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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00532 BTS
Lifetime fees paid22.37 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00532
BRIDGE.BCO 0.0000001
BRIDGE.LPC 0.000032
BRIDGE.LGS 0.0000001
BRIDGE.C2P 0.0000779
BRIDGE.CCC 0.0000134
BRIDGE.USERV 0.0000001
BRIDGE.EVOS 0.0000629
BRENT 0.0001
3f68df64 sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
6160db47 sent 1,601 BRIDGE.RVN to
e62493bb wants 1,608 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.00638 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00113 BRIDGE.BTC for 285 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 0.000793 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 0.00446 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,123 BRIDGE.RVN
9b9d4861 paid 8.53 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.001937 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
750ed7fb paid 19.65 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00446 BRIDGE.BTC
58f12e15 wants 0.0064 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
38cfd934 cancel order
908bafd3 wants 0.00645 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
a1a14f8e cancel order
01889724 wants 0.00645 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
8939ccb6 cancel order
6579d20f wants 0.00651 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
df4d268c cancel order
407bf50c wants 0.00656 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
81bf21fd cancel order
c1796053 wants 0.00662 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
c08f4968 cancel order
2ae08f4f wants 0.00662 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
9cb237ae cancel order
025fb377 wants 0.00662 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
1916d859 cancel order
da41ba15 wants 0.00668 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
e7cc87bf cancel order
cb41a15e wants 0.00668 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
a1727e57 cancel order
92f22201 wants 0.00673 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
1c4e1f65 cancel order
13ed578e wants 0.00679 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
9880021e cancel order
526a557f wants 0.00679 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
8f9767a6 cancel order
736e0f27 wants 0.00685 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
cebdd49c cancel order
cbb03cb1 wants 0.00685 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
0aafe85e cancel order
45678c4f wants 0.0069 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
5cecc99d cancel order
b5d70cdb wants 0.0069 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
d07f7b59 cancel order
d6369ea8 wants 0.0069 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
243ab900 cancel order
895692c9 wants 0.0069 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
a80cff67 cancel order
070061b7 wants 0.0069 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
b528a088 cancel order
6bf83e15 wants 0.0069 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
f910e5b6 cancel order
8e0d04d5 wants 0.00696 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
490bb2c2 cancel order
a330ee05 wants 0.00696 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
4a8e7778 cancel order
5d136b40 wants 0.00696 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
afd8a001 cancel order
6d9faf8a wants 0.00696 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
d88fbf5a cancel order
5ccccf28 wants 0.00696 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
fc292bb6 cancel order
b51e5270 wants 0.00696 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
45138d31 cancel order
205f0023 wants 0.00697 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
46b994d8 cancel order
2eda1fb2 wants 0.00697 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
6a57c958 cancel order
3648c3d9 wants 0.00697 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
ea3804f0 cancel order
5ebe3d34 wants 0.00697 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
9a82af7c cancel order
6c0b5973 wants 0.00697 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
b8c468e7 cancel order
f9669c36 wants 0.00697 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
f8ae520a cancel order
4d504554 wants 0.00697 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
08d16594 cancel order
7bd928bb wants 0.00697 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
5a26180d cancel order
3fdd1490 wants 0.00711 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
a1ec2b87 cancel order
d69ed6af wants 0.00735 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.LGS
cd4ba8e7 paid 0.00706 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.24 BRIDGE.LGS
cb05f8ad wants 28.24 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00706 BRIDGE.BTC
819ebd2f cancel order
d32acc39 wants 28.57 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00706 BRIDGE.BTC
abb3f515 cancel order
5fc8f82e wants 29.04 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00706 BRIDGE.BTC
cdb67660 cancel order
5e769843 wants 30.7 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00706 BRIDGE.BTC
b47322e8 cancel order
1aee1a8b wants 32.1 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00706 BRIDGE.BTC
f2b4c307 cancel order
9f02663d wants 32.1 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00706 BRIDGE.BTC
cf0bdfb4 paid 32 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00707 BRIDGE.BTC
1725a07d wants 0.00707 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
e2cea512 cancel order
d71fbbdc wants 0.00736 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
362d538c cancel order
f604b15d wants 0.00736 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
b90a5b45 cancel order
c71a2a36 wants 0.00736 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
5a804748 cancel order
61825705 wants 0.00736 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
da947822 cancel order
95bb99a4 wants 0.00736 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
f03b1c66 cancel order
0843bb4b wants 0.00736 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
a857f598 cancel order
8ae78344 wants 0.00765 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
4f8ef5e6 cancel order
f504093f wants 0.00765 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
c0a84d25 cancel order
c9e8fbc1 wants 0.00766 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
5ab14346 cancel order
72e84b40 wants 0.00766 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
19c2a2fd cancel order
fa8cf5f1 wants 0.00766 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
c5f3c17d cancel order
ae5fefcd wants 0.00766 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
994539bd cancel order
fa45c087 wants 0.00766 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
2cdb9006 cancel order
4b2cc8c7 wants 0.00766 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
9ba49217 cancel order
b52710ed wants 0.00766 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
a70db77e cancel order
44eedcd4 wants 0.00766 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
54fdf49b cancel order
0bc91aca wants 0.00767 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
11b2f0a4 cancel order
a4a08c6a wants 0.00767 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
7603b5a1 cancel order
fbe5d073 wants 0.00767 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
b041fac0 cancel order
e43ff96c wants 0.00767 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
e40ca307 cancel order
c47fb11a wants 0.00767 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
dd61e689 cancel order
880e3aea wants 0.00767 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
e37fa4c7 cancel order
0a986c6d wants 0.00767 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
7617f897 cancel order
57d4159d wants 0.00767 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
f636b9f9 cancel order
5cddf0d5 wants 0.00768 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
92137aa9 cancel order
335d58fc wants 0.00768 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
a05745b5 cancel order
490d0701 wants 0.00768 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
1450d9c0 cancel order
b4455304 wants 0.00806 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
87c59325 cancel order
7567b0fc wants 0.00845 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
06b4a61a cancel order
644f5675 wants 0.00845 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
ef730547 cancel order
bf417a2a wants 0.00845 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
bfca9290 cancel order
5d152658 wants 0.00846 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
1c9a3825 cancel order
958dd028 wants 0.00846 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
f05e0499 cancel order
84191703 wants 0.00846 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
2388300b cancel order
fc2db69d wants 0.00846 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
9f129dbb cancel order
9f4315af wants 0.00846 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
0c22d3af cancel order
5a06240e wants 0.00846 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
56624c4b cancel order
629035be wants 0.00846 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
7dfb39ea cancel order
7428f84f wants 0.00846 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
41a277f3 cancel order
3f117efc wants 0.00847 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
5f14d259 cancel order
7093f263 wants 0.00847 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
da32c6de cancel order
4230f380 wants 0.00847 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
59192b6f cancel order
84d9af78 wants 0.00847 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
c9b80c0d cancel order
5f9ebdf6 wants 0.00847 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
479ecb2a cancel order
c7578311 wants 0.00847 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
ecce889a cancel order
484430c8 wants 0.00847 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
48b36407 cancel order
f7f036ec wants 0.00848 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
71c8f2c7 cancel order
f6d0d964 wants 0.00848 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.LGS
51366015 paid 0.008 BRIDGE.BTC for 32.1 BRIDGE.LGS
18b839af wants 32.1 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.008 BRIDGE.BTC
a5272945 cancel order
50c04fb0 wants 32.1 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.008 BRIDGE.BTC
2e213f62 cancel order
b01813ea wants 33 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.008 BRIDGE.BTC
bcd98a83 cancel order
6ad90831 wants 33 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.008 BRIDGE.BTC
49075294 cancel order