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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight0.00005 BTS
Lifetime fees paid6.38 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.00005 0
LAMBO 9.73 0
BRIDGE.XMX 0.1664 0
BRIDGE.MANO 0.001166 0
BRIDGE.SINS 0.0000159 0
BRENT 0.0001 0
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.00049 0
BRIDGE.REA 0.0000343 0
BRIDGE.EXD 37,251 37,250
ESCODEX.STL 3,259 3,253
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
03d8b037 paid 0.00032 ESCODEX.BTC for 1.09 ESCODEX.SINS
0fd7b205 wants 22.24 ESCODEX.BTC for 1,112 ESCODEX.STL
790010a2 wants 1.09 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.00032 ESCODEX.BTC
dd78fac6 cancel order
3444cab5 cancel order
a1dd53af cancel order
751c846e cancel order
09c64792 cancel order
8c1e6b9d cancel order
14ce97cd cancel order
e9f0db49 cancel order
d3d73a42 cancel order
1b751b13 cancel order
6310facf cancel order
9219435b wants 0.367 ESCODEX.BTC for 1,223 ESCODEX.STL
aaf0324f wants 1.165 ESCODEX.BTC for 105.8 ESCODEX.STL
58782216 sent 0.1073 BRIDGE.BTC to
e88f6c7a wants 0.291 ESCODEX.BTC for 288 ESCODEX.STL
c94d60f7 wants 1.256 BRIDGE.BTC for 25,137 BRIDGE.EXD
e99d776d wants 0.0238 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,979 BRIDGE.EXD
18aa8502 cancel order
1eade792 cancel order
94e2a1b7 cancel order
8215eaa0 cancel order
82f85bf4 wants 0.0341 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,135 BRIDGE.EXD
a5ba4f58 wants 0.224 ESCODEX.BTC for 222 ESCODEX.STL
38c3bc6a cancel order
6c4ee169 wants 0.00393 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,272 BRIDGE.EXD
823d9024 wants 0.00448 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,451 BRIDGE.EXD
5048fb59 paid 1,504 BRIDGE.EXD for 0.00469 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ec9e36cb paid 347 BRIDGE.EXD for 0.001083 BRIDGE.BTC
ecf8e2eb wants 32,156 ESCODEX.STL for 0.000322 ESCODEX.BTC
2710797d cancel order
a63e8d8b sent 0.1373 BRIDGE.BTC to
38f90781 cancel order
a05d7046 wants 500 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.135 BRIDGE.BTC
c542e11a wants 0.0001087 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.202 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.1907 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.000103 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01126 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00000606 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
4d73fb8c cancel order
c72d8b9a wants 0.000179 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.325 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.1226 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0000675 BRIDGE.BTC
ac787753 cancel order
089f2d81 paid 0.1222 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0000678 BRIDGE.BTC
5b92a8aa wants 0.001726 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.11 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 2.664 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.001478 BRIDGE.BTC
7d45e18f cancel order
1c83ef99 wants 0.001747 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.11 BRIDGE.SINS
a5c16597 cancel order
4c4dad74 paid 0.1116 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0000628 BRIDGE.BTC
97b9f31b wants 0.001877 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.34 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.1117 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.000063 BRIDGE.BTC
efe41b03 cancel order
51494655 paid 132.7 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0869 BRIDGE.BTC
41c07039 paid 71 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0461 BRIDGE.BTC
1b72f6e0 wants 0.00578 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,851 BRIDGE.EXD
2b4df74e cancel order
410df3f9 wants 0.00452 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,440 BRIDGE.EXD
4aace8ef cancel order
64894fd3 wants 0.089 BRIDGE.BTC for 136 BRIDGE.SINS
36f8bc41 cancel order
e331d4c4 paid 661 BRIDGE.EXD for 0.00207 BRIDGE.BTC
770a4593 wants 0.00462 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,476 BRIDGE.EXD
190f9859 wants 0.1 ESCODEX.BTC for 99 ESCODEX.STL
ec30a268 wants 0.00464 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,440 BRIDGE.EXD
cb7becb5 cancel order
2340208c wants 0.00589 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,851 BRIDGE.EXD
1071c48d wants 237,478 BRIDGE.EXD for 0.1021 BRIDGE.BTC
3f5d95d2 wants 0.0625 BRIDGE.BTC for 20,835 BRIDGE.EXD
virtual paid 830 BRIDGE.EXD for 0.0025 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 20,004 BRIDGE.EXD for 0.06 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
28fe3607 cancel order
205e408e cancel order
79314b7c wants 0.0801 BRIDGE.BTC for 14,621 BRIDGE.EXD
f94ba478 cancel order
a58e6318 cancel order
488a0e2e wants 0.01982 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,214 BRIDGE.EXD
e0f4a22f wants 0.0233 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,310 BRIDGE.EXD
9e0f7804 cancel order
ad502355 cancel order
c9be5922 cancel order
fe16b658 cancel order
12a01451 wants 0.0233 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,310 BRIDGE.EXD
72a84a39 cancel order
b5808018 cancel order
a4058d96 cancel order
408aac71 cancel order
39ac18da cancel order
15f6633c wants 0.0233 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,310 BRIDGE.EXD
1c9b444b cancel order
ef725076 cancel order
ce54609b wants 0.00368 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,515 BRIDGE.EXD
54aff1c4 cancel order
a6dc4794 wants 0.0156 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,795 BRIDGE.EXD
bc6dfd50 cancel order
730ad305 cancel order
2e5a20b6 cancel order
2f24d852 wants 0.00483 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,795 BRIDGE.EXD
0a704866 paid 2,000 BRIDGE.EXD for 0.0048 BRIDGE.BTC
0fb4fe7a wants 0.0048 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.EXD
a8896912 wants 0.0461 BRIDGE.BTC for 71 BRIDGE.SINS
b6d7e7ff wants 0.1156 BRIDGE.BTC for 136 BRIDGE.SINS
0c6195e8 cancel order
a6142785 wants 0.01783 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,781 BRIDGE.EXD
73bcadf2 wants 0.0198 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,981 BRIDGE.EXD
933b215e wants 0.242 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,515 BRIDGE.EXD
fde7e770 wants 0.0515 ESCODEX.BTC for 50.9 ESCODEX.STL
626dce84 wants 0.239 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,648 BRIDGE.EXD
83b44d83 wants 0.0403 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,285 BRIDGE.EXD
c72f3c78 wants 28,036 BRIDGE.EXD for 0.01682 BRIDGE.BTC
35969d82 cancel order
355a2b2c wants 34,182 BRIDGE.EXD for 0.0181 BRIDGE.BTC
6b5abd69 cancel order
c87af617 wants 0.1252 ESCODEX.BTC for 124 ESCODEX.STL
11cf039d wants 0.1854 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,236 BRIDGE.EXD
128c4167 wants 0.0143 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,376 BRIDGE.EXD
02cf06e8 wants 0.00439 ESCODEX.BTC for 43.9 ESCODEX.STL
85703935 sent 0.142 BRIDGE.BTC to
1aeef91e cancel order
3b00a1a1 wants 0.09 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.EXD
94f8ad08 wants 0.0665 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,217 BRIDGE.EXD
949431c9 cancel order
0a4e9a15 cancel order
4f47a440 cancel order
af1cee56 cancel order
8ebc2794 cancel order
f6c070bc cancel order
a2b0b7f4 cancel order
96df2f68 cancel order
80fbe7bd cancel order
a61ad97c cancel order
8002f0d5 wants 0.2405 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,149 BRIDGE.EXD
1b452c33 wants 0.0459 ESCODEX.BTC for 45.9 ESCODEX.STL
bbffc258 wants 0.0475 BRIDGE.BTC for 872 BRIDGE.EXD
eb0bd9b4 cancel order
dfadb0dc wants 0.0112 BRIDGE.BTC for 800 BRIDGE.EXD
9bad12be wants 19,690 BRIDGE.EXD for 0.0181 BRIDGE.BTC
54b99edb cancel order
006526d7 wants 18,901 BRIDGE.EXD for 0.01682 BRIDGE.BTC
6d61f9c2 cancel order
52811f62 wants 12,939 BRIDGE.EXD for 0.0181 BRIDGE.BTC
0f87ec18 cancel order
c2118543 wants 0.0141 BRIDGE.BTC for 470 BRIDGE.EXD
b33429d7 cancel order
8db82c4c wants 0.01162 BRIDGE.BTC for 630 BRIDGE.EXD
2546dfe7 wants 0.01193 BRIDGE.BTC for 670 BRIDGE.EXD
459d480f cancel order
3f946771 wants 0.01644 BRIDGE.BTC for 824 BRIDGE.EXD
ebd6ad2b wants 0.01647 BRIDGE.BTC for 876 BRIDGE.EXD
fd0bf5ea cancel order
e6f7e825 wants 0.02393 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,301 BRIDGE.EXD
c1bd9316 wants 0.034 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,700 BRIDGE.EXD
10d6ee21 wants 0.01138 ESCODEX.BTC for 39.2 ESCODEX.STL
5d753cd0 wants 0.02294 ESCODEX.BTC for 62 ESCODEX.STL
f5f8d3c7 wants 0.01657 ESCODEX.BTC for 92 ESCODEX.STL
fb771b70 wants 0.0432 ESCODEX.BTC for 94 ESCODEX.STL
e38e13f9 wants 0.00972 ESCODEX.BTC for 67 ESCODEX.STL
7952d5b9 wants 0.00859 ESCODEX.BTC for 78 ESCODEX.STL
e95d3b48 wants 0.01118 ESCODEX.BTC for 86 ESCODEX.STL
1a1108b6 wants 0.01116 ESCODEX.BTC for 93 ESCODEX.STL
5d18b6a4 wants 0.0098 ESCODEX.BTC for 98 ESCODEX.STL
9d9443d1 cancel order
83c93d23 cancel order
c4d7caac cancel order
e5093bab cancel order
284675c4 cancel order
6b012db4 cancel order
8f468fc4 wants 0.0352 ESCODEX.BTC for 88 ESCODEX.STL
c285a16e cancel order
39deb44a wants 0.01485 ESCODEX.BTC for 99 ESCODEX.STL
830ece9f cancel order
5245f735 wants 0.0154 ESCODEX.BTC for 77 ESCODEX.STL
33a0ec93 cancel order
a7cf6e54 wants 0.0385 ESCODEX.BTC for 77 ESCODEX.STL
aabe67f7 cancel order
93bf6fdd wants 0.1264 ESCODEX.BTC for 316 ESCODEX.STL
2cbc3783 cancel order
889b8eb6 wants 0.051 ESCODEX.BTC for 170 ESCODEX.STL
985952e3 wants 0.00657 BRIDGE.BTC for 658 BRIDGE.EXD
3a5d9da7 cancel order
6c70e972 cancel order
b9b74d80 cancel order