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BitShares Block Explorer



4 80%
BTS7YUUvYdXfKxe6jxFTC7BqesFE4LpFKTAoZeRvUUtQSDvLUr9mk 1 20%
Threshold 1 20%
Votes as
Lifetime fees paid260.5 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.142 0
COMPUCEEDS 1,000 1,000
VIRGROW 0.0943 0.0943
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
767caf9c sent 4.41 BTS to
a33ef0ad sent 2,000 COMPUCEEDS to
c5ab8fbf sent 0.1 DEEX to
856cee42 sent 0.0000488 OPEN.BTC to
ad1d018c wants 0.001157 OPEN.BTC for 0.0945 VIRGROW
virtual paid 0.0002 VIRGROW for 0.00000245 OPEN.BTC
5ab1b192 sent 0.0136 OPEN.BTC to
b63cb7e1 cancel order
b3c2f0ea cancel order
955787be sent 16,900 COMPUCEEDS to
96b4989a cancel order
a71d9e20 cancel order
1bc46545 cancel order
a41b5c5f cancel order
0f61a7e1 cancel order
8c47a5fc cancel order
ac63017e cancel order
f81db903 cancel order
142f5b1d cancel order
15890dc0 cancel order
a5124ad8 cancel order
ca565532 cancel order
874c6edb cancel order
582b43a1 cancel order
9675be8a cancel order
a9ee2a43 cancel order
64183eed sent 100 COMPUCEEDS to
bdf8e3e5 paid 0.00449 BTC for 0.00449 OPEN.BTC
2ce0b0ee paid 0.00000001 BTC for 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC
b66747f2 paid 0.001156 BTC for 0.001156 OPEN.BTC
bfdabf89 paid 0.00042 BTC for 0.00042 OPEN.BTC
e75df308 paid 0.000555 BTC for 0.000555 OPEN.BTC
5e422550 paid 0.000471 BTC for 0.000471 OPEN.BTC
90278c72 paid 0.000372 BTC for 0.000372 OPEN.BTC
8623e53e paid 0.0000486 BTC for 0.0000486 OPEN.BTC
c40e2e2b paid 0.0001515 BTC for 0.0001515 OPEN.BTC
a47da1ec sent 0.003 OPEN.BTC to
e3f377ea paid 0.0000752 BTC for 0.0000752 OPEN.BTC
1ec20a66 paid 0.0002677 BTC for 0.0002677 OPEN.BTC
187a8ba9 paid 0.0000528 BTC for 0.0000528 OPEN.BTC
d626b157 wants 0.01067 OPEN.BTC for 0.01067 BTC
virtual paid 0.00000023 BTC for 0.00000023 OPEN.BTC
57764ba7 paid 0.0014 BTC for 0.0014 OPEN.BTC
1ee7f73d paid 0.0001748 BTC for 0.0001748 OPEN.BTC
bd379251 paid 0.000546 BTC for 0.000546 OPEN.BTC
54f44f69 paid 0.000486 BTC for 0.000486 OPEN.BTC
386088c7 sent 1,000 COMPUCEEDS to
6830dc51 cancel order
a03a8ca7 cancel order
a2d99302 sent 2 BTS to
176994e3 sent 2,000 COMPUCEEDS to
cc890e7f cancel order
774b47af cancel order
24609ae8 sent 0.094 ZAPPL to
f44a6998 sent 1,000 COMPUCEEDS to
dc83e0c9 cancel order
917164c2 sent 2,000 COMPUCEEDS to
1a69de86 cancel order
a1479500 cancel order
4a700d8b sent 15 BTCPLUS to
0de3e2f8 cancel order
67aaa276 sent 15 BTCPLUS to
27ee4a15 cancel order
9f553def sent 84 BTCPLUS to
74bc07a3 cancel order
59d0e702 sent 15 BTCPLUS to
be136112 cancel order
a17655ce sent 15 BTCPLUS to
55ed344b cancel order
db442c30 sent 15 BTCPLUS to
40a0d23b cancel order
e6a5dbb8 sent 15 BTCPLUS to
d784901c cancel order
668c4c54 sent 28 BTCPLUS to
40b8a703 cancel order
91b995c9 sent 1 BTS to
161ab09c sent 1 BTS to
ff8fc73d sent 167 BTCPLUS to
dda2f90e cancel order
03809d1e sent 28 BTCPLUS to
e7ac7dda cancel order
62e241ee sent 3.6 COMPUCEEDS to
24c0cf50 sent 0.472 BTCPLUS to
2bc235fb sent 0.994 ZENGOLD to
14ec1053 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
c83795a1 sent 250 BTCPLUS to
a93c01d2 cancel order
f705c076 sent 28 BTCPLUS to
96b9d2d9 cancel order
b5f980d5 sent 1 ZENGOLD to
cf4c08f7 sent 20 BTS to
120ca5c9 sent 0.01 OPEN.BTC to
178d1b37 wants 1,008,000 USD for 84 BTCPLUS
3d963597 wants 1,001,165 USD for 167 BTCPLUS
beb42bc9 wants 1,123,750 USD for 250 BTCPLUS
e06e4858 sent 358,975,000 COMPUCEEDS to
b4926586 update account/votes
2858835b update account/votes
cfadbabb wants 209,720 USD for 28 BTCPLUS
e66120ac wants 167,720 USD for 28 BTCPLUS
4daa6fa7 wants 125,720 USD for 28 BTCPLUS
cc699abb cancel order
f0e104d1 cancel order
538b0438 cancel order
37698c03 cancel order
79c33fca cancel order
d9d35645 sent 24.47 BTCPLUS to
5c789991 wants 224,850 USD for 15 BTCPLUS
311128a0 wants 202,500 USD for 15 BTCPLUS
20c77d56 wants 179,850 USD for 15 BTCPLUS
e30a03fa wants 157,350 USD for 15 BTCPLUS
aa47455f wants 134,850 USD for 15 BTCPLUS
ac78b5ee cancel order
50099744 cancel order
3a7e5fd0 wants 194,100 USD for 15 BTCPLUS
12e3cfb7 wants 179,850 USD for 15 BTCPLUS
3f4b9dc0 wants 157,350 USD for 15 BTCPLUS
2722a768 wants 134,850 USD for 15 BTCPLUS
bd652455 wants 134,850 USD for 15 BTCPLUS
14bcbfac wants 112,350 USD for 15 BTCPLUS
8b7f538b wants 89,850 USD for 15 BTCPLUS
aaab5a5e wants 67,350 USD for 15 BTCPLUS
5049ec65 cancel order
833e278b cancel order
9313392a cancel order
6576ec79 cancel order
da653122 cancel order
18902085 wants 15,444 USD for 1.472 BTCPLUS
598a6a32 wants 17,980 USD for 2 BTCPLUS
b49d0e16 wants 22,470 USD for 3 BTCPLUS
d3665c35 wants 22,380 USD for 4 BTCPLUS
8e0f2eb7 wants 17,960 USD for 4 BTCPLUS
d68b6ff6 sent 1 BTCPLUS to
9ca27791 update account/votes
08c308cf update account/votes
716c1556 sent 1 BTCPLUS to
e09f0f20 sent 10 BTCPLUS to
1da11fa9 wants 2 ZENGOLD for 3.8 BTS
virtual paid 3.8 BTS for 2 ZENGOLD
d7a2d61e wants 29.4 BTCPLUS for 5 BTS
virtual paid 5 BTS for 29.4 BTCPLUS
db883b42 sent 5 BTS to
a73c3e10 update account/votes
e8a9ec12 update account/votes
544a72bd sent 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
d91d30ff wants 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 85 BTS
virtual paid 85 BTS for 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
f574bc3d sent 3,476,448 COMPUCEEDS to
007a6c7b sent 100 COMPUCEEDS to
e0ae7ec9 sent 28 CRYPTOCEEDS to
75a468f4 sent 3,450 BTCPLUS to
ec2a1a67 sent 5,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
89a3f542 sent 850,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
07fccd61 sent 21.76 OCEANIA to
a714b3be sent 0.000983 GALLEON to
b8d6a8ad sent 1.22 TASKMANAGER to
e09448bc sent 348 ELOAD to
81cca4c3 sent 5.18 OPEN.STEEM to
0471227d sent 0.00002 BTWTY to
d5ca91cd sent 0.0523 OPEN.ETH to
9fc4b3ab sent 12.87 BTSR to
b8ed22a3 sent 0.45 USD to
e0bf808d sent 0.364 USD to
7e907f03 sent 0.364 CNY to
d067eab3 sent 0.00259 GOLD to
e32673db sent 0.062 SILVER to
81b0b33e sent 0.000702 BTC to
791aa286 sent 0.98 BLOCKPAY to
53e28b27 paid 0.01928 BTS for 0.001 OPEN.STEEM
d36c440f wants 5.19 OPEN.STEEM for 100 BTS
22d07607 paid 100 BTS for 5.19 OPEN.STEEM
7c9cfca6 wants 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 80.6 BTS
virtual paid 80.6 BTS for 1,000,020 COMPUCEEDS
092076af paid 0.369 BTS for 0.000001 GOLD
82211455 paid 99.6 BTS for 0.00027 GOLD
119d61bf wants 0.000271 GOLD for 100 BTS
13c143fb paid 383 BTS for 2,555,460 COMPUCEEDS
9aa10740 wants 2,555,460 COMPUCEEDS for 383 BTS
da6e72a4 wants 79,134,325 COMPUCEEDS for 8,000 BTS
virtual paid 8,000 BTS for 79,134,325 COMPUCEEDS
40b5dcff wants 8,733 BTS for 0.0257 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0257 OPEN.BTC for 8,733 BTS
24253a23 cancel order
d3f759eb wants 3,000 BTS for 32,786,885 COMPUCEEDS
1d8e93fa wants 100 COMPUCEEDS for 0.0354 BTS
virtual paid 0.0354 BTS for 100 COMPUCEEDS
5035357a cancel order
7c708771 cancel order
73e54802 cancel order
fa40c6e1 cancel order
24e98d12 cancel order
a12fc425 cancel order
545a0952 cancel order
a1591bf9 cancel order