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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight36.8 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2.38 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 36.8
OPEN.BTC 0.00000001
PPY 20
BADCOIN 10,000
XBTSX.STH 0.0743
2972ada7 sent 0.0743 XBTSX.STH to
bb951d01 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
3a2f812c paid 240 BTS for 10 PPY
94d41b37 paid 125.8 BTS for 4.73 PPY
virtual cancel order
4359133f paid 138.2 BTS for 5.2 PPY
e739a0b2 paid 1 BTS for 0.0376 PPY
c17d5fb1 paid 1 BTS for 0.0376 PPY
493b3f34 wants 10 PPY for 240 BTS
0bd70223 wants 10 PPY for 266 BTS
d901f1d3 sent 54.2 PPY to
0329a94a sent 10 PPY to
afa4a9e7 paid 256.4 BTS for 6.93 PPY
be267ac3 wants 6.93 PPY for 256.4 BTS
d48df9d0 cancel order
868065ad wants 11.33 PPY for 11.56 OPEN.PPY
virtual paid 11.56 OPEN.PPY for 11.33 PPY
a33ba446 wants 7.43 PPY for 256.4 BTS
1b44befb cancel order
dd4c6c0e wants 7.54 OPEN.PPY for 256.4 BTS
bd79bd75 cancel order
c5714b93 paid 371 BTS for 11.58 OPEN.PPY
78d0eadd wants 19.6 OPEN.PPY for 627 BTS
bbc7109c paid 0.00361 OPEN.BTC for 256 BTS
c375b5bd wants 419 BTS for 0.00592 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00231 OPEN.BTC for 163.6 BTS
186c8f86 cancel order
3d28af85 paid 0.00288 OPEN.BTC for 207.6 BTS
d7a1bae7 wants 634 BTS for 0.0088 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000003 OPEN.BTC for 0.00245 BTS
47ac1325 paid 673 BTS for 10.68 PPY
f789186e paid 493 BTS for 7.82 PPY
80356c47 wants 18.5 PPY for 1,166 BTS
c4a08d00 paid 1,404 BTS for 16.13 PPY
750ca6e9 paid 1,018 BTS for 11.32 PPY
f18247ec wants 11.32 PPY for 1,018 BTS
e987927c wants 16.13 PPY for 1,404 BTS
3e384063 sent 5.38 PPY to
97aba307 paid 108 BTS for 1.5 PPY
virtual paid 147.4 BTS for 2.077 PPY
b19fbb51 sent 5 PPY to
a9538c41 wants 1.5 PPY for 108 BTS
e062e153 wants 61.5 BTS for 0.0422 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.0422 OPEN.ETH for 61.6 BTS
89ab0720 cancel order
c1fc12bb wants 114.8 BTS for 0.0785 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.02376 OPEN.ETH for 34.7 BTS
5de91a29 paid 0.01256 OPEN.ETH for 18.37 BTS
a356517b cancel order
5211ba02 wants 132 BTS for 0.0899 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.01144 OPEN.ETH for 16.8 BTS
64c74974 cancel order
6180d52b wants 132.7 BTS for 0.09 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.000001 OPEN.ETH for 0.00149 BTS
1dd56cf4 wants 2.077 PPY for 147.4 BTS
6aa8dc88 wants 147.5 BTS for 0.0999 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.0999 OPEN.ETH for 147.5 BTS
6ba19a24 cancel order
d1313230 wants 148.8 BTS for 0.1 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.000001 OPEN.ETH for 0.00151 BTS
5b2cefd8 paid 153.4 BTS for 2.13 PPY
e720eec8 paid 12.6 BTS for 0.175 PPY
219d71d2 wants 2.305 PPY for 166 BTS
5eed1449 paid 315 BTS for 4.5 PPY
49f5fba9 sent 3.5 PPY to
585b5e96 paid 0.00000016 OPEN.DASH for 0.00019 BTS
8e0df7a0 wants 4.5 PPY for 315 BTS
afc95761 paid 0.000001 OPEN.ETH for 0.00159 BTS
187edc54 wants 159.3 BTS for 0.1 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.0563 OPEN.ETH for 89.7 BTS
cf9868ab paid 0.001193 OPEN.ETH for 1.903 BTS
a4372b95 paid 0.0424 OPEN.ETH for 67.6 BTS
50c24d41 wants 25.86 BTS for 0.01623 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.01623 OPEN.ETH for 25.86 BTS
ffa3ae66 wants 0.877 BTS for 0.000711 OPEN.DASH
virtual paid 0.00000013 OPEN.DASH for 0.00017 BTS
e368157a paid 0.000711 OPEN.DASH for 0.877 BTS
4386d9eb sent 0.1785 OPEN.DASH to
3af12ccb paid 245 BTS for 3.5 PPY
ea0a51ae wants 3.5 PPY for 245 BTS
70e1f154 sent 0.794 PPY to
25db1ac5 sent 0.9 PPY to
7943bee6 sent 0.1 PPY to
1414bbbc wants 1.81 PPY for 132.2 BTS
virtual paid 132.2 BTS for 1.81 PPY