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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.69 BTS
Lifetime fees paid39.8 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.69
DEEX 0.1
EVRAZ 0.491
BRIDGE.BITG 0.0000241
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
BRIDGE.XAP 0.001318
APPLECOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
CISCOCOM 0.00001
VISACOM 0.00001
BRIDGE.MANO 0.000799
NOBLE 0.0002
BRIDGE.MCT 0.001454
GOOGL 0.00001
BRIDGE.ACED 0.000856
BRIDGE.SC2 0.0000001
BRIDGE.LGS 0.0000003
BRIDGE.CFL 0.01087
BRIDGE.BIR 0.000635
BRIDGE.MC 0.0408
BRIDGE.SND 0.001254
BRIDGE.DOGEC 0.0002365
BRIDGE.GCASH 0.0001597
BRIDGE.ABET 0.0000369
BRIDGE.LRM 0.0000013
BRIDGE.FLN 0.00001734
XBTSX.XBB 0.000025
7f5f4354 sent 0.01339 BRIDGE.BTC to
dc75b490 wants 0.01024 BRIDGE.BTC for 640,249 BRIDGE.ECA
virtual paid 385,283 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.0082 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 254,966 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.00521 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
e03a9ecb cancel order
de2b244b wants 0.01594 BRIDGE.BTC for 640,249 BRIDGE.ECA
eb6dd8ec cancel order
49f99c13 wants 0.01703 BRIDGE.BTC for 640,249 BRIDGE.ECA
893d7ee2 cancel order
c5e44e0a wants 0.0378 BRIDGE.BTC for 640,249 BRIDGE.ECA
bbb651ec paid 0.01373 BRIDGE.BTC for 641,532 BRIDGE.ECA
89552e5a wants 641,532 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.01373 BRIDGE.BTC
0b54223b cancel order
fd85541a wants 589,218 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.01373 BRIDGE.BTC
fb117719 wants 0.012 BRIDGE.BTC for 396,960 BRIDGE.MC
virtual paid 396,960 BRIDGE.MC for 0.012 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
911db4a0 cancel order
50ba60c0 cancel order
765e5b51 wants 0.1905 BRIDGE.BTC for 396,960 BRIDGE.MC
f16d68e8 cancel order
7ad44598 wants 0.119 BRIDGE.BTC for 396,960 BRIDGE.MC
743c688b cancel order
f07694b8 wants 366 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.001765 BRIDGE.BTC
bc69ba62 cancel order
68b51252 wants 374 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.001765 BRIDGE.BTC
d17e2bc0 cancel order
c405b879 wants 0.1945 BRIDGE.BTC for 396,960 BRIDGE.MC
3430d750 cancel order
2f027487 wants 0.0754 BRIDGE.BTC for 396,960 BRIDGE.MC
3644b48a wants 717 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.001765 BRIDGE.BTC
a060dc28 wants 0.001768 BRIDGE.BTC for 88,404 BRIDGE.CTSC
virtual paid 88,404 BRIDGE.CTSC for 0.001768 BRIDGE.BTC
26649cb2 cancel order
3aff8d6a sent 0.355 BRIDGE.BTC to
f0a17739 cancel order
9e9d408c wants 22,604 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.355 BRIDGE.BTC
fb5cda6e cancel order
dbcbf587 wants 20,671 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.355 BRIDGE.BTC
b82055c7 cancel order
cc721b90 wants 22,604 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.355 BRIDGE.BTC
f1a5993c cancel order
ff606478 wants 28,632 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.355 BRIDGE.BTC
383f8691 cancel order
b1262f7c wants 22,792 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.355 BRIDGE.BTC
606928e5 cancel order
1dd583af wants 22,661 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.355 BRIDGE.BTC
5b089da0 cancel order
0289c115 wants 22,719 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.355 BRIDGE.BTC
2ed0963c cancel order
bd656fad wants 22,865 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.355 BRIDGE.BTC
6c619d54 cancel order
38319c06 wants 34,398 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.355 BRIDGE.BTC
42ea3c04 paid 0.00334 BRIDGE.BTC for 101.8 BRIDGE.GIN
7c91a16a wants 101.8 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.00334 BRIDGE.BTC
6f0a78bd cancel order
ff172818 wants 103 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.00334 BRIDGE.BTC
d3c99ddd cancel order
1e054f28 wants 104 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.00334 BRIDGE.BTC
760d9ecb cancel order
ff4852ef wants 104.2 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.00334 BRIDGE.BTC
bbc35386 wants 0.00335 BRIDGE.BTC for 150 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 150 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00335 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
3f156ca9 sent 0.1677 BRIDGE.BTC to
da2c35b1 wants 0.1673 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,501 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 111 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0025 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 44.4 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 177.7 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 129 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0029 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 44.6 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 44.6 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 67 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0015 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 105 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00235 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,668 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0374 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 448 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 448 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 4,213 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.094 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
529d7d41 wants 0.000405 BRIDGE.BTC for 17.97 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 17.97 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.000405 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
4447526f sent 0.1643 BRIDGE.BTC to
f8d973db cancel order
e6ce0b85 wants 0.000291 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.18 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 11.18 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.000291 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
7cb6a690 wants 7,068 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.164 BRIDGE.BTC
c044b2eb cancel order
854cf77f wants 7,098 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.164 BRIDGE.BTC
b00f1de7 cancel order
81aed942 wants 7,317 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.164 BRIDGE.BTC
3287068c cancel order
11274035 wants 7,126 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.164 BRIDGE.BTC
8143f985 cancel order
76a71afe wants 7,317 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.164 BRIDGE.BTC
6916c398 cancel order
469fccbe wants 0.000132 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.16 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 4.16 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.000132 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
edc09303 wants 7,347 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.164 BRIDGE.BTC
a2eff9d5 cancel orders (2)
a23f76bb wants 111.5 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.002483 BRIDGE.BTC
2cebbb66 wants 0.00244 BRIDGE.BTC for 77 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 24.1 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.000787 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 24.1 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00078 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 24.1 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.000772 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 4.71 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0001493 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
27fbfbc6 wants 7,246 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.1614 BRIDGE.BTC
6c7282d7 cancel order
89ad5685 wants 7,275 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.1614 BRIDGE.BTC
673dd6db cancel order
49d80a71 wants 6,723 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.1614 BRIDGE.BTC
b6a7444d cancel order
29bf1a56 wants 8,837 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.1614 BRIDGE.BTC
e61e51e9 cancel order
04a37e97 wants 7,285 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.1613 BRIDGE.BTC
98cb9dc5 cancel order
0ff074bb wants 7,287 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.1614 BRIDGE.BTC
e3276adc cancel order
a573632f wants 7,288 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.1614 BRIDGE.BTC
09f9a04e wants 43.6 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.00252 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000913 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.8 BRIDGE.GIN
virtual paid 0.001607 BRIDGE.BTC for 27.83 BRIDGE.GIN
8098b6f1 cancel order
e67372ef wants 7,413 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.164 BRIDGE.BTC
ea275500 cancel order
190838d9 wants 7,421 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.164 BRIDGE.BTC
c4692c83 cancel order
e8f8f5cc wants 7,425 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.164 BRIDGE.BTC
095b2278 cancel order
97f6f30d wants 8,994 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.164 BRIDGE.BTC
be1791cf cancel order
a8e291f1 wants 9,034 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.164 BRIDGE.BTC
0b602af6 cancel order
c65def90 wants 9,099 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.164 BRIDGE.BTC
d1d01598 wants 4 BTS for 0.0000325 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000325 BRIDGE.BTC for 4 BTS
dffb1d0b cancel order
dde14304 wants 5 BTS for 0.0000395 BRIDGE.BTC
d6e3161b wants 0.033 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 56.8 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.001914 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 118.7 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 59.3 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 29.66 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 29.66 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 207.7 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.007 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 118.7 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 24.1 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.000811 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 24.1 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.000803 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 156.7 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00517 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 174.7 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00577 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
0e7bd32b cancel order
5a916c30 wants 0.038 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.MIDAS
ca8e239a wants 0.1254 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,800 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 2.75 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.000099 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 312 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.01124 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 324 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.01168 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 435 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.01567 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 370 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.01333 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 28.44 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 56.9 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 28.44 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 300 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.01055 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 24.1 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.000844 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 24.1 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.000836 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 24.1 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.000827 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 24.1 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00082 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 163.2 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00539 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 20 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00066 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,662 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0548 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
296c962b sent 21.87 BRIDGE.GIN to
536f47d4 wants 22.16 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.001532 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001532 BRIDGE.BTC for 22.16 BRIDGE.GIN
59f692c6 wants 0.001536 BRIDGE.BTC for 52 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 52 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.001536 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
0b3152b9 sent 0.296 BRIDGE.BTC to
daba9caa cancel order
c6048101 wants 1 BTS for 0.00000924 BRIDGE.BTC
cc67deed wants 0.00495 BRIDGE.BTC for 15 BRIDGE.FLN
virtual paid 6.41 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.002115 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 8.6 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.00284 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
f46cc9bb cancel order
d4e90057 wants 85 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.01804 BRIDGE.BTC
78371034 cancel order
d988d362 wants 85 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.01803 BRIDGE.BTC
2bc5474b cancel order
d2618119 wants 85 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.01717 BRIDGE.BTC
4d14eeb0 cancel order
d7ecfe36 wants 0.00461 BRIDGE.BTC for 15 BRIDGE.FLN
8bfc58f2 cancel order