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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.1755 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.598 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.1755
INDEXDJI 0.00000002
58e55623 sent 5,000 BTS to
342cb217 sent 4,803 BTS to
0c0ce784 wants 7,838 BTS for 6,369 CNY
virtual paid 6,369 CNY for 7,838 BTS
9d47c3b1 wants 1,957 BTS for 1,589 CNY
virtual paid 1,589 CNY for 1,957 BTS
3e6d823c cancel order
e626ac0e wants 9,349 BTS for 7,957 CNY
9aa687d2 cancel order
e132da43 wants 1,907 BTS for 1,623 CNY
71d0677f paid 12.64 BTS for 11 CNY
1a469748 paid 249.4 BTS for 217 CNY
9d13c105 paid 1,001 BTS for 870 CNY
virtual cancel order
fcf760b6 paid 433 BTS for 377 CNY
33bcbbcb paid 684 BTS for 595 CNY
86ecbdcf paid 716 BTS for 623 CNY
6598ad2c paid 414 BTS for 360 CNY
3e99772f paid 20.7 BTS for 18 CNY
3e8e124a paid 254.4 BTS for 221.3 CNY
6e6c6234 paid 1,182 BTS for 1,028 CNY
d9ce076d paid 33.3 BTS for 29 CNY
29b099b2 paid 3,880 BTS for 3,372 CNY
bd985cf0 wants 3,372 CNY for 3,880 BTS
a34cedcf wants 4,350 CNY for 5,000 BTS
33878146 wants 243.6 CNY for 288 BTS
virtual paid 288 BTS for 243.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
0dec6dec wants 288.6 BTS for 240 CNY
virtual paid 240 CNY for 289 BTS
c48b9a9d sent 2 BTS to
a1e84d34 sent 1 BTS to
dc10259e cancel order
216a7206 cancel order
e3674a2d cancel order
d56620f5 cancel order
e0a42357 cancel order
6b0c21e2 cancel order
a8575875 cancel order
fa585f3c cancel order
ca0c289b cancel order
ab3671e4 paid 100 BTS for 80.2 CNY
f2b87fb9 paid 100 BTS for 80.1 CNY
ecfde3a8 wants 75.6 CNY for 90 BTS
ccd09e01 wants 83 CNY for 100 BTS
f8d86f3c wants 80.8 CNY for 100 BTS
9a0ebc13 wants 80.9 CNY for 100 BTS
83ae2784 wants 80.8 CNY for 100 BTS
dabfbc41 wants 80.7 CNY for 100 BTS
2c3226c7 wants 80.6 CNY for 100 BTS
bb7d659d wants 80.5 CNY for 100 BTS
48bc3669 wants 80.4 CNY for 100 BTS
a11cc9fb wants 80.2 CNY for 100 BTS
8e201967 wants 80.1 CNY for 100 BTS
d9e9f204 wants 79.9 CNY for 100 BTS
virtual paid 100 BTS for 79.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
8b6a9e28 cancel order
c5acb7ad wants 3.61 CNY for 5 BTS
c87b3af7 wants 5.08 BTS for 3.28 CNY
virtual paid 3.28 CNY for 5.08 BTS
edb46898 wants 3.28 CNY for 5 BTS
virtual paid 5 BTS for 3.29 CNY
virtual cancel order
476c0328 sent 2 BTS to