS
5d1af4a2 paid 462 CNY for 1,901 BTS
58d4b37d sent 32,448 BTS to
69f093da paid 1,427 CNY for 5,922 BTS
39a9a730 paid 458 CNY for 1,901 BTS
4359d754 wants 32,402 BTS for 7,809 CNY
virtual paid 1,523 CNY for 6,348 BTS
virtual paid 1,074 CNY for 4,477 BTS
virtual paid 0.179 CNY for 0.745 BTS
virtual paid 482 CNY for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 1,205 CNY for 5,000 BTS
f19737bc paid 163 CNY for 677 BTS
cb68516d paid 163 CNY for 677 BTS
e0fbbe5e paid 855 CNY for 3,546 BTS
f4e8b04e paid 458 CNY for 1,901 BTS
9d56d820 sent 273 BTS to
24e835d8 cancel order
1596bb72 wants 130,448 BTS for 31,301 CNY
virtual paid 65.6 CNY for 273.6 BTS
f6a891d2 cancel order
d36faee9 sent 5,779 BTS to
b0e50de8 paid 777 CNY for 2,979 BTS
74e090a4 paid 496 CNY for 1,901 BTS
5eda1c37 wants 31,449 BTS for 8,202 CNY
virtual paid 234.7 CNY for 900 BTS
c5231b3e sent 3 BTS to
a316eebd wants 4 BTS for 1.05 CNY
virtual paid 1.05 CNY for 4 BTS
17e26c89 cancel order
e7a90f7f wants 234,354 BTS for 32,810 CNY
a00828fd paid 0.1027 CNVOTE for 0.0036 CNY
1f543573 paid 0.1027 CNVOTE for 0.0036 CNY
b00a785c paid 5.71 CNVOTE for 0.2 CNY
0f3dd497 wants 361 CNY for 10,302 CNVOTE
b3fe879b sent 10,000 CNY to
5c55429e sent 2 BTS to
029f8dc8 wants 5 BTS for 0.935 CNY
virtual paid 0.935 CNY for 5 BTS
bf0f07db sent 3 CNY to
22d77e06 paid 80,711 BTS for 16,142 CNY
5b378f3e paid 133,528 BTS for 26,706 CNY
f1ac61e8 wants 42,848 CNY for 214,239 BTS
912a00b3 paid 0.225 CNY for 1 BTS
d1adc1c5 cancel order
16cc83d2 wants 1 BTS for 0.225 CNY
e2f89ed5 wants 0.226 CNY for 1 BTS
virtual paid 1 BTS for 0.226 CNY
62f53d62 sent 1 BTS to
3371247e update account/votes
c0931b51 wants 50,000 CNY for 100,000 BTS
983e0681 paid 10.83 CNY for 43.3 BTS
2d8acb7b wants 43.3 BTS for 10.83 CNY
3e31ad2f paid 28,403 CNY for 113,704 BTS
776d02a4 sent 900 ABTSD to
59594aa8 wants 3 ABTSD for 2.99 CNY
virtual paid 2.99 CNY for 3 ABTSD
33d0536b wants 881 ABTSD for 877 CNY
virtual paid 877 CNY for 881 ABTSD
69b7ec53 cancel order
dfe890c5 wants 884 ABTSD for 878 CNY
cd0e6dac cancel order
81f54393 wants 884 ABTSD for 878 CNY
cd340ef8 cancel order
05d044e5 wants 884 ABTSD for 878 CNY
d721b77b cancel order
7b64f928 wants 884 ABTSD for 880 CNY
d730fab7 cancel order
fed0942c wants 884 ABTSD for 878 CNY
a6a014f7 cancel order
2c00d0c5 wants 884 ABTSD for 879 CNY
8dc51491 cancel order
84d3ac6a wants 884 ABTSD for 878 CNY
07d097fa cancel order
f4c3123e wants 884 ABTSD for 878 CNY
be1c0b95 cancel order
be57d082 wants 900 ABTSD for 894 CNY
virtual paid 15.9 CNY for 16 ABTSD
ea5136ae cancel order
99b46f5b wants 900 ABTSD for 894 CNY
befea2c0 paid 20,695 CNY for 73,909 BTS
7cda586c wants 73,909 BTS for 20,695 CNY
971cd913 cancel order
937994a6 paid 128.6 CNY for 462 BTS
09da6216 wants 74,877 BTS for 20,823 CNY
02b950ba cancel order
380c9673 paid 777 CNY for 2,794 BTS
ab568aa7 wants 77,695 BTS for 21,600 CNY
fdfb14e8 cancel order
eb70e409 wants 113,704 BTS for 28,403 CNY
61a72604 wants 80,000 BTS for 21,600 CNY
23e0180d cancel order
fdc20318 sent 900 ABTSD to
b1229ce3 wants 900 ABTSD for 890 CNY
virtual paid 890 CNY for 900 ABTSD
c798e936 cancel order
a13a59e2 wants 900 ABTSD for 890 CNY
a93c9901 sent 900 ABTSD to
a27e949d wants 900 ABTSD for 890 CNY
virtual paid 890 CNY for 900 ABTSD
759509c5 wants 200,117 BTS for 49,989 CNY
1722d7a7 wants 2,571 BTS for 634 CNY
virtual paid 634 CNY for 2,577 BTS
fc0ef3c7 paid 138,573 GDEX.SEER for 635 CNY
8bc7586b wants 635 CNY for 138,573 GDEX.SEER
28f2c296 cancel order
b71f1f1f wants 624 CNY for 138,573 GDEX.SEER
653d7f94 cancel order
e99cdd48 wants 651 CNY for 138,573 GDEX.SEER
b1459734 cancel order
2ec552b2 update account/votes
bf0ebba2 wants 2,494 CNY for 138,573 GDEX.SEER
271dc666 cancel order
ab85304b wants 6,929 CNY for 138,573 GDEX.SEER
261818ba cancel order
ff7995d7 wants 6,000 CNY for 138,573 GDEX.SEER
94c3387a cancel order
3a7c6756 wants 6,236 CNY for 138,573 GDEX.SEER
7ca63190 wants 16,577 GDEX.SEER for 5,802 CNY
virtual paid 2,085 CNY for 50,000 GDEX.SEER
virtual paid 3,717 CNY for 88,711 GDEX.SEER
2afda95d cancel order
4f481663 wants 10,003 BTS for 5,802 CNY
32d1ab6f paid 8,888 CNY for 8,888 BTS
533c0bbd wants 8,888 BTS for 8,888 CNY
27978c9c cancel order
17f4e4c7 cancel order
555a509c wants 8,800 BTS for 8,800 CNY
90acdb1e cancel order
682e5f3e wants 4,420 CNY for 2,000 BTS
d4c89598 paid 4,258 CNY for 2,505 BTS
a59c1dbd wants 2,505 BTS for 4,258 CNY
bd05a936 paid 603 BTS for 1,385 CNY
eb44f60b paid 349 BTS for 803 CNY
a8cc98ac paid 31.46 BTS for 72.3 CNY
e97bf2c2 paid 368 BTS for 847 CNY
b44008ca paid 648 BTS for 1,490 CNY
4a3a2178 sent 100 CNY to
5d45bf22 wants 30 GDEX.GXS for 450 CNY
842f52b4 paid 10 IPFS for 550 CNY
d8f7a056 wants 550 CNY for 10 IPFS
553ab139 cancel order
3ddde4cc wants 1,094 CNY for 10 IPFS
fc90a08f cancel order
96640343 wants 1,099 CNY for 10 IPFS
7823ce87 paid 944 CNY for 945 BTS
8e1a9f31 paid 365 CNY for 366 BTS
c875c0c7 wants 1,311 BTS for 1,309 CNY
05bbb1e3 cancel order
2c6dea76 wants 3,170 DDN for 5,234 CNY
b69ec5ee cancel order
a4d0939f cancel order
23f8d726 wants 2,596 DDN for 4,234 CNY
b6a95d29 wants 1,000 BTS for 1,000 CNY
c8342f25 cancel order
21dba2ec cancel order
f49a88d2 wants 2,000 DDN for 2,400 CNY
d81260b5 paid 2,596 CNY for 2,000 BTS
ff036f12 wants 2,000 BTS for 2,596 CNY
8b7c7790 wants 4,596 CNY for 2,000 BTS
02a6154b paid 3,596 CNY for 2,000 BTS