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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight8.77 BTS
Lifetime fees paid99.2 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 8.77
DEEX 0.0072
ZALUPA 0.005
BRIDGE.NMS 0.000802
BRIDGE.LUX 0.0000246
CISCOCOM 0.00001
BRIDGE.HXX 0.0000421
NOBLE 0.0002
BRIDGE.TAL 0.000321
cb405a7f sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
b1757110 issue 0.0418 BRIDGE.BCH to
dcbfb05b sent 0.1 BRIDGE.CRCO to
cf99e6b1 sent 0.2995 BRIDGE.BTC to
ac335db6 cancel orders (2)
8f66b6cb cancel orders (2)
f486d20c wants 452 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.122 BRIDGE.BTC
07d32a18 wants 380 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.1184 BRIDGE.BTC
00ae28f8 cancel orders (2)
593492f2 wants 1,492 BRIDGE.PHR for 0.0463 BRIDGE.BTC
e7a62df6 cancel order
8826e544 wants 551 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.1488 BRIDGE.BTC
67686c22 wants 295.3 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0916 BRIDGE.BTC
61047987 cancel order
529b88c5 wants 480 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.1488 BRIDGE.BTC
52fb0956 wants 200 BRIDGE.SUBIX for 0.0128 BRIDGE.BTC
349e3a4c wants 1,500 BRIDGE.PHR for 0.0463 BRIDGE.BTC
b36d1802 sent 0.431 BRIDGE.BTC to
a4660ad1 cancel orders (4)
12a4e59e wants 1,500 BRIDGE.PHR for 0.0463 BRIDGE.BTC
d9bff2d9 cancel order
012aae00 cancel order
b3e2fccc wants 1,500 BRIDGE.IC for 0.0337 BRIDGE.BTC
a3137bf9 cancel order
cfaca336 cancel order
666ebff6 cancel order
343c4600 cancel order
03a24117 wants 300 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.1155 BRIDGE.BTC
8e6298c3 wants 300 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.1155 BRIDGE.BTC
da6fc170 cancel order
10435e55 wants 300 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.1155 BRIDGE.BTC
37e822c4 cancel orders (2)
90b0fecf wants 300 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.1155 BRIDGE.BTC
594486a3 cancel order
1141de52 wants 499 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.192 BRIDGE.BTC
e6a181d9 cancel order
54bca568 wants 300 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.1155 BRIDGE.BTC
1025d7b0 wants 300 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.1155 BRIDGE.BTC
85c5090d cancel order
e7cc4332 wants 799 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.3076 BRIDGE.BTC
93bba742 cancel order
6cf1fed1 sent 0.906 BRIDGE.BTC to
4bce43c1 wants 799 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.3076 BRIDGE.BTC
005cf8eb cancel orders (2)
e06935c1 cancel order
5445caa7 wants 350 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.135 BRIDGE.BTC
b94479db wants 350 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.135 BRIDGE.BTC
bb779728 cancel order
d1ccb99d wants 350 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.135 BRIDGE.BTC
6aff086c cancel order
ec2b7362 wants 350 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.135 BRIDGE.BTC
5c8aaa93 wants 799 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.308 BRIDGE.BTC
25d5ad34 wants 1,500 BRIDGE.IC for 0.0336 BRIDGE.BTC
6a5e95ce wants 2,000 BRIDGE.HXX for 0.0023 BRIDGE.BTC
33a3ecfa wants 200 BRIDGE.SUBIX for 0.0128 BRIDGE.BTC
9afa44cf wants 5,000 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.017 BRIDGE.BTC
353a9c85 wants 5,000 BRIDGE.NMS for 0.0115 BRIDGE.BTC
933d9ba9 wants 1,500 BRIDGE.PHR for 0.0462 BRIDGE.BTC
38b6f7c6 cancel orders (6)
d2b6d6e1 cancel order
0b371070 wants 799 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.308 BRIDGE.BTC
5472ed60 cancel order
3a4783a5 wants 899 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.346 BRIDGE.BTC
71bdb65c cancel order
a106264a wants 10,000 BRIDGE.NMS for 0.0231 BRIDGE.BTC
81e60e73 wants 10,000 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.034 BRIDGE.BTC
2daad555 cancel order
cbc82540 cancel order
492f2155 wants 1,500 BRIDGE.PHR for 0.0462 BRIDGE.BTC
5ed81245 wants 1,500 BRIDGE.IC for 0.0336 BRIDGE.BTC
f906bc87 cancel order
8fa7afa0 cancel order
b46dea84 cancel order
e461bd8f wants 799 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.3077 BRIDGE.BTC
8093be3f wants 799 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.304 BRIDGE.BTC
20711a92 cancel order
dec20668 wants 1,500 BRIDGE.IC for 0.0336 BRIDGE.BTC
324d1107 cancel order
f2ce1276 wants 10,000 BRIDGE.NMS for 0.0228 BRIDGE.BTC
8fd93553 cancel order
7f4fb131 wants 1,500 BRIDGE.IC for 0.0336 BRIDGE.BTC
766d6174 cancel order
a273aa95 cancel order
3826831d wants 10,000 BRIDGE.NMS for 0.0225 BRIDGE.BTC
6db985e2 wants 1,500 BRIDGE.PHR for 0.0462 BRIDGE.BTC
6185f4bf cancel order
863a92d5 cancel order
7a5d7f05 wants 10,000 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.0338 BRIDGE.BTC
a9c76702 wants 10,000 BRIDGE.VIVO for 0.0026 BRIDGE.BTC
2ef1faed cancel order
f9692089 paid 587 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.0587 BRIDGE.BTC
3ce57532 cancel order
6cf7cf92 cancel order
9415d454 wants 0.0587 BRIDGE.BTC for 587 BRIDGE.BWK
71dba36d cancel order
bcddb6f5 wants 0.0598 BRIDGE.BTC for 587 BRIDGE.BWK
48d1dfa6 cancel order
5ac09646 wants 0.0785 BRIDGE.BTC for 799 BRIDGE.BWK
virtual paid 608 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.0597 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 110 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.01081 BRIDGE.BTC
4b13bd5e cancel order
7b971eb0 wants 0.135 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,305 BRIDGE.BWK
d6af92b6 wants 1,307 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.1282 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.1282 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,307 BRIDGE.BWK
460cb5ee cancel order
f5ae8894 wants 1,500 BRIDGE.PHR for 0.0461 BRIDGE.BTC
c19eb431 wants 10,000 BRIDGE.NMS for 0.022 BRIDGE.BTC
d38ab38e cancel order
674ff6c1 wants 799 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.3077 BRIDGE.BTC
1b2da78f cancel order
b5ea4cce cancel order
d6ce399b wants 1,500 BRIDGE.IC for 0.0336 BRIDGE.BTC
7c8acb1c wants 799 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.3076 BRIDGE.BTC
bce7193b cancel orders (2)
9fabe17c wants 400 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.1542 BRIDGE.BTC
e4415f2c wants 400 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.1542 BRIDGE.BTC
9803a58e cancel orders (2)
bdad50ff wants 400 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.1542 BRIDGE.BTC
a8cb8b9c wants 400 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.1542 BRIDGE.BTC
2389d99f cancel orders (2)
8d7cf9b4 cancel order
08011684 cancel order
e0710c2e wants 600 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.1878 BRIDGE.BTC
37d22903 cancel orders (2)
f52134ee wants 400 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.154 BRIDGE.BTC
540bac54 wants 400 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.154 BRIDGE.BTC
4afd30f1 cancel orders (2)
074c64d3 wants 450 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.1734 BRIDGE.BTC
1c56572e wants 450 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.1734 BRIDGE.BTC
89d92f0e cancel order
d99e7fac wants 780 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.3005 BRIDGE.BTC
4c57d0d1 cancel orders (2)
726be984 wants 300 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.0939 BRIDGE.BTC
3a0c6a34 wants 300 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.0939 BRIDGE.BTC
f24efcf7 cancel orders (2)
f642b481 wants 300 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.0938 BRIDGE.BTC
62434eac wants 300 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.0938 BRIDGE.BTC
4b69ca42 cancel order
011eeb9d cancel order
11fabbd5 wants 500 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.1564 BRIDGE.BTC
841c0322 wants 300 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.1156 BRIDGE.BTC
1f112b1f wants 500 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.1563 BRIDGE.BTC
392bfa79 wants 500 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.1925 BRIDGE.BTC
16df953b wants 200 BRIDGE.SUBIX for 0.0128 BRIDGE.BTC
7a398a59 wants 880 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.312 BRIDGE.BTC
36382ab3 cancel order
b553fad5 wants 10,000 BRIDGE.NMS for 0.0218 BRIDGE.BTC
99299f7b cancel order
be7e62a2 wants 1,500 BRIDGE.PHR for 0.0461 BRIDGE.BTC
66c7daff wants 1,500 BRIDGE.IC for 0.0335 BRIDGE.BTC
be9b65ac cancel order
4ae44219 wants 10,000 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.0335 BRIDGE.BTC
8c70c38f cancel order
7db128e8 cancel order
7693b9fb wants 899 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.279 BRIDGE.BTC
fcec20e3 cancel order
161ffa15 cancel order
0a2f2f7e cancel order
10726d63 wants 500 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.195 BRIDGE.BTC
6dc21523 cancel order
3baced79 wants 500 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.195 BRIDGE.BTC
40ec75ca wants 500 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.195 BRIDGE.BTC
5e1c671b cancel order
2593d60e cancel order
cd894f5d wants 680 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.241 BRIDGE.BTC
f2e41abc wants 899 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.2787 BRIDGE.BTC
0f88e5cd cancel orders (2)
cf1fe066 wants 680 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.241 BRIDGE.BTC
4bad09f8 wants 450 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.1395 BRIDGE.BTC
8fa2e878 cancel order
7c56b511 wants 450 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.1395 BRIDGE.BTC
88fb1beb cancel order
df714e17 wants 899 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.2787 BRIDGE.BTC
909d6f11 cancel order
639dafbc wants 899 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.2787 BRIDGE.BTC
61d9ce1b wants 899 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.27 BRIDGE.BTC
d4393afb cancel order
17898323 wants 899 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.2697 BRIDGE.BTC
49be032e cancel order
ed66ac8f wants 500 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.19 BRIDGE.BTC
393a9237 wants 799 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.232 BRIDGE.BTC
4d9eeda3 wants 999 BRIDGE.PHR for 0.0307 BRIDGE.BTC